Trump Flip-Flops on Shut down/Wall.. Kelly Leaving, Mattis Resigns

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
What a Treasonous Clown Trump is.
He made a whole show for the Media with Schumer and Pelosi in the WH.. then FOLDED on the Wall.

THEN, the Right Wingers (Radio and Congress) have a **** FIT yesterday... so he Goes back to his "Gotta have a Wall or shut down" Position.

Then, apparently without ANYONE'S agreement in Defense or State, he shocks the Planet (except for his Boss Putin) on Syria,.
Strengthening Russia, Iran and Turkey.

So it's just Trump and Jared reading intelligence reports and using them to make more personally beneficial (emoluments) deals, and avoid Russia dumping the Kompromat on his head.

Trump's former campaign cronies Pleading Guilty.
Trumps Foundation, Campaign, Transition, Presidency, AND Company under investigation.
(Democrats not even sworn in yet in House)

No one is left except demented Rudy, Kellyanne, and Sarah.. the world's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th biggest Liars.

The country, administration, and Stock Market are in Free fall.

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The Trump shit show continues. I have sold all my stock. The market will be 10,000 by the time Trump is through.
The Trump shit show continues. I have sold all my stock. The market will be 10,000 by the time the Trump is through.
I haven't sold out, but I have made so pretty significant changes that's for sure.
What a Treasonous Clown Trump is.
He made a whole show for the Media with Schumer and Pellosi in the WH.. then FOLDED on the Wall.

THEN, the Right Wingers (Radio and Congress) have a **** FIT yesterday... and he Goes back to his "Gotta have a Wall or shut down" Position.

Then, apparently without ANYONE'S agreement in Defense or State, he shocks the Planet (except for his Boss Putin) on Syria,.
Strengthening Russia, Iran and Turkey.

So it's just Trump and Jared reading intelligence reports and using them to make more personally beneficial (emoluments) deals, and avoid Russia dumping the Kompromat on his head.

Trump's former campaign cronies Pleading Guilty.
Trumps Foundation, Campaign, Transition, Presidency, AND Company under investigation.
(Democrats not even sworn in yet in House)

No one is left to except demented Rudy, Kellyanne, and Sarah.. the world's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th biggest Liars.

The country, administration, and Stock Market are in Free fall.

Is this the latest spin you cock gobblers made up?
Trump never changed his position.
The media fed us a line of BS about him backing down.
It's clear the military establishment has leaders that are holdovers from the Obama Administration.
Trump is simply cleaning house.
He's shown himself to be UNFIT.
(Amendment 25)

Just when you think the MAYHEM can't get any worse.
another Wacky Week beats the last!

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What a Treasonous Clown Trump is.
He made a whole show for the Media with Schumer and Pellosi in the WH.. then FOLDED on the Wall.

THEN, the Right Wingers (Radio and Congress) have a *** FIT yesterday... and he Goes back to his "Gotta have a Wall or shut down" Position.

Then, apparently without ANYONE'S agreement in Defense or State, he shocks the Planet (except for his Boss Putin) on Syria,.
Strengthening Russia, Iran and Turkey.

So it's just Trump and Jared reading intelligence reports and using them to make more personally beneficial (emoluments) deals, and avoid Russia dumping the Kompromat on his head.

Trump's former campaign cronies Pleading Guilty.
Trumps Foundation, Campaign, Transition, Presidency, AND Company under investigation.
(Democrats not even sworn in yet in House)

No one is left to except demented Rudy, Kellyanne, and Sarah.. the world's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th biggest Liars.

The country, administration, and Stock Market are in Free fall.

Nothings changed....filthy lowlife pieces of shits, wetbacks, Fudge Packers, Feminazis and weirdos still hate Trump..yeah, yeah...we totally get it. New fucking material please.
We will be fucking Broke Losers like yourself the way the Orange menace is going.

Haha...please stop the bottom feeders are always begging for free shit, don’t act like you have something to lose...nobody sane will buy the bullshit you’re selling...sorry.
What a Treasonous Clown Trump is.
He made a whole show for the Media with Schumer and Pellosi in the WH.. then FOLDED on the Wall.

