Trump family sued by NY

Like I said, that's your fantasy, not mine. Slave masters? Like you have an intelligent argument for that. You don't.

And you want to talk about spiritually and morally corrupt while supporting a thief who stole from us. Talk about pot and kettle. :laughing0301: Dude, you're a hoot.
Exactly what do you think people are that believe lies, spread false information, and engage in things like Russian Collusion COUPS if not DELUSIONAL, if not SLAVES to a machine they do not understand?

They are slaves to the very lies they tell and believe. You and your so called friends are Slaves to your own moral corruption, and lies and will end up in Hell.

Hell is your eventual destination unless by a miracle, you wake up and realize that none of what you waste your time on here advocating is about politics.

It is spiritual warfare you are engaged in, only being morally and spiritually corrupt, you are unable to see that reality, and you are losing the war for your own soul.

You then are a slave, and a blind one at that because you cannot see the chains that already bind you.
Letitia James is WAY smarter than you.

Letitia James has less IQ point than the shit I took this morning - but that is irrelevant.

The claim by your fellow fascist is that Trump was undervaluing his property to avoid taxes - a direct, outright lie.

Even this corrupt pile of shit James hasn't made such a claim - the dumbfuck is claiming he OVER valued property in a different state. That she has no jurisdiction in Florida doesn't seem to sink in for the corrupt cvnt.
Exactly what do you think people are the believe lies, spread false information, and engage in things like Russian Collusion COUPS if not DELUSIONAL? They are slaves to the very lies they tell and believe. These Slaves to their own moral corruption end up in Hell. That is your eventual destination unless by a miracle, you wake up and realize that none of what you waste your time here advocating is about politics.

It is spiritual warfare, and you are losing the war for your own soul.
If Russian collusion were a delusion you'd have an argument for it. You don't;

You keep jumping around everywhere with shit you can't back up or debunk. You're a loser. Only someone who keeps shifting topics already knows they are losing. It's why they shift.

You can't even debate my last claim, so you jump to something else. You are the exhibit A chicken with the head cut off. It's pitiful.
If Russian collusion were a delusion you'd have an argument for it. You don't;

You kep jumping around everywhere with shit you can't back up or debunk. You're a loser. Only someone who keeps shifting topics already knows they are losing. It's why they shift.

You can't even debate my last claim, so you jump to something else. You are the exhibit A chicken with the head cut off. It's pitiful.

The Slave Mind Set will not let you see anything else. You and those you agree with are nothing but the blind leading the blind, and you all will fall into The Pit.
Think people. If the loan companies weren't happy with valuations of Trump assets they could have just denied the loans. Where's the harm? Did Trump pay more taxes than he should have? Yes, if his assets were overvalued. He's not stupid. He wouldn't do that.
Every loan agreement contained a due diligence clause. You could bet your 401k on it. It is up to the lender to independently value the asset and agrees that they did not rely on any promise or representation made. So. Pffft.
The IRS has audited and investigated Trump over and over again without finding anything. This is just political harassment by a partisan official who was elected on a platform to get Trump.
If Trump is being sued, they found something. You are delusional.
If Trump did something wrong, does that make Laticia James any less of a criminal?

Yes, you hate Trump. We get it, he's the object of your insanity.
Do you have any documented criminal eviidence against her? Of course not. You just said absolutely nothing, because you're a sore loser. Fuck off.
If Russian collusion were a delusion you'd have an argument for it. You don't;

You keep jumping around everywhere with shit you can't back up or debunk. You're a loser. Only someone who keeps shifting topics already knows they are losing. It's why they shift.

You can't even debate my last claim, so you jump to something else. You are the exhibit A chicken with the head cut off. It's pitiful.

How in the world is that collusion, which has no legal definition?

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