Trump family sued by NY

And this has what to do with a thief like Trump? Lol! What a loser.
You are a butt pirate so you have no moral ground with calling anyone a thief. Hell, your party stole the 2020 election and robbed Americans of their Democracy, sold Putin our strategic uranium, and China our strategic oil reserve. Joe and Hunter Biden stole millions during the Obama administration taking bribes from China, Russia, and Iran.

Biden stole jobs from The American People and gave them to Russia when he shut down The XL pipeline then helped Putin open his Russian Pipeline.

Obama, Biden and Clinton used taxpayer money to illegally create COVID 19 and then attacked our Democracy and Elections with it, and also paid Putin for The Dirty Dossier to try to overthrow our Democracy with The Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP.

When President Trump asked why Joe Biden was extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Biden, Kerry, Pelosi and Romney's sons (BAGMEN) instead of investigating The Extortion attempts Biden admitted to, they tried to impeach President Trump for daring to ask about it.

You have a lot of nerve calling anyone a thief, butt pirate.
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You are sick of it because its Trump who is the criminal. If it were Biden, you'd be all about it. You're a hypocrite. And, is Trump above the law or not?
I don't see many saying this phase every time; besides, should you say this only after he is found guilty, not before
You are a butt pirate so you have no moral ground with calling anyone a thief. Hell, your party stole the 2020 election and robbed Americans of their Democracy, sold Putin our strategic uranium, and China our strategic oil reserve. Joe and Hunter Biden stole millions during the Obama administration taking bribes from China, Russia, and Iran.
You talk big, but produce shit. You're a serial liar here. Get lost.
I don't see many saying this phase every time; besides, should you say this only after he is found guilty, not before
So your coward ass can't abnswer the question. This says more about you than him. We have already established Trump is a criminal.

Just so you know DA, Trump plead the Fifth in this case. No one who isn't guilty is going to plead the Fifth.
This lawsuit is baseless... it will be tossed... Damn the desperation is so thick you can cut it with a knife..

Trump is being investigated because Letitia James is doing poorly in the polls and needs to kick the scapegoat to get publicity and fire up her radical left base.

The Demafasict once again weaponizing the Executive to punish political rivals. Horrible abuses.
This RW spin is hilarious.
You'll have your own little non-professional opinions.

It's glorious, and it's all on paper with signatures.
Scalise on lawsuit against Trump by NY AG James: She ran on a platform of just going after Donald Trump and carrying out a political vendetta. She should be spending time putting criminals in jail in New York, which crime is out of control. Clearly, She's not focused on that.
New York sues Donald Trump, company and family members over widespread fraud claims, seeks at least $250 million in penalties

New York Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday sued former President Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, three of his adult children, and others for allegedly widespread fraud involving false financial statements related to the company.

The lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court seeks at least $250 million in damages.

The complaint says that Trump’s personal financial statements “for the period 2011 through 2021 were fraudulent and misleading in both their composition and presentation.”

″ The number of grossly inflated asset values is staggering, affecting most if not all of the real estate holdings in any given year. All told, Mr. Trump, the Trump Organization, and the other Defendants, as part of a repeated pattern and common scheme, derived more than 200 false and misleading valuations of assets included in the 11 Statements covering 2011 through 2021.”

Another legal front opens up for the Trump crime family.
Geez wonder if this AG ever heard of two sets of books for public corporations?
  • One set for SEC
  • one set for IRS!
One of the dirty little secrets of finance is that publicly traded corporations maintain two different sets of “books,” or accounting ledgers.
Before you get all riled up and start calling various attorney generals’ offices, understand that it is perfectly legal and normal.
One set of books is for the financial statements that they present to shareholders when they file their quarterly reports with the U.S. SEC, and that set is prepared according to GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles).
The other set is the books they keep to pay their taxes to the IRS.
You talk big, but produce shit. You're a serial liar here. Get lost.
Your lying slave mind cannot handle anything unless it comes from your lying slave masters.
Take the Red Pill of reality some day and perhaps you will no longer be a slave to The Matrix.
I wonder if this will need to be updated?

You go girl! Take his nuts!
She's going to go alright. This won't help her failing campaign - might even hurt it. She is already losing in deep blue New York because she's utterly corrupt and has a vendetta against Trump.

So she'll go - out of office. And hopefully she'll go to prison for abuse of power and prosecutorial misconduct, once an honest AG takes over.
Scalise on lawsuit against Trump by NY AG James: She ran on a platform of just going after Donald Trump and carrying out a political vendetta. She should be spending time putting criminals in jail in New York, which crime is out of control. Clearly, She's not focused on that.
Judge and jury also ran on that?

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