THEN, the Right Wingers (Radio and Congress) have a **** FIT yesterday... and he Goes back to his "Gotta have a Wall or shut down" Position.

Then, apparently without ANYONE'S agreement in Defense or State, he shocks the Planet (except for his Boss Putin) on Syria,.
Strengthening Russia, Iran and Turkey.

So it's just Trump and Jared reading intelligence reports and using them to make more personally beneficial (emoluments) deals, and avoid Russia dumping the Kompromat on his head.

Trump's former campaign cronies Pleading Guilty.
Trumps Foundation, Campaign, Transition, Presidency, AND Company under investigation.
(Democrats not even sworn in yet in House)

No one is left to except demented Rudy, Kellyanne, and Sarah.. the world's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th biggest Liars.

The country, administration, and Stock Market are in Free fall.

Is this the latest spin you cock gobblers made up?
Trump never changed his position.
The media fed us a line of BS about him backing down.
It's clear the military establishment has leaders that are holdovers from the Obama Administration.
Trump is simply cleaning house.

He should probably clean his pants first.
What a Treasonous Clown Trump is.
He made a whole show for the Media with Schumer and Pellosi in the WH.. then FOLDED on the Wall.

THEN, the Right Wingers (Radio and Congress) have a *** FIT yesterday... and he Goes back to his "Gotta have a Wall or shut down" Position.

Then, apparently without ANYONE'S agreement in Defense or State, he shocks the Planet (except for his Boss Putin) on Syria,.
Strengthening Russia, Iran and Turkey.

So it's just Trump and Jared reading intelligence reports and using them to make more personally beneficial (emoluments) deals, and avoid Russia dumping the Kompromat on his head.

Trump's former campaign cronies Pleading Guilty.
Trumps Foundation, Campaign, Transition, Presidency, AND Company under investigation.
(Democrats not even sworn in yet in House)

No one is left to except demented Rudy, Kellyanne, and Sarah.. the world's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th biggest Liars.

The country, administration, and Stock Market are in Free fall.

Nothings changed....filthy lowlife pieces of shits, wetbacks, Fudge Packers, Feminazis and weirdos still hate Trump..yeah, yeah...we totally get it. New fucking material please.
We will be fucking Broke Losers like yourself the way the Orange menace is going.

Haha...please stop the bottom feeders are always begging for free shit, don’t act like you have something to lose...nobody sane will buy the bullshit you’re selling...sorry.

I've got better things to do than take advice from a guy named broke loser.
He's shown himself to be UNFIT.
(Amendment 25)

Just when you think the MAYHEM can't get any worse.
another Wacky Week beats the last!

And when Obama pulled out of Iraq I bet you bleated like a sheep "WHAT A WONDERFUL PRESIDENT!!!"

Fucking Raghead faggot!!
He's shown himself to be UNFIT.
(Amendment 25)

Just when you think the MAYHEM can't get any worse.
another Wacky Week beats the last!

And when Obama pulled out of Iraq I bet you bleated like a sheep "WHAT A WONDERFUL PRESIDENT!!!"

Fucking Raghead faggot!!
Actually I was glad when they killed Saddam, a Crazy Rapist Dicktator like Trumpov.
But at least Saddam was loyal to his country.

I bet You were thrilled when 'W' declared Victory in Iraq!.

ALL Trump supporters are stupid traitors who've sold out country for party.

And you need to look up who 'abu afak' is you Low IQ **** licker
Both Kelly and Mattis have been on the job for two years. That's about how long most stay in cabinet positions.

They are both retired military and will now enjoy their retirement.

Both will be missed.
He's shown himself to be UNFIT.
(Amendment 25)

Just when you think the MAYHEM can't get any worse.
another Wacky Week beats the last!

And when Obama pulled out of Iraq I bet you bleated like a sheep "WHAT A WONDERFUL PRESIDENT!!!"

Fucking Raghead faggot!!
Actually I was glad when they killed Saddam, a Crazy Rapist Dicktator like Trumpov.
But at least Saddam was loyal to his country.

I bet You were thrilled when 'W' declared Victory in Iraq!.

ALL Trump supporters are stupid traitors who've sold out country for party.

