trump folds on govt shutdown

If you can find a way to do it without a shutdown do it personally I wouldn’t care if there was a partial shutdown I don’t think the country would notice any difference in things but it’s bad optics and in politics how something looks matters more than the reality of the situation.

There was no way for Trump to come out of it looking good. He made a wise choice

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He was in a no win situation; give in he's a pussy, not give in he's having a temper tantrum. Fuckem. It's military defense to have a wall, thus justified using dod funds.
He's the one who stated on national tv that he was happy to shut down the government and accept the responsibility himself.
One thing to say something in front of a crowd, it's time to get real.

It is time to get real. The founding fathers set up a system of checks and balances. You don't get to ignore them. Trump is not a King.
Why shut down if you don't have to. Smart move.

The Army Corp of Engineers can build the wall and that's exactly who should be doing it as soon as possible.
there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.

Oh they could take it out of the defense budget.

After all building the wall is in defense of the country.

Keeping illegals out.

Illegals who cost us billions each year. No more illegals and billions saved. Those billions could be put back in the defense budget.

No they cannot. There is no threat to this country from any country. Immigration is a civil function not a military one. They cannot enforce civil law.
Mexico need to control their own civil functions. They fail it becomes a military unarmed invasion.
One thing to say something in front of a crowd, it's time to get real.

It is time to get real. The founding fathers set up a system of checks and balances. You don't get to ignore them. Trump is not a King.
But he is CIC and the wall is part of defense. Much like the Coast guard.
The US just decided to give the money to secure our borders to the very people conducting / facilitating the invasions......

US pledges $5.8B aid for CentAm, $4.8B for southern Mexico

"The United States pledged $5.8 billion in aid Tuesday for strengthening government and economic development in Central America, and another $4.8 billion in development aid for southern Mexico."

Trump was / is asking for $5 Billion for the wall....there it WENT!

The wall aside, why do we continue to send BILLIONS to shithole countries for 'foreign aid' when the criminal leaders pocket the cash, crap on their people, and drive them out, on their way to illegally invade the US. The US should KEEP the foreign aid to spend on those nation's people who are living HERE now

Ask your boy trump after he signs the bill.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.

Oh they could take it out of the defense budget.

After all building the wall is in defense of the country.

Keeping illegals out.

Illegals who cost us billions each year. No more illegals and billions saved. Those billions could be put back in the defense budget.
Oh, you make that sound so easy. Won't work, but dream on...

You sound like you think it would be difficult for the Army Corp of Engineers to build a fence. I think it would be one of the easiest things they ever did.

It would work. No dreaming. LOL
I'm not saying they can't build a Wall; of course they could. You haven't told me yet where the materials are going to come from. You believe the Army, Navy, Air Force etc. are going to give up their $$ to buy the materials for Donald's Wall? Let's put it this way: I'll be surprised if the military lets it go. My guess is they've already got that money spent.

He is the CIC and can order anything. Once the wall is built the billions we save could go back to the defense budget.

there is no express wall building power.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.

Oh they could take it out of the defense budget.

After all building the wall is in defense of the country.

Keeping illegals out.

Illegals who cost us billions each year. No more illegals and billions saved. Those billions could be put back in the defense budget.

No they cannot. There is no threat to this country from any country. Immigration is a civil function not a military one. They cannot enforce civil law.
Mexico need to control their own civil functions. They fail it becomes a military unarmed invasion.

Bullshit. Foreigners can come into this country to request asylum. That is legal.
One thing to say something in front of a crowd, it's time to get real.

It is time to get real. The founding fathers set up a system of checks and balances. You don't get to ignore them. Trump is not a King.
But he is CIC and the wall is part of defense. Much like the Coast guard.

There are checks and balances so he does not have absolute power. The Congress can cut off funding for any military venture as they are considering doing in Yemen.
Oh they could take it out of the defense budget.

After all building the wall is in defense of the country.

Keeping illegals out.

Illegals who cost us billions each year. No more illegals and billions saved. Those billions could be put back in the defense budget.
Oh, you make that sound so easy. Won't work, but dream on...

You sound like you think it would be difficult for the Army Corp of Engineers to build a fence. I think it would be one of the easiest things they ever did.

