Trump fans want Kelly banned from future debates

how cute to see a leftwinger WHO hated on FOX NEWS care for some woman host on the station. isn't is so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Don't see much support for Kelly, but it is odd that this is the only time the right has acknowledged the one sided behavior that fox is known for. You really should read the OP. There is nothing there in support of fox or Kelly.

Stephanie can't read.....she's just angry because her idol Trump was exposed for what he is and she thinks we are defending Kelly. Kelly isn't smart enough or bold enough to have come up with those questions on her own. We've all known that Faux tells their commentators what to watch Faux News unleash it's wrath on Trump. It's going to be really fun watching. :popcorn:

I'm willing to bet that Kelly doesn't get fired.
Why should she be fired? You're really out of touch.
Listen to this review with all the history of those comment. Kelly SHOULD be fired as it WAS a set up.

That whiney Levin guy is as dumb as trump.

I didn't listen to the whole was too long for me to waste my time. There were only 2 things I would agree with that this dude said. 1. "Liberals were laughing". and 2. "It was a spectable".

But he's right.....the questions they were asked weren't fair....Republican/conservative politicians can't handle questions that expose them, even if they are true. That's why it was so awful for the debate.......Trump doubled down on his mean-spirited responses. Faux needs to ask them questions that they have already rehearsed answers for, so they all can sound wonderful......and then everyone can go ahead and vote at the primary for their choice, which they probably have already made up their minds about.
It's obvious Megan Kelly is biased against Trump. She should be replaced with someone more neutral.
Free speech to you is liberal speech. Anything else, not so much.
No, moron – free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations, such as Fox, the RNC, or individual republican candidates.

A private organization not allowing a political candidate to participate at a debate doesn't constitute a 'violation' of 'free speech.'

Given your posting history, you truly are this stupid.
Look at the deflection, everybody. :lol:

Congratulations. 5 posts in a row and not one of them with substance. Icons, grammar corrections, and name calling. Good job, airhead.

A picture is worth a thousand words. There is no point in repeating what has already been said.

To repeatedly say stupid and ignorant things, as you do, and to repeatedly insult people with the same insults does not make you a poster of any substance at all. Understanding that less often means more is something probably beyond your comprehension.

You love to call others stupid and airheads or to misinterpret what they say, such as insinuating someone is drinking, because you either don't understand or don't appreciate what they are saying: that's what shows you to be limited.

You live in a glass house: you need to learn not to throw so many stones. You are obviously dense, narrow minded, unintelligent, ignorant and bigoted, yet you continue to say that others are such. That illustrates in neon lights your own very extensive limitations.

In real life, you are not even someone I would dignify with any attention, interchange or engagement whatsoever: you are too uneducated, stupid, ignorant, and just plain boorish. A quintessential knuckle dragger.
Pretty long speech there for somebody who wouldn't dignify me with any attention, interchange or engagement whatsoever. And coming back 15 minutes later to edit your post shows how "disinterested" you are. Anyway, aside from your anger over being called out on your lack of substance, you turned right around and did it again.

It's 'asinine.' You need to do grammar and spell check, unless you intended, in this case, a play on words. Mr. Trump does behave like an ass.

All of your posts are without substance, no comment on the OP, just swipes at other posters. Just an observation. Sorry if you can't handle it.
quid pro quo. Trump uninvited-Kelly no more moderator.
Sounds like a plan to me.

A "Writ of mandamus" was sent to Trumps Attorney, having Trumps Attorney ORDER Donald Trump to no longer participate in debates, due Mr.Trump showing off his assinine behavior. ;) :cool:

Shadow 355




I made that up, it was just a joke. NO the Mandamus did not happen ; but it was me anyway.

Shadow 355
as much as i dislike the way Kelly acted towards Trump.. its good practice because you know the libs and Pant suit lady is going to come hard at him.........
And as the PLOT THICKENS against Trump....

LOTFI: Fox News one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest donors for better part of two decades!!!!!!!!

truth in media ^ | Jul 3, 2014 | Michael Lotfi
To many, it seems contrary to intuition that Fox News could be one of the Clinton family’s largest donors for the better part of two decades. Check your intuition at the door- it’s true. According to Federal Election Commission and Center for Responsive Politics data, 21st Century Fox News Corp. has donated more than $3 million to Clinton family accounts. Overall, this lands Fox as the Clinton family’s 9th largest donor over the course of the family’s political involvement. (Table of Donors)

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