And you need to look up who 'abu afak' is you Low IQ **** licker
There was nothing loyal about Saddam
I had mixed feelings about Iraq, but since I had been in Kuwait in 91' and 92' and seen what the Republican Guard did to their neighbors in Kuwait City, I figured what happened to them was kharma.

The problem with Trump critics is they are so blinded by hate that they cannot see that they are being manipulated by a corrupt media and a Deep State that has caused hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, to die in useless wars.

And calling yourself 'abu afak' just shows how confused you are about politics, especially since you're on one side of the issue but seem to foolishly support the spread of Islam all over the planet like your typical Libroid retard.
....The problem with Trump critics is they are so blinded by hate that they cannot see that they are being manipulated by a corrupt media and a Deep State that has caused hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, to die in useless wars.
I was actually happy when Trump entered the Race in 2015/16.
I agreed (still agree) with his themes on Immigration and trade!

But he has shown himself to not only be Pathological Liar, but almost certainly a traitor owned by Putin.
I am outraged at his daily lies/dishonest acts,including trying to shut down every honest man (most Republicans) who have tried to investigate him.,
He's a Criminal and sociopath.

Despite having many issues I don't agree with Trump/the Right on, I would be THRILLED to have a Real Sane, Conservative, Christian, and Patriot as President.
Pence 2019!
Imagine Real principles withOut the Mayhem, Dishonesty and Treason.

Mudwhistle said:
And calling yourself 'abu afak' just shows how confused you are about politics, especially since you're on one side of the issue but seem to foolishly support the spread of Islam all over the planet like your typical Libroid retard.
You didn't look up who 'abu afak' was.
That's really unbelievably (sorry) STUPID on your part.
a-a was the first or second named person (a Jewish critic) Mohammed had killed.

I am one of the biggest and most knowledgeable critics of Islam on Major message boards.
(abu afak/mbig) (mbig being an acronym for my first handle on Yahoo 20 years ago,murdered_by_Islamic_gunmen)
Fallaci: "This is what I write about Europe..
Poll: UK Muslims have ZERO tolerance of Homosexuality. 0-fer-500
An ACTUAL poll of Muslim beliefs

Now go eat some Crow sushi you Idiot.
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....The problem with Trump critics is they are so blinded by hate that they cannot see that they are being manipulated by a corrupt media and a Deep State that has caused hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, to die in useless wars.
I was actually happy when Trump entered the Race in 2015/16.
I agreed (still agree) with his themes on Immigration and trade!

But he has shown himself to not only be Pathological Liar, but almost certainly a traitor owned by Putin.
I am outraged at his daily lies/dishonest acts,including trying to shut down every honest man (most Republicans) who have tried to investigate him.,
He's a Criminal and sociopath.

Despite having many issues I don't agree with Trump/the Right on, I would be THRILLED to have a Real Sane, Conservative, Christian, and Patriot as President.
Pence 2019!
Imagine Real principles withOut the Mayhem, Dishonesty and Treason.

Mudwhistle said:
And calling yourself 'abu afak' just shows how confused you are about politics, especially since you're on one side of the issue but seem to foolishly support the spread of Islam all over the planet like your typical Libroid retard.
You didn't look up who 'abu afak' was.
That's really unbelievably (sorry) STUPID on your part.
a-a was the first or second named person (a Jewish critic) Mohammed had killed.

I am one of the biggest and most knowledgeable critics of Islam on Major message boards.
(abu afak/mbig) (mbig being an acronym for my first handle on Yahoo 20 years ago,murdered_by_Islamic_gunmen)
Fallaci: "This is what I write about Europe..
Poll: UK Muslims have ZERO tolerance of Homosexuality. 0-fer-500
An ACTUAL poll of Muslim beliefs

Now go eat some Crow sushi you Idiot.
Serve it to yourself.
I know what it means.
And being against Trump means you are a bit confused.
You say you admire a critic of Mohammed yet everything you say against Trump helps spread Islam and Sharia all over the planet. You are what they call on the left "A useful idiot".
This is a person who has developed irrational prejudices for the very person that is trying to help you. You would rather go along with the Devil than agree with the very person trying to save you from those who do his bidding. The media spins everything Trump says or does in an attempt to appeal to the prejudices of folks like you. Milton said they rationalize this way of thinking thusly:

Here at least we shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
to reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

You claim to be an expert but it appears your common-sense is in short supply because you have no idea what is going on around you and why.

