trump folds on govt shutdown

The way to fund the wall is to chant Death to America........refuse to stop support of terror in the middle East.......and get handed 150 Billion on their airfield................

It's okay to spend that on Iran but not the Wall.............The Establishment and Career politicians don't want to fix it.........and don't want secure borders.........The Dems want to change the Demographics for power............and they along with the cowards of the GOP who refuse to do it hold the purse strings.........

I'm VERY VERY disappointed that they folded on this shut down to fund a portion for border security........You don't talk harsh then's TELLING.............He should not back down.....with Dems taking the House the White Flag on this issue is essentially up.........................Horseshit.........

There is a way around this................Start hammering businesses and start deportations in mass across the country.......they will have to respond......And the laws back it up...................Don't see that coming either..............

Utter BS when the majority of the people in this country want our border secure.
What a pussy

This was written on Nov. 23.

Trump threatened a government shutdown if he did not get his way with the border wall. “Could there be a shutdown? There certainly could, and it will be about border security, of which the wall is a part,” Trump said.

Again! How many times has Trump threatened a government shutdown over the border wall Mexico was supposed to pay for ... or so he promised? Three, four, five times, I have lost count. It has yet to happened. Again, more propaganda for his diminishing gullible base

ABC News reported this today, "As Friday’s deadline to fund the government looms, the White House appeared to back off President Donald Trump's $5 billion demand for border wall funding Tuesday, spinning up questionable options that aides hope would allow the president to save face without shutting down the government."

In a rare and short press briefing on Tuesday, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the administration will be looking into other federal agencies to cough up the money for the wall.

“The president has asked every agency to look and see if they have money that can be used for that purpose,” Ms Sanders said. “We’re looking at every avenue available.”

When asked about taxpayer liability for the wall, Sanders said, "We’re not asking American taxpayers for that. We are looking at existing funding through other agencies right now that we can draw on to do that in — immediately."

Was she serious? Well, yes, she was. Only a Trump staffer could say something that stupid. Any existing funding that other agencies have in their coffers is taxpayer money. So, trying to claim the money isn’t coming from the American public is either misinformed or misleading. My God, this is our executive branch. They know less about government than my sixth grade neighbor.

Trump threatened weeks ago to impose a 25% tariff on Chinese goods on Jan. 1. Now he is backing off of that, claiming a deal with China that puts us back to square one. He raves about the deal, but he accomplished nothing other than eliminate a problem he created. In Trump's world, this is success.

This is almost comical. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.

Oh they could take it out of the defense budget.

After all building the wall is in defense of the country.

Keeping illegals out.

Illegals who cost us billions each year. No more illegals and billions saved. Those billions could be put back in the defense budget.

No they cannot. There is no threat to this country from any country. Immigration is a civil function not a military one. They cannot enforce civil law.
Mexico need to control their own civil functions. They fail it becomes a military unarmed invasion.

WTF is a "military unarmed invasion"? The very definition of military is that they are armed, well organized (the refugees aren't), and controlled by a nation.

Do you just string words together, hoping they scare the rubes? Kinda looks like it.
They are unarmed invaders from another country. Though some probably come armed. And the Drug Cartels organize them. They are our enemy.
Wise move by Trump

Better to fold now than to shut down the Government and later surrender to the Dems

Why shut down if you don't have to. Smart move.

The Army Corp of Engineers can build the wall and that's exactly who should be doing it as soon as possible.
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!

Why shut down if you don't have to. Smart move.

The Army Corp of Engineers can build the wall and that's exactly who should be doing it as soon as possible.
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?
Why shut down if you don't have to. Smart move.

