Trump family sued by NY

Exactly. If we don't pay our taxes we get ass raped with a hot pocker. But it's no big deal if you're rich.

Uh stupid fuck; you don't mind that I call you stupid fuck do you? I think I will.

I corrected you on this lie earlier - that corrupt pile of shit James is claiming Trump OVER VALUED Mar-a-Lago. No one claims he under valued to avoid taxes.

Further - as James is too fucking stupid to grasp. Florida is a different states.

You Nazi vermin have no authority in other states. Crooked Laticia only has authority in New York, and only for a few more months.
Oh. Criminal Referral to Justice in addition to the civil suit.

That's bigger than I thought.
That confirms it Blowhard.

The Mar-a-Lago abuse of power failed - onward to the next abuse.

You fucking Nazis have nothing but contempt for the rule of law.

Hopefully Michael Henry prosecutes Leticia and puts her in prison for a LONG time for her abuse of power.
Uh stupid fuck; you don't mind that I call you stupid fuck do you? I think I will.

I corrected you on this lie earlier - that corrupt pile of shit James is claiming Trump OVER VALUED Mar-a-Lago. No one claims he under valued to avoid taxes.

Further - as James is too fucking stupid to grasp. Florida is a different states.

You Nazi vermin have no authority in other states. Crooked Laticia only has authority in New York, and only for a few more months.
Aren't anti-abortion zealots in office currently trying to assert their state's wishes onto other states when it comes to people going over to other states to have abortions?
Uh stupid fuck; you don't mind that I call you stupid fuck do you? I think I will.

I corrected you on this lie earlier - that corrupt pile of shit James is claiming Trump OVER VALUED Mar-a-Lago. No one claims he under valued to avoid taxes.

Further - as James is too fucking stupid to grasp. Florida is a different states.

You Nazi vermin have no authority in other states. Crooked Laticia only has authority in New York, and only for a few more months.
James has no authority in Florida. Her blackness doesn't make her queen of the world.

This is her second filing against Trump for her same wet dreams.
Do you have any documented criminal eviidence against her?


Abuse of power, racketeering, prosecutorial misconduct - and that's only in her vendetta against her political enemies.

She's as crooked as they come.

Hey, but at least she doesn't uphold the laws of the state.

Of course not. You just said absolutely nothing, because you're a sore loser. Fuck off.

You're an idiot - it's why you're a Nazi.
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of the last few mayors with which NYC as been afflicted---Rudy is
the least of the afflictions
We're all entitled to our opinions.

But you were correct when you said over 10 years.

However, once a NYer always a NYer and I keep tabs somewhat on what's going on in my old stomping grounds.
Fucking Nazi twat is desperate.

She needs free publicity.
I thought only criminals took the 5th, according to Trump.

Oh, wait. That's what The Donald is. Father of the year recruited his own children into his criminal enterprise. What a guy!

How long before Gangster Trump throws them under the bus?
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James has no authority in Florida. Her blackness doesn't make her queen of the world.

This is her second filing against Trump for her same wet dreams.
She got into office on Trump hatred, but is too stupid to grasp that times have changed and the nation is tired of the mindless hate that defines the fascist left.

It's astounding to think that in deep blue NY a democrat would lose the AG race, but every indication is that James will lose to Henry by a big margin. Her pro-crime stance coupled with her obsession with Trump have sunk her.
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Wait on the same thread I've been called a Stalinist and now a Nazi. Can you guys get your stories straight?
Are you a Stalinist or a Nazi?

Is this a Chihuahua or a dog? (or is it Joe Biden?)

If you’re a prominent Republican in New York State, move your business out immediately. NY AGs have a history of using their office for political gain since Spitzer
Why, because Spitzer went after Wall St goons & bankers?
Trump is a lot nicer than I am. I would put every square inch of New York real estate on the market. All at once. One big dump. The value of real estate would dive like a rocket. Pending sales would be abandoned. It would be a monumental crash.

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