Nothing you see or read in the news can be taken at face value. And nothing can hold back a liar. They don't have to adhere to the truth to weave their web of deceit.

You cannot recognize the truth because you aren't open to it:

Proverbs 13:5

The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves.
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Serve it to yourself.
I know what it means.
And being against Trump means you are a bit confused.
You say you admire a critic of Mohammed yet everything you say against Trump helps spread Islam and Sharia all over the planet. You are what they call on the left "A useful idiot".
This is a person who has developed irrational prejudices for the very person that is trying to help you. You would rather go along with the Devil than agree with the very person trying to save you from those who do his bidding. The media spins everything Trump says or does in an attempt to appeal to the prejudices of folks like you. Milton said they rationalize this way of thinking thusly:

Here at least we shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
to reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

You claim to be an expert but it appears your common-sense is in short supply because you have no idea what is going on around you and why.

Nothing you see or read in the news can be taken at face value. And nothing can hold back a liar. They don't have to adhere to the truth to weave their web of deceit.

You cannot recognize the truth because you aren't open to it:

Proverbs 13:5

The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves.
You are Incoherent.
You answered NOTHING I said.
I am an expert at debating (against) Islam.. you are an empty Piece of ****.
Is this Trump's only qualification? anti-Islam?
Yes, it appears so.
So what, as well.

This week alone (of 100), Trump has disqualified himself as a RAGING Sociopath/LIAR.
On Monday, ON a TV OP with Shumer and Pelosi, he Proclaimed the Shut down would be "Proudly HIS".

Then by Wednesday, he folded his tent and was just going to get on a plane to Mar-a-Lago with NO money for the Wall!

But Far Righties on Radio (Coulter and 10 more) and in Congress, had a **** fit, and he FLOPPED back to his hard line position.....publicly anyway.
BUT.. NOW it was Shumer's shut down if it happened!
Who is "False," "Wicked," etc?

Many more like that.
He just says ANYTHING that suits that day, no matter what he said yesterday. Sociopath.

But.. still not telling McConnell et al, what he really would settle for as he just wants a deal done..
He has NO Principles, only daily postures/Lies, so the deal is hard to form
Jared --- "Secretary of Everything" (and family Bagman) even before everyone else Left - is working on the deal.

But the man is Obviously unstable and raging Liar and Nut case.
He needs to Institutionalized before or after he's impeached.

That's who you support you Sick Muthafukka.
This isn't a Hockey game clown, this is Our country.
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....The problem with Trump critics is they are so blinded by hate that they cannot see that they are being manipulated by a corrupt media and a Deep State that has caused hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, to die in useless wars.
I was actually happy when Trump entered the Race in 2015/16.
I agreed (still agree) with his themes on Immigration and trade!

But he has shown himself to not only be Pathological Liar, but almost certainly a traitor owned by Putin.
I am outraged at his daily lies/dishonest acts,including trying to shut down every honest man (most Republicans) who have tried to investigate him.,
He's a Criminal and sociopath.

Despite having many issues I don't agree with Trump/the Right on, I would be THRILLED to have a Real Sane, Conservative, Christian, and Patriot as President.
Pence 2019!
Imagine Real principles withOut the Mayhem, Dishonesty and Treason.

Mudwhistle said:
And calling yourself 'abu afak' just shows how confused you are about politics, especially since you're on one side of the issue but seem to foolishly support the spread of Islam all over the planet like your typical Libroid retard.
You didn't look up who 'abu afak' was.
That's really unbelievably (sorry) STUPID on your part.
a-a was the first or second named person (a Jewish critic) Mohammed had killed.

I am one of the biggest and most knowledgeable critics of Islam on Major message boards.
(abu afak/mbig) (mbig being an acronym for my first handle on Yahoo 20 years ago,murdered_by_Islamic_gunmen)
Fallaci: "This is what I write about Europe..
Poll: UK Muslims have ZERO tolerance of Homosexuality. 0-fer-500
An ACTUAL poll of Muslim beliefs

Now go eat some Crow sushi you Idiot.

We get it, you're a legend in your own mind.

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