Trump Forces A Leftist Bivouac


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1: a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
a : encampment usually for a night b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

Don't be fooled....their march toward the domination of America's soul hasn't ended.
The election is just a temporary halt, a bivouac.
They've put in a full any thread and you'll see tons of their lemmings, drooling to pledge their support for any Leftist and/or disreputable endeavor.

2. The Left has attacked in every quarter.....most especially, religion.
They claim socialism is based on the Bible!
"Dr. Bella Visono Dodd
(1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930s and 1940s who later became a vocal anti-communist. After her defection from the Communist Party in 1949, she testified that one of her jobs, as a Communist agent, was to encourage young radicals to enter Roman Catholic Seminaries." Bella Dodd - Wikipedia

a. And, of course...they hide terms like 'communist' and 'socialist' and 'Fascist'....all of which are accurate....

"Bella Dodd, a Catholic-turned-Communist, later recanted, saying, “In the thirties, we put 1,100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church.” She told of a national Communist convention held in 1944 in Madison Square Garden.

“I attended a private dinner where Alexander Trachtenberg, a known socialist, got up and said, ‘When we get ready to take the U.S. we will not take it under the label of communism. We will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable. We’ll take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will!'”
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

And how very close to taking it they did.
An out and out Marxist came in a close second as the Democrat candidate....and first place wasn't a whole lot better.

3 Under communist facilitator Franklin Roosevelt, who demanded that communist Henry Wallace be his vice-president, or he wouldn't run, America barely missed having Stalin's tool as President.

America was saved by FDR's living long enough to have Harry Truman replace Wallace.

4. "While Karl Marx ruined European thought and History, Saul Alinsky had a similar effect on America. But before he could take his endeavors to higher levels, on June 12, 1972, he died all alone on a California street.

His followers plotted to “take his plans to unimagined” heights. His new team built its organization supported by Marxist Socialist Progressive causes. It was projected into every institution and every facet of America. "
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

Right now the Democrats, Liberals and Progressives are licking their wounds, looking for a plan of action....
The bivouac is temporary....the war is eternal.
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i love that word bivouac. reminds me of "four legs good, two legs baaaaad...."
plus i lived in Burlington under a marxist mayor for awhile.
5. It is too easy to overlook the opportunity a Trump victory has given America...and how close we came to ending this noble experiment.
And they know it!!!

The Left will make every attempt to dissemble, obfuscate, roadblock, cloud the issues at stake, and lie about Trump at every opportunity, and for every moment that they are not in power.
Don't forget....
If not for Truman, we'd have had communist Henry Wallace as President.
If not for Trump, we'd have Alinskyite Hillary Clinton.

"Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both cleave to the teachings of collectivist Saul Alinsky, a renegade Orthodox Jew. Their mutual mentor came out of Chicago and preached a Marxist socialism based on such reckless ideas as “noble ends justify corrupt means.” They have honed their skills at the knee of Alinsky, who was the subject of Hillary’s Wellesley graduate thesis.

Barack Obama has stated that he believes in only “a collective redemption.” What does that even mean? .... Alinsky said, “The real arena is corrupt and bloody. … Life is a corrupting process. … He who fears corruption fears life.” He actually pronounced that, “[c]orruption is good.” What is the word used most often to describe the wanton actions of the Clintons? “Corruption”!

With such amoralists, there is no primary truth. Truth is relative and changing. Hell is their Heaven. Lies are their truth. This is why it’s so easy for Obama and Clinton to lie and lie again and again, to obfuscate endlessly. This explains their contempt for the Constitution, which they consider a document to be changed by activist judges, societal whim, and cultural turn or wave." Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

This is what 'amoralist' means: words don't mean the same things to both sides:

The Liberals screech about 'lie' because they know we endeavor not to; when we show that they lie, it means nothing to them.

Corruption is anathema to our side....but resume enhancement to theirs.
i love that word bivouac. reminds me of "four legs good, two legs baaaaad...."
plus i lived in Burlington under a marxist mayor for awhile.
Liberals have progressed much further under 44....

Now it's 4 legs good...2 legs better.....

It's fucking disrurbing to watch the liberal fascist fucks....
i love that word bivouac. reminds me of "four legs good, two legs baaaaad...."
plus i lived in Burlington under a marxist mayor for awhile.

