Trump failed - so will he now try to sabotage Obamacare?

Will Trump try to sabotage Obamacare?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 71.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.9%

  • Total voters
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

Sabotage no.

Obama Hellcare will collapse on its own.

I agree that the Freedom Caucus was correct. Ryancare sucked the big weenie.


I think Trump and the GOP should be glad the AHCA did't get passed. First off, it was a POS that was politically motivated and was no better than the ACA. Second, the GOP base didn't like it, and neither did the American voters; when the Dems passed ObamaCare they foolishly thought they could talk the public into liking it and they were wrong and paid a high political price. So IMHO Trump and the GOP avoided making a big mistake and in the process got a wake-up call: do it right guys and if nobody likes what you're doing then stop doing it. I think Trump got a wake-up call too, this is what you're going to have to deal with and letting Ryan run with the ball isn't a good idea. So hopefully Trump and the GOP learn from their mistakes and try a different tack.

The problem is that the failure of the bill keeps healthcare in the hands of Democrats. If passed, it might not have been a great law, but at least the issue would have been back in our court for us to work and improve on.

Failure is failure, and there is no success in failure. As long as we have Republicans waiting for the "perfect" bill or law, then we will continue to fail. That will lead to losing leadership of the Senate, eventually the Congress, and of course, the White House.

I guess (for some reason) some Republicans think this is a path to success. It isn't.

Sometimes you fail plenty of times before you finally end up with something that works. Learning from your mistakes leads to success, were you thinking the GOP was going to get it right with their first shot at it? Welcome to reality.

Well, it might have been nice had they put more effort into making something that benefits the people. But then they just wanted something that benefits the rich, and you can make such a system in two months flat....
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

Sabotage no.

Obama Hellcare will collapse on its own.

I agree that the Freedom Caucus was correct. Ryancare sucked the big weenie.


I think Trump and the GOP should be glad the AHCA did't get passed. First off, it was a POS that was politically motivated and was no better than the ACA. Second, the GOP base didn't like it, and neither did the American voters; when the Dems passed ObamaCare they foolishly thought they could talk the public into liking it and they were wrong and paid a high political price. So IMHO Trump and the GOP avoided making a big mistake and in the process got a wake-up call: do it right guys and if nobody likes what you're doing then stop doing it. I think Trump got a wake-up call too, this is what you're going to have to deal with and letting Ryan run with the ball isn't a good idea. So hopefully Trump and the GOP learn from their mistakes and try a different tack.

The problem is that the failure of the bill keeps healthcare in the hands of Democrats. If passed, it might not have been a great law, but at least the issue would have been back in our court for us to work and improve on.

Failure is failure, and there is no success in failure. As long as we have Republicans waiting for the "perfect" bill or law, then we will continue to fail. That will lead to losing leadership of the Senate, eventually the Congress, and of course, the White House.

I guess (for some reason) some Republicans think this is a path to success. It isn't.

The Bill - ObamaHellcare light - was awful.

Obama Hellcare will collapse on its own.

It must be replaced correctly.

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The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

Sabotage no.

Obama Hellcare will collapse on its own.

I agree that the Freedom Caucus was correct. Ryancare sucked the big weenie.


I think Trump and the GOP should be glad the AHCA did't get passed. First off, it was a POS that was politically motivated and was no better than the ACA. Second, the GOP base didn't like it, and neither did the American voters; when the Dems passed ObamaCare they foolishly thought they could talk the public into liking it and they were wrong and paid a high political price. So IMHO Trump and the GOP avoided making a big mistake and in the process got a wake-up call: do it right guys and if nobody likes what you're doing then stop doing it. I think Trump got a wake-up call too, this is what you're going to have to deal with and letting Ryan run with the ball isn't a good idea. So hopefully Trump and the GOP learn from their mistakes and try a different tack.

The problem is that the failure of the bill keeps healthcare in the hands of Democrats. If passed, it might not have been a great law, but at least the issue would have been back in our court for us to work and improve on.

Failure is failure, and there is no success in failure. As long as we have Republicans waiting for the "perfect" bill or law, then we will continue to fail. That will lead to losing leadership of the Senate, eventually the Congress, and of course, the White House.

I guess (for some reason) some Republicans think this is a path to success. It isn't.

Sometimes you fail plenty of times before you finally end up with something that works. Learning from your mistakes leads to success, were you thinking the GOP was going to get it right with their first shot at it? Welcome to reality.

That's funny - considering that the House has tried to repeal Obamacare over 60 times during the last 7 years. Don't you think 7 years was enough time for them to come up with a better healthcare plan? Just imagine if they had been successful in repealing Obamacare umpteen times ago - they had nothing to replace it with.
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Going into Iraq and then having a failed post war period with lots of violence was a SUCCESS for the right.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.

