Trump family sued by NY

what's the spin? this spin is the fact you guys after 8 years "indictment any day...." are stuck with civil suit against the indictment, no criminal charges....not going to jail....nothing...
The same suit filed in January that got noplace.
Your lying slave mind cannot handle anything unless it comes from your lying slave masters.
Take the Red Pill of reality some day and perhaps you will no longer be a slave to The Matrix.
The Matrix? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: You must live in fantasy land? Oh, that's right, we already knew that.
what's the spin? this spin is the fact you guys after 8 years "indictment any day...." are stuck with civil suit against the indictment, no criminal charges....not going to jail....nothing...
Are you telling us you support a thief?
She knows that she does not have the evidence to charge Trump & his family with ANY crimes so she became desperate and filed a Civil Lawsuit.
She will fail.
This is nothing more than a political hit job & that Black Racist knows it.
Trump plead the Fifth. And this is a political hit job? :abgg2q.jpg:
The Matrix? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: You must live in fantasy land? Oh, that's right, we already knew that.
The Matrix is where you live. Libtardia land, where you don't know the difference between a man or a woman, and believe every lie pronounced from your Slave Masters on high. You are Delusional, and Irrational, Spiritually and Morally Corrupt and incapable of independent thought.

You are a slave, but you like being a slave, don't you slave? Useful Idiots are Useful Slaves. Worst part is, you did it to yourself.

OK. Good story bro. Why elect politicians that cant hold people to account? Vote democrat and watch them hold criminals to account.
Progs are killing citizens in deep blue areas. Serving them up as offering to the demons they adore. Prog voters are accessories to murder in many ways. There are many corrupted Prog politicians. They are just not charged unless it they are served up as an offering to placate people.
Think people. If the loan companies weren't happy with valuations of Trump assets they could have just denied the loans. Where's the harm? Did Trump pay more taxes than he should have? Yes, if his assets were overvalued. He's not stupid. He wouldn't do that.
The Matrix is where you live. Libtardia land, where you don't know the difference between a man or a woman, and believe every lie pronounced from your Slave Masters on high. You are Delusional, and Irrational, Spiritually and Morally Corrupt and incapable of independent thought.

You are a slave, but you like being a slave, don't you slave? Useful Idiots are Useful Slaves. Worst part is, you did it to yourself.
Like I said, that's your fantasy, not mine. Slave masters? Like you have an intelligent argument for that. You don't.

And you want to talk about spiritually and morally corrupt while supporting a thief who stole from us. Talk about pot and kettle. :laughing0301: Dude, you're a hoot.
In other words, despite years af investigation I can’t find any criminal activity so I’ll file a civil lawsuit instead of dropping my witch hunt.
NY AG is serious bout going after trump's crime family, trump is a colossal thug...

Found guilty of what?
Found guilty of what?

are you a fuck**ng moron?

New York sues Donald Trump, company and family members over widespread fraud claims, seeks at least $250 million in penalties

New York Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday sued former President Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, three of his adult children, and others for allegedly widespread fraud involving false financial statements related to the company.

The lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court seeks at least $250 million in damages.

The complaint says that Trump’s personal financial statements “for the period 2011 through 2021 were fraudulent and misleading in both their composition and presentation.”

″ The number of grossly inflated asset values is staggering, affecting most if not all of the real estate holdings in any given year. All told, Mr. Trump, the Trump Organization, and the other Defendants, as part of a repeated pattern and common scheme, derived more than 200 false and misleading valuations of assets included in the 11 Statements covering 2011 through 2021.”

Another legal front opens up for the Trump crime family.

Surely you children have him THIS time!!!!
Her case is a civil one. Her referrals to the SDNY, and the IRS can result in criminal cases. The criminal prosecutor in Manhattan refused to bring criminal charges, that resulted in two career prosecutors resigning in protest.

That new DA better damn well hope he doesn’t have any new found wealth, the feds can dig up, and that he’s just a fool.
The IRS has audited and investigated Trump over and over again without finding anything. This is just political harassment by a partisan official who was elected on a platform to get Trump.

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