Trump family sued by NY

So your coward ass can't abnswer the question. This says more about you than him. We have already established Trump is a criminal.

Just so you know DA, Trump plead the Fifth in this case. No one who isn't guilty is going to plead the Fifth.
What is your definition of a woman?
Democrat AG of NY: "I am filing charges on Trump's entire family"

Republican AG of ND: "Conservative teen murdered? Sorry not my job"

Spot the difference
Donald Trump claimed his Trump Tower penthouse was 3x bigger than it is, so as to inflate its value for the purposes of overvaluing the overall property and obtaining more loans. There is no innocent explanation unless he claims he let Eric calculate the square footage.
Right....Hillary just lied out her fat ass because she knows that nobody will old her to account.


OK. Good story bro. Why elect politicians that cant hold people to account? Vote democrat and watch them hold criminals to account.
Trumpyboy is barking...

Like they held the George Floyd rioters, looters, and murderers to account?

Oh wait......

This RW spin is hilarious.
You'll have your own little non-professional opinions.

It's glorious, and it's all on paper with signatures.
what's the spin? this spin is the fact you guys after 8 years "indictment any day...." are stuck with civil suit against the indictment, no criminal charges....not going to jail....nothing...

There were thousands, and you come up with a couple fucking tokens.

Piss off.

P.S....USA Today's "fact checkers" are fucking hacks, so you can stuff that up your ass too.
She's going to go alright. This won't help her failing campaign - might even hurt it. She is already losing in deep blue New York because she's utterly corrupt and has a vendetta against Trump.

So she'll go - out of office. And hopefully she'll go to prison for abuse of power and prosecutorial misconduct, once an honest AG takes over.
Don't bet against a political black girl.
There were thousands, and you come up with a couple fucking tokens.

Piss off.

P.S....USA Today's "fact checkers" are fucking hacks, so you can stuff that up your ass too.
You deleted the link that had the thousands arrested dumbfuck. I know you want to gaslight yourself but here it is:



Trumps attorney, you know her as the one at Mar-A-Lago and the FBI "raid" is calling it a "witch hunt" for political gain. Sounds like DeSantis (mini Trump)

"James' lawsuit comes following a three-year investigation that saw her gather evidence against the former president. This includes the allegation that Trump lied over 200 times about the value of his assets, with the lawsuit saying that he made “scores of fraudulent, false, and misleading representations” over a 10-year period"

“The financial statements in question were issued annually; each contained a significant number of fraudulent, false, and misleading representations about a great many of the Trump Organization’s assets; and most played a role in particular transactions with financial institutions,” the lawsuit said.

"James' office further went on to claim that they had evidence of the Trump Organization using phony numbers to obtain tax write-offs. According to the lawsuit, this resulted in a massive tax fraud scheme that lasted years. In a related lawsuit, the Trump Organization's former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, pleaded guilty in August to enabling this scheme for over 15 years. Weisselberg was also named in today's lawsuit"


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