I have read that, several decades ago, there was a movement throughout the country, for Leftists, radicals, far lefters, to actually move to a small state so as to get communists into the House and Senate.....i.e., Bernie Sanders, who came from my area of Brooklyn.

An actual organized movement.....that shows their patience and ability at organization.

Any knowledge of that?
There is a reason for education, for knowing history: it explains motives."Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both cleave to the teachings of collectivist Saul Alinsky, ..."

Being unaware of the motives of their leaders is one reason that Liberals fail to recognize evil.

6. "Alinsky famously dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, the subject of Hillary’s thesis, to Lucifer, “the first radical who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that, at least, he won his own kingdom.”

In 1972, he said in a Playboy interview, “If there is an after-life and I have anything to say about it I will, unreservedly, choose to go to Hell. Hell would be Heaven for me. All my life I have been with the have-nots. Over here if you’re a have-not you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in Hell you’re short of virtue. Once I get into Hell I’ll start organizing the have-nots. With a smile. They’re my kind of people.”

Saul Alinsky was the author of Chicago’s community organizing. Barack Obama’s only work experience previous to election as an Illinois senator was as an Alinsky movement community organizer. As state senator, huge number of his votes amounted to a contemptuous “present.” Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

Like the 'undead,' the Democrat Marxists will be back. And, as told in vampire lore, they must be 'invited' in to do their mischief....they need be elected. And to do so, they will have no compunction about lying..... "Lies are their truth. This is why it’s so easy for Obama and Clinton to lie and lie again and again, to obfuscate endlessly."

Are Liberals astute enough to recognize lies?

Not to this point.


Satirical Illustrations by Pawel Kuczynski
i love that word bivouac. reminds me of "four legs good, two legs baaaaad...."
plus i lived in Burlington under a marxist mayor for awhile.
Liberals have progressed much further under 44....

Now it's 4 legs good...2 legs better.....

It's fucking disrurbing to watch the liberal fascist fucks....
they shot their own party in the foot.
i love that word bivouac. reminds me of "four legs good, two legs baaaaad...."
plus i lived in Burlington under a marxist mayor for awhile.

I have read that, several decades ago, there was a movement throughout the country, for Leftists, radicals, far lefters, to actually move to a small state so as to get communists into the House and Senate.....i.e., Bernie Sanders, who came from my area of Brooklyn.

An actual organized movement.....that shows their patience and ability at organization.

Any knowledge of that?
vermont used to be delightfully conservative, until higher education poisoned the well. bernie was always an anomaly politician, and we have conservative governors sometimes.
Burlington, is Vermont's bivouac.
1: a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
a : encampment usually for a night b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

Don't be fooled....their march toward the domination of America's soul hasn't ended.
The election is just a temporary halt, a bivouac.
They've put in a full any thread and you'll see tons of their lemmings, drooling to pledge their support for any Leftist and/or disreputable endeavor.

2. The Left has attacked in every quarter.....most especially, religion.
They claim socialism is based on the Bible!
"Dr. Bella Visono Dodd
(1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930s and 1940s who later became a vocal anti-communist. After her defection from the Communist Party in 1949, she testified that one of her jobs, as a Communist agent, was to encourage young radicals to enter Roman Catholic Seminaries." Bella Dodd - Wikipedia

a. And, of course...they hide terms like 'communist' and 'socialist' and 'Fascist'....all of which are accurate....

"Bella Dodd, a Catholic-turned-Communist, later recanted, saying, “In the thirties, we put 1,100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church.” She told of a national Communist convention held in 1944 in Madison Square Garden.

“I attended a private dinner where Alexander Trachtenberg, a known socialist, got up and said, ‘When we get ready to take the U.S. we will not take it under the label of communism. We will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable. We’ll take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will!'”
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

And how very close to taking it they did.
An out and out Marxist came in a close second as the Democrat candidate....and first place wasn't a whole lot better.

3 Under communist facilitator Franklin Roosevelt, who demanded that communist Henry Wallace be his vice-president, or he wouldn't run, America barely missed having Stalin's tool as President.

America was saved by FDR's living long enough to have Harry Truman replace Wallace.

4. "While Karl Marx ruined European thought and History, Saul Alinsky had a similar effect on America. But before he could take his endeavors to higher levels, on June 12, 1972, he died all alone on a California street.

