Trump Force One: Trump fundraising for new jet

The former president is fundraising for a "Trump Force One" jet, his PAC said in an email.

Former President Donald Trump appears to be fundraising for a new plane after his private jet made an emergency landing over the weekend.

Trump’s Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled “Update: Trump Force One” that discussed the construction of a new plane, several news outlets reported.

The email was sent out hours after news surfaced that a private plane carrying Trump from New Orleans to Mar-a-Lago had to make an emergency landing Saturday after an engine failure, Insider reported.

“I have a very important update on my plane, but I need to trust that you won’t share it with anyone,” wrote Trump in the email, according to Newsweek. “My team is building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One.”

“The construction of this plane has been under wraps — not even the fake news media knows about it — and I can’t wait to unveil it for everyone to see,” it continued.

The email reportedly allowed recipients to “see” the new plane if they clicked an embedded link. The link actually directed to a donation page with the option to give between $5 and $2,000 to the Save America JFC PAC.

Sounds like a worthy cause for Trump supporters. Give 'til it hurts...
He should have sent Don Jr over to Ukraine while president and extorted the money . That's how Biden does it.
If you knew how shit worked you'd understand that's the direct approach on what the DNC does on Biden's Facebook page and the Yahoo front page for instance, each and every day, they solicit money for their party. It writes off the same. Difference is Trump's a lone wolf, he could give a flying fuck about the Rep. party unless they can help him.

MAGA, Trump 2024
The difference being, like all the money you dopes sent him last time, he will not return it if beaten.
Hes no different to those parasite evangelist pastors
You keep the faith and he'll keep the money.
And Trump blew a wad thinking how he could scam the gullible for cash.
I just laughed. He's become every grasping mega church evangelical pastor in his old age.. what a pathetic buffoon. Some day they will make a movie about the golden boy who became an insufferable lard ass and Mr needy.
I just laughed. He's become every grasping mega church evangelical pastor in his old age.. what a pathetic buffoon. Some day they will make a movie about the golden boy who became an insufferable lard ass and Mr needy.
First it was "Stop The Steal", now this.

But, you have to give credit to this guy. It took him less then a week to come up with a new scam to reel in the herd.
Public airlines are regulated. Apologies that's all I am saying. Private less so.

But they are still regulated with maintenance requirements.
They are regulated, we saw what a plane could do on 911. They aren't going to let them fly around without proper maintenance. Lol, in some states you have to get your car inspected once a year.
Zinkie one blew a tire. Send money so we can replace it with a brand new Audi S7, so I can represent you, the People, all around the town.
Jewish space laser: Did Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Blame A ‘Space Laser’ For Wildfires? Here’s The Response

Her Facebook post is in that link.

9/11 conspiracy nut: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Controversies Are Piling Up. Republicans Are Quiet. (Published 2021)

Marjorie Taylor Greene had just finished questioning whether a plane really flew into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, and flatly stating that President Barack Obama was secretly Muslim when she paused to offer an aside implicating another former president in a crime.

“That’s another one of those Clinton murders,” Ms. Greene said, referring to John F. Kennedy Jr.’s death in a 1999 plane crash, suggesting that he had been assassinated because he was a potential rival to Hillary Clinton for a New York Senate seat.

Oh, I forgot to mention her belief Sandy Hook was staged: What Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said about conspiracy theories | PolitiFact

Somebody who’s suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that horrifying school shootings were pre-staged, and that the Clintons crashed JFK Jr.’s airplane is not living in reality,” McConnell said in a statement first sent to The Hill.


“Have you guys been following 4chan, Q — any of that stuff?” Greene says at the start of a video from November 2017. “I don’t know who Q is, but I’m just going to tell you about it because I think it’s something worth listening to and paying attention to.”

Over 30 minutes, Greene lays out several tenets of the QAnon conspiracy theory.

“There’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it,” she said.

And you think she's smart. :auiqs.jpg:

Like I said, that says a LOT about YOU.
I didn't say she was smart. I said she is smarter than you.

Now let's talk about some things that you believe

  1. Trump colluded with the Russians.
  2. Biden isn't senile.
  3. Biden isn't choking our oil production
  4. Trump called troops losers and suckers
  5. Biden isn't causing inflation
  6. Biden is controlling the border
  7. Dims weren't behind the riots in 2020
  8. Yada
  9. Yada
  10. Yada
I keep forgetting half the population is below average in intelligence.

This is how people like Gazpacho get elected. Playing down to the rubes.
That's how Biden got elected, retard. Imbeciles like you voted for him.
Yet practically all you talk about is trump

for you it is all about him
If Quid Pro was doing a great job and they were actually excited about him, they would probably not be so obsessed with TRUMP!. Obviously, they are not all that thrilled with Quid Pro.
Trump is still "pretending" to be president. He was a "pretend" president for four years. So funny...
And you're giving him the attention he craves. Haven't you obsessed people figure it out yet that the worst thing you can do to TRUMP! is ignore him?
I hate reading anything about this guy because it's always just the dumbest and most angering shit ever. There's war in Ukraine and people are suffering and it's like

"Hey remember me!? That fat fuck who lost!? Well I need money for a jet plane! Help!"

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