It would work. No dreaming. LOL
I'm not saying they can't build a Wall; of course they could. You haven't told me yet where the materials are going to come from. You believe the Army, Navy, Air Force etc. are going to give up their $$ to buy the materials for Donald's Wall? Let's put it this way: I'll be surprised if the military lets it go. My guess is they've already got that money spent.

He is the CIC and can order anything. Once the wall is built the billions we save could go back to the defense budget.

Army Corp of Engineers can build anything and have in the past. That wall would be a piece of cake for those guys.
Fence building materials aren't free. I don't think the Congress will be very happy if Trump's minions steal money they appropriated for something else in order to build a Wall. Nosirree, they are not going to like that. Congress has the power of the purse and it damned well better stay that way.

Oh they could take it out of the defense budget.

After all building the wall is in defense of the country.

Keeping illegals out.

Illegals who cost us billions each year. No more illegals and billions saved. Those billions could be put back in the defense budget.

No they cannot. There is no threat to this country from any country. Immigration is a civil function not a military one. They cannot enforce civil law.
Mexico need to control their own civil functions. They fail it becomes a military unarmed invasion.

Bullshit. Foreigners can come into this country to request asylum. That is legal.
185 million people want to come to America and get free stuff. We let in a few and more will come. It's the tip of an invasion.
I see no change in his position, shit for brains.

To make a statement like that, you have shit for brains.
One thing to say something in front of a crowd, it's time to get real.

It is time to get real. The founding fathers set up a system of checks and balances. You don't get to ignore them. Trump is not a King.
But he is CIC and the wall is part of defense. Much like the Coast guard.

There are checks and balances so he does not have absolute power. The Congress can cut off funding for any military venture as they are considering doing in Yemen.
Not without 60 votes in the Senate and then Trump Veto's it.
The swamp gave Obama an $800 billion dollar slush fund for 'stimulus' but the swamp won't give Trump even $5 billion to secure the border when illegals are costing us $200 billion a year.
What a pussy

Agree. Just a politition after all. Fuck’em.
Instead of draining the swamp, he's doubled it.

Instead of cutting spending, he has hit all new records in spending.

It's quite possible Lyin' Donald has told more lies in two years than all his predecessors combined.

When a small time, petty crook like The Orange Virus gets elected to run the richest country in the world, bad shit is bound to happen. My, my, the sound of winger backpedaling in this thread is deafening. :auiqs.jpg:

Na, those are pussy farts. It’s the sound your face makes when it speaks.
Smart move, I applaud Trump for coming to his senses. To me his backing a partial government shutdown so soon after ripping GM regarding their layoffs came off as shooting himself in the foot.
Sad to watch our President get slapped down after he makes such outlandish threats
One thing to say something in front of a crowd, it's time to get real.

It is time to get real. The founding fathers set up a system of checks and balances. You don't get to ignore them. Trump is not a King.
But he is CIC and the wall is part of defense. Much like the Coast guard.

If the wall is part of defense, then it has to be manned by the military.
If you can find a way to do it without a shutdown do it personally I wouldn’t care if there was a partial shutdown I don’t think the country would notice any difference in things but it’s bad optics and in politics how something looks matters more than the reality of the situation.

There was no way for Trump to come out of it looking good. He made a wise choice

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He was in a no win situation; give in he's a pussy, not give in he's having a temper tantrum. Fuckem. It's military defense to have a wall, thus justified using dod funds.

He put himself in that position.
Have the Seabees build that fucker and see if some beaner with a backpack full of weed can climb it. Those boys can build anything....yesterday. And if a random shot rings out from the other side of the border, USMC can pursue the shooter all the way to Acapulco. :drillsergeant:

Do you really think that's how drugs are smuggled into the country? Some "beaner with a backpack full of weed" is risking life and limb to smuggle maybe $700 worth of weed across the border? :lol:
The PP case had zero to do with abortion and everything to do with an entity have the right to sue for redress.

Another McFly

And banning Hi-Cap magazines has NOTHING to do with infringing 2nd Amendment rights either.:rolleyes:

in other News.....
LEFTIST in Venezuela who fought alongside Hugo Chavez now DEEPLY regret their actions and are suffering and dying in the wake of Leftist destruction there.

I am sorry if you are too stupid to understand the case, but it had nothing to do with abortions. Anyone that claims to be for smaller government should applaud the ruling as it affirmed the right private entities to sue for redress.

That is a good thing to anyone that is not a partisan sheep.

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