The Army Corp of Engineers can build the wall and that's exactly who should be doing it as soon as possible.
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?
Who cares whos money it was?
They sponsor terrorism. I bet that money went towards mercenaries or missile technology.
If i stole something from al queada would you want me to give it back?
The president can't win with the angry incoherent hypocritical left. They want to pull Troops out of harms way and when he does it they hate him for it. He'd be blamed for a government shutdown and when he avoids it they call him a "pussy".
The president can't win with the angry incoherent hypocritical left. They want to pull Troops out of harms way and when he does it they hate him for it. He'd be blamed for a government shutdown and when he avoids it they call him a "pussy".
He is a pussy
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?
Who cares whos money it was?
They sponsor terrorism. I bet that money went towards mercenaries or missile technology.
If i stole something from al queada would you want me to give it back?

Yup. Iran funds every terrorist out there and you can bet some of that money went to fund them. A lot of it went to fund their quest for a nuke.

They should have left that money frozen right where it was.
Why shut down if you don't have to. Smart move.

The Army Corp of Engineers can build the wall and that's exactly who should be doing it as soon as possible.
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?
Doesn't matter who's God Damned money it was.
Obama stole it and gave it to our worst enemy (other than The Democratic Party) so they could fund terrorism and their nuke programs.
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?
Who cares whos money it was?
They sponsor terrorism. I bet that money went towards mercenaries or missile technology.
If i stole something from al queada would you want me to give it back?
If someone paid you for something you never delivered, yes, I would expect you to give the money back. And I'm sure you would.

The $1.8 billion
The Congressional Research Service, the nonpartisan analytic arm of Congress, reviewed this cash transfer in a 2018 report. It gave a total of $1.7 billion.
That was the amount that U.S. and Iranian negotiators settled on to resolve an arms contract between the United States and Iran that predated the Iranian revolution in 1979. Iran had paid for military equipment, and it was never delivered.
As of 1990, there were $400 million in that account. Negotiators agreed that accrued interest would add $1.3 billion to the amount, which is a lot of money — but 25 years is a long time for interest to build up the balance.
The United States sent the money to Iran in euros, Swiss francs and other currencies
Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?
Who cares whos money it was?
They sponsor terrorism. I bet that money went towards mercenaries or missile technology.
If i stole something from al queada would you want me to give it back?

Yup. Iran funds every terrorist out there and you can bet some of that money went to fund them. A lot of it went to fund their quest for a nuke.

They should have left that money frozen right where it was.
It was part of the Iran nuclear deal.
Why shut down if you don't have to. Smart move.

The Army Corp of Engineers can build the wall and that's exactly who should be doing it as soon as possible.
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?

That was NOT Irans money. It was money set aside for victims of Iranian terrorism seized from Iran.

If it was their money why did it have to be snuck in, under cover of darkness, on pallets and converted to Euros?

"The Clinton administration had agreed in 2000 to pay that $400 million to Americans who had won lawsuits against Iran in US courts. These families and individuals had sued the Islamic Republic for damages after the deaths of loved ones or for being the victims themselves of Iran-backed kidnappings or terrorist attacks. At the time, US officials told those families the money would come from Iran."

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - CNNPolitics
The president can't win with the angry incoherent hypocritical left. They want to pull Troops out of harms way and when he does it they hate him for it. He'd be blamed for a government shutdown and when he avoids it they call him a "pussy".

So...learn from that. Liberals arent human. They hate Donald Trump because he shut the government down didnt shut the government down.

How many times can you swallow the propaganda?
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.
And he'd better not send pallets of cash to Iran without Congressional approval by God!!!
That was Iran's money, ordered by a Court for us to pay. I don't blame Iran for wanting it up front before they signed the Deal.
Will you assholes ever stop with this bullshit?
Doesn't matter who's God Damned money it was.
Obama stole it and gave it to our worst enemy (other than The Democratic Party) so they could fund terrorism and their nuke programs.
Ask yourself why Obama sent cash?

Because cash makes it easier to buy weapons, drugs, or whatever they wanted to buy that was illegal.

Then the rest of roughly $32 billion he sent them was illegally changed to another currency to go around Treasury regulations.

Ask yourself how he managed that without the Republicans accusing him of impeachable offenses?

Because he was threatening to rat them out on their congressional sexual - harassment fund. $17 million so far.

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