And now the Obama administration wants to TAKE CREDIT for the Iraq war…whew….
The Democrats and Progressives abhor learning anything from the right.

If they were not so obstinate, they would know that BUSINESSMAN Donald Trump does not view this as a defeat, only the first scrimmage. Washington, both sides of the aisle, seem to be slowly learning that they are working with a businessman and not a politician.

A politician would have kept working and working long after they had said, this is it, take it or I walk away. But they wouldn't walk away and everyone, including themselves, knew they would not walk, impossible, just not the way it is done.

Businessman Donald Trump has TOLD his opponents, and friends, that NOTHING is ever OFF the table entirely. Whether he would use the options or not, he will not take ANYTHING off the table.

Second, and part of the first, he will never tell you, nor should any negotiator, tell your opponent what you will NOT do. That shows your line and your weakness.

Third, if you draw a red line, saying do not cross this line, this is it, take it or leave it. Then you MUST be prepared to walk away.

Everyone could have read this in his book, the Art of the Deal. Obviously, some have but other have either read it and don't believe it, or are just plain ignorant.

Perhaps some members of Congress, including Paul Ryan have learned something and are better prepared for the next round of repealing and replacing Obamacare.

President Trump will not stop, it is not in his nature.
I believe he will fail to defend House v. Burwell in the appellate court, thus ending the cost sharing subsidies and ultimately killing the ACA.

I also believe that if he didn't do that, ACA could definitely survive with some bipartisan compromise amendments - except, I don't think our Congress functions anymore, so that's a pipe dream.

People have had a taste of healthcare now and they want to keep it - watch video from some of the recent town hall meetings with Congresspeople and you'll see that. Even people who voted Trump - and don't forget, Trump promised them excellent healthcare, better than Obamacare and much, much cheaper.

If ACA is destroyed by Trump and the Republican Party, I believe that will ultimately turn some once reliably red states purple or even blue. These people won't stand for watching the needless suffering of their loved ones - family, friends, neighbors - while watching the Trump family travel the globe and vacation every other weekend, and RepubliCON Congresspeople giving massive tax breaks to the rich.

The time is ripe for a peaceful revolution - mark my words.
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

It was the fault of the Lame Republicans, they've had a lot of time to work on something. I would pin only a small amount of blame on Trump.
I have no doubt that Trump and/or HHS Secretary Price will try to sabotage Obamacare. No doubt.
TRANSLATION: I have no evidence Trump or any of his people will ever touch it He doesn't need to since it will go bankrupt on its own. But I have to generate lie after lie and pretend I believe them, so I can try to fool other people into believing me.
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

It was the fault of the Lame Republicans, they've had a lot of time to work on something. I would pin only a small amount of blame on Trump.

Yeah, Trump is just an idiot. Ryan outsmarted him.
I believe he will fail to defend House v. Burwell in the appellate court, thus ending the cost sharing subsidies and ultimately killing the ACA.

I also believe that if he didn't do that, ACA could definitely survive with some bipartisan compromise amendments - except, I don't think our Congress functions anymore, so that's a pipe dream.

People have had a taste of healthcare now and they want to keep it - watch video from some of the recent town hall meetings with Congresspeople and you'll see that. Even people who voted Trump - and don't forget, Trump promised them excellent healthcare, better than Obamacare and much, much cheaper.

If ACA is destroyed by Trump and the Republican Party, I believe that will ultimately turn some once reliably red states purple or even blue. These people won't stand for watching the needless suffering of their loved ones - family, friends, neighbors - while watching the Trump family travel the globe and vacation every other weekend, and RepubliCON Congresspeople giving massive tax breaks to the rich.

The time is ripe for a peaceful revolution - mark my words.

Don't you believe it. Nobody seemed to care when millions of us lost our employer healthcare plans because of Commie Care.
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

Sabotage no.

Obama Hellcare will collapse on its own.

I agree that the Freedom Caucus was correct. Ryancare sucked the big weenie.


I think Trump and the GOP should be glad the AHCA did't get passed. First off, it was a POS that was politically motivated and was no better than the ACA. Second, the GOP base didn't like it, and neither did the American voters; when the Dems passed ObamaCare they foolishly thought they could talk the public into liking it and they were wrong and paid a high political price. So IMHO Trump and the GOP avoided making a big mistake and in the process got a wake-up call: do it right guys and if nobody likes what you're doing then stop doing it. I think Trump got a wake-up call too, this is what you're going to have to deal with and letting Ryan run with the ball isn't a good idea. So hopefully Trump and the GOP learn from their mistakes and try a different tack.

The problem is that the failure of the bill keeps healthcare in the hands of Democrats. If passed, it might not have been a great law, but at least the issue would have been back in our court for us to work and improve on.

