Trump failed - so will he now try to sabotage Obamacare?

Will Trump try to sabotage Obamacare?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 71.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.9%

  • Total voters
Not that he wants to, but Trump knows he can't ask Democrats for help to fix American healthcare - because his radical base would abandon him. Compromise and consensus are dirty words to them.

Whereas Democrats think those words mean "you give us everything we want and then we vilify you anyway".
Going into Iraq and then having a failed post war period with lots of violence was a SUCCESS for the right.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.

And now the Obama administration wants to TAKE CREDIT for the Iraq war…whew….

I'm not really sure what your point is, other than Democrats and Republicans aren't that much different, I'd agree. The Democrats are hardly the party of the left as most of the world understands left, they're left only in so much as the US doesn't really do left wing politics much at all.

The confused - and there are a lot of them - use the term left as a pejorative and have no understanding of its etymology.

Of course, ignorance is a major part, especially on forums like this.
Why would an honorable president let that happen? Wouldn't an honorable president try to work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare? Don't the American people come before partisan politics?

Just like Obama worked with the Republicans to get Obamacare passed, right!

He asked them for help. They refused. Instead - they obstructed. However, Obama borrowed the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.
All these worthless f.....g politicians failed. Every last one of them.
There should have been a bill put forth to just repeal The Unaffordable Healthcare Act. The law is unconstitutional.
Fuckin idiots.

Which the Dems in the Senate would filibuster.
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

This is what is screwed up with this country. we have someone being paid to investigate why the government isn't advertising for health insurance when they have no business advertising for health insurance to begin with.

Oh and ACA has been a failure since day 1. It has always been a failure. It is still a failure. In fact it was deliberately designed to be a failure. There is is nothing Donald trump or anyone else could do to make it any more of a failure.

But of course now the kool aid drinkers like lakhota and the rest of the low information Democrat are going to blame Republicans for this crappy legislation they had to force on the people with fraud and cheating.

Lives have been destroyed so democrats can have more power.

Really? Why did about 34 House Republicans say they would NOT vote for Trumpcare? Why does Trumpcare only have a 17% approval rating? Why did over 50 organizations oppose Trumpcare - including AARP, AMA, American Hospital Association, and American Cancer Society? Why?

Groups opposing the American Health Care Act

What exactly does all that have to do with whether or not Obamacare sucks? It's not an either/or proposition. It's possible for BOTH plans to be terrible.
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

This is what is screwed up with this country. we have someone being paid to investigate why the government isn't advertising for health insurance when they have no business advertising for health insurance to begin with.

Oh and ACA has been a failure since day 1. It has always been a failure. It is still a failure. In fact it was deliberately designed to be a failure. There is is nothing Donald trump or anyone else could do to make it any more of a failure.

But of course now the kool aid drinkers like lakhota and the rest of the low information Democrat are going to blame Republicans for this crappy legislation they had to force on the people with fraud and cheating.

Lives have been destroyed so democrats can have more power.

Really? Why did about 34 House Republicans say they would NOT vote for Trumpcare? Why does Trumpcare only have a 17% approval rating? Why did over 50 organizations oppose Trumpcare - including AARP, AMA, American Hospital Association, and American Cancer Society? Why?

Groups opposing the American Health Care Act

What exactly does all that have to do with whether or not Obamacare sucks? It's not an either/or proposition. It's possible for BOTH plans to be terrible.

But... if you're a democrat, Obamacare is the best shit since sliced penis pie, and if you're a republican, it's the worst shit since sliced penis pie.
Just like Obama worked with the Republicans to get Obamacare passed, right!

He asked them for help. They refused. Instead - they obstructed. However, Obama borrowed the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.
Just like Obama worked with the Republicans to get Obamacare passed, right!

He asked them for help. They refused. Instead - they obstructed. However, Obama borrowed the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.

Hell yeah. Make them poor ignorant bastards buy that $10,000 deductible insurance and then file bankruptcy the first time they break an arm.
He asked them for help. They refused. Instead - they obstructed. However, Obama borrowed the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.
He asked them for help. They refused. Instead - they obstructed. However, Obama borrowed the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.

