Trump fans MOCK Floyd death at peaceful protest


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Obama fans--blacks--- MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa....what's worse--mocking or MURDER?
Deflection, of course.

One of these days, one of you guys will act like honest adults and hold your own side accountable for something, and you'll shock us.
....WWWOOOOOPPPPPIEDEEEEDOOOOO..mocking!!!!!!!!!!...while blacks MURDER at much HIGHER rates
Obama fans--blacks--- MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa....what's worse--mocking or MURDER?
Deflection, of course.

One of these days, one of you guys will act like honest adults and hold your own side accountable for something, and you'll shock us.
not deflection--TRUTH
One of these days, one of you guys will act like an honest adult and hold your own side accountable for something, and you'll shock us.
..o yes---talking about DISRUPTING peaceful protests---that's the left--just like nazis:

The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents

etc many many links
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


I'm voting for Trump, but I have a big problem with this.
This is ridiculous activity, but, then, this entire situation is a mockery of real action, thought, justice or attempt to reach profound understanding and change.
And worse, it all feeds on itself, as if both ends want it to.
Precisely. They are all following the wishes of the enemies to America.
Agreed and they are unknowingly assisting the power elite, who’s goal is continued division of the people.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?

You do the same thing when you mock "political correctness".

Pot, meet kettle.

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