Failure is failure, and there is no success in failure. As long as we have Republicans waiting for the "perfect" bill or law, then we will continue to fail. That will lead to losing leadership of the Senate, eventually the Congress, and of course, the White House.

I guess (for some reason) some Republicans think this is a path to success. It isn't.

Sometimes you fail plenty of times before you finally end up with something that works. Learning from your mistakes leads to success, were you thinking the GOP was going to get it right with their first shot at it? Welcome to reality.

Realty is everybody doesn't get what they want in politics. And if everybody is going to hold out until they do, nothing gets done and your opponent walks all over you. Even Ronald Reagan understood that reality. Reagan never got everything he wanted, he just set the stakes high and hoped to bargain down to something that's acceptable.

We should have learned something the last few elections, but many didn't. McCain is a RINO, so many stayed home on election night. Same with Romney, and people did the same.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't stand either candidate, but it sure would have beat 8 years of Obama. Now look at the mess we are in as we approach 20 trillion in debt and still record amount of government dependents.

But hey, those voters sure showed the Republican party, didn't they?

I''ll give the devil his due, Democrats are just better at politics than Republicans. That's because win, lose or draw, there is solidarity in their party I only wish we had. If we continue down this road, then eventually people throw their arms in the air and give up. Then the Democrats take right back over because we will be handing them the power to do so.
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

Sabotage no.

Obama Hellcare will collapse on its own.

I agree that the Freedom Caucus was correct. Ryancare sucked the big weenie.


I think Trump and the GOP should be glad the AHCA did't get passed. First off, it was a POS that was politically motivated and was no better than the ACA. Second, the GOP base didn't like it, and neither did the American voters; when the Dems passed ObamaCare they foolishly thought they could talk the public into liking it and they were wrong and paid a high political price. So IMHO Trump and the GOP avoided making a big mistake and in the process got a wake-up call: do it right guys and if nobody likes what you're doing then stop doing it. I think Trump got a wake-up call too, this is what you're going to have to deal with and letting Ryan run with the ball isn't a good idea. So hopefully Trump and the GOP learn from their mistakes and try a different tack.

The problem is that the failure of the bill keeps healthcare in the hands of Democrats. If passed, it might not have been a great law, but at least the issue would have been back in our court for us to work and improve on.

Failure is failure, and there is no success in failure. As long as we have Republicans waiting for the "perfect" bill or law, then we will continue to fail. That will lead to losing leadership of the Senate, eventually the Congress, and of course, the White House.

I guess (for some reason) some Republicans think this is a path to success. It isn't.

And isn't this the issue.

Obamacare is the Democrats and whatever the right wanted would have been theirs. Fuck the people, fuck what makes sense, fuck that you can get health insurance for cheaper in every country in the world, fuck that many people will suffer, it's all about WINNING....

I guess it would depend on your definition of winning. You see........government taking over more of my life is not something I consider a win.
Going into Iraq and then having a failed post war period with lots of violence was a SUCCESS for the right.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.

And now the Obama administration wants to TAKE CREDIT for the Iraq war…whew….

I'm not really sure what your point is, other than Democrats and Republicans aren't that much different, I'd agree. The Democrats are hardly the party of the left as most of the world understands left, they're left only in so much as the US doesn't really do left wing politics much at all.
Trump doesn't need to do anything. Obamacare was designed to fail. To bad Hillary isn't there to do single payer. Lol

Anyone else hear that echo ^^^?

Stupid people echo propaganda and seem to believe they contribute something - self delusion afoot.
Going into Iraq and then having a failed post war period with lots of violence was a SUCCESS for the right.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.

And now the Obama administration wants to TAKE CREDIT for the Iraq war…whew….

I'm not really sure what your point is, other than Democrats and Republicans aren't that much different, I'd agree. The Democrats are hardly the party of the left as most of the world understands left, they're left only in so much as the US doesn't really do left wing politics much at all.

The confused - and there are a lot of them - use the term left as a pejorative and have no understanding of its etymology.
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

President Donald Trump’s administration said the ads were a waste of money, but Democrats have characterized the action as sabotage.

More: Inspector General Probes Trump Administration's Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

Trump should put his pettiness aside and work with Democrats to fix the glitches in Obamacare. Potitics should be removed from American healthcare. If Trump tries to sabotage Obamacare - then HE will be responsible for its failure!

If you knew anything; You'd know he "sabotaged" Obamacare 1/20/2017

But you don't. You're just here to post as many leftist threads as you can.
If Obamacare ultimately fails there is only one option

Medicare for all

Republicans will hate that more than Obamacare
I have no doubt that Trump and/or HHS Secretary Price will try to sabotage Obamacare. No doubt. NaziCons have been trying to sabotage Obamacare ever since it became the law of the land.

You had no doubt that Hillary would be President. LMFAO

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