Hell yeah. Make them poor ignorant bastards buy that $10,000 deductible insurance and then file bankruptcy the first time they break an arm.

Where did you get the 10k figure?
Not that he wants to, but Trump knows he can't ask Democrats for help to fix American healthcare - because his radical base would abandon him. Compromise and consensus are dirty words to them.

Whereas Democrats think those words mean "you give us everything we want and then we vilify you anyway".
I don't know whether you realize it....but Trumpcare failed because Republicans can't compromise with themselves
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

"Sabotage" Obamacare?

Why would he need to? It's imploding all on its own.

Trump is playing this great by pulling a bill that's designed to put money onto insurance companies pockets just like O-care. Remember, their money is not worth a shit to him. He's a president for the people... He didn't even put his name onto the bill according to some reports. He doesn't seem least bit concerned.

The only people who have issue with this Trump "failure", are the foaming at mouth, butthurt, extreme leftists.
What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.
What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.

Hell yeah. Make them poor ignorant bastards buy that $10,000 deductible insurance and then file bankruptcy the first time they break an arm.

Where did you get the 10k figure?

"Families enrolled in bronze plans will have average deductibles of $12,393, according to the study by the consumer insurance comparison site HealthPocket.

Deductibles for families covered by silver plans are up by the same amount, for an average of $7,474 next year."
He asked them for help. They refused. Instead - they obstructed. However, Obama borrowed the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.
He asked them for help. They refused. Instead - they obstructed. However, Obama borrowed the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

What Republican would want to be connected to government program that fined people for not buying health insurance? Maybe if that worked they could force everyone to buy a Ford or get fined if they don't, huh?

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.

Hell yeah. Make them poor ignorant bastards buy that $10,000 deductible insurance and then file bankruptcy the first time they break an arm.

Where is the 10 grand deduct from??
That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.
That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.

Hell yeah. Make them poor ignorant bastards buy that $10,000 deductible insurance and then file bankruptcy the first time they break an arm.

Where did you get the 10k figure?

"Families enrolled in bronze plans will have average deductibles of $12,393, according to the study by the consumer insurance comparison site HealthPocket.

Deductibles for families covered by silver plans are up by the same amount, for an average of $7,474 next year."

That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.
That's hilarious - especially since Republicans at the Heritage Foundation came up with the idea of the individual mandate in the first place. Obama just borrowed it - from Republicans.

No Republican was stupid enough to vote for an individual mandate. Obama was!

I say fine them more! Also fine the insurance companies not on the exchange.

Hell yeah. Make them poor ignorant bastards buy that $10,000 deductible insurance and then file bankruptcy the first time they break an arm.

Where did you get the 10k figure?

"Families enrolled in bronze plans will have average deductibles of $12,393, according to the study by the consumer insurance comparison site HealthPocket.

Deductibles for families covered by silver plans are up by the same amount, for an average of $7,474 next year."

You are looking at unsubsidized health insurance and then they would be making a larger of money to be non subsidized. Now we need income, magi , no. in household, and if they are working or not, and if so why is his employer not providing health insurance. We need that info to know what you are talking about.
If Obamacare ultimately fails there is only one option

Medicare for all

Republicans will hate that more than Obamacare

How do you figure that would be the only option? When it collapses, we just go back to the system we had before. You can't fault Trump for that one, he tried to do something before the crash. You can't blame Republicans only because Democrats would never join Republicans in creating a new healthcare plan.
Actually, this was a win for Trump. Ryan is a POS and his plan was ACA light. Now the Dem's own the ACA and when it implodes, and it will, he'll hang it around their neck, right where it belongs.
If Obamacare ultimately fails there is only one option

Medicare for all

Republicans will hate that more than Obamacare

How do you figure that would be the only option? When it collapses, we just go back to the system we had before. You can't fault Trump for that one, he tried to do something before the crash. You can't blame Republicans only because Democrats would never join Republicans in creating a new healthcare plan.

Consider this:

S 3590: Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

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