His followers plotted to “take his plans to unimagined” heights. His new team built its organization supported by Marxist Socialist Progressive causes. It was projected into every institution and every facet of America. "
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

Right now the Democrats, Liberals and Progressives are licking their wounds, looking for a plan of action....
The bivouac is temporary....the war is eternal.

Isn't it funny? I feel like it's 2001-2009 again. Bush was president and whacky Left was on full display. Obama got elected and they dissapered fro their protest venues. Trump gets elected and they're baaaaaack! I don't remember them protesting when Obama Banned migration fromIraq.
1: a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
a : encampment usually for a night b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

Don't be fooled....their march toward the domination of America's soul hasn't ended.
The election is just a temporary halt, a bivouac.
They've put in a full any thread and you'll see tons of their lemmings, drooling to pledge their support for any Leftist and/or disreputable endeavor.

2. The Left has attacked in every quarter.....most especially, religion.
They claim socialism is based on the Bible!
"Dr. Bella Visono Dodd
(1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930s and 1940s who later became a vocal anti-communist. After her defection from the Communist Party in 1949, she testified that one of her jobs, as a Communist agent, was to encourage young radicals to enter Roman Catholic Seminaries." Bella Dodd - Wikipedia

a. And, of course...they hide terms like 'communist' and 'socialist' and 'Fascist'....all of which are accurate....

"Bella Dodd, a Catholic-turned-Communist, later recanted, saying, “In the thirties, we put 1,100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church.” She told of a national Communist convention held in 1944 in Madison Square Garden.

“I attended a private dinner where Alexander Trachtenberg, a known socialist, got up and said, ‘When we get ready to take the U.S. we will not take it under the label of communism. We will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable. We’ll take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will!'”
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

And how very close to taking it they did.
An out and out Marxist came in a close second as the Democrat candidate....and first place wasn't a whole lot better.

3 Under communist facilitator Franklin Roosevelt, who demanded that communist Henry Wallace be his vice-president, or he wouldn't run, America barely missed having Stalin's tool as President.

America was saved by FDR's living long enough to have Harry Truman replace Wallace.

4. "While Karl Marx ruined European thought and History, Saul Alinsky had a similar effect on America. But before he could take his endeavors to higher levels, on June 12, 1972, he died all alone on a California street.

His followers plotted to “take his plans to unimagined” heights. His new team built its organization supported by Marxist Socialist Progressive causes. It was projected into every institution and every facet of America. "
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

Right now the Democrats, Liberals and Progressives are licking their wounds, looking for a plan of action....
The bivouac is temporary....the war is eternal.

I myself believe that William Wallace was the first Hero of this War you are talking about. He died for the cause of Individual Liberty just a little over 800 years ago. He eschewed Political Correctness like a modern day Don Trump.
1: a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
a : encampment usually for a night b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

Don't be fooled....their march toward the domination of America's soul hasn't ended.
The election is just a temporary halt, a bivouac.
They've put in a full any thread and you'll see tons of their lemmings, drooling to pledge their support for any Leftist and/or disreputable endeavor.

2. The Left has attacked in every quarter.....most especially, religion.
They claim socialism is based on the Bible!
"Dr. Bella Visono Dodd
(1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930s and 1940s who later became a vocal anti-communist. After her defection from the Communist Party in 1949, she testified that one of her jobs, as a Communist agent, was to encourage young radicals to enter Roman Catholic Seminaries." Bella Dodd - Wikipedia

a. And, of course...they hide terms like 'communist' and 'socialist' and 'Fascist'....all of which are accurate....

"Bella Dodd, a Catholic-turned-Communist, later recanted, saying, “In the thirties, we put 1,100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church.” She told of a national Communist convention held in 1944 in Madison Square Garden.

“I attended a private dinner where Alexander Trachtenberg, a known socialist, got up and said, ‘When we get ready to take the U.S. we will not take it under the label of communism. We will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable. We’ll take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will!'”
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

And how very close to taking it they did.
An out and out Marxist came in a close second as the Democrat candidate....and first place wasn't a whole lot better.

3 Under communist facilitator Franklin Roosevelt, who demanded that communist Henry Wallace be his vice-president, or he wouldn't run, America barely missed having Stalin's tool as President.

America was saved by FDR's living long enough to have Harry Truman replace Wallace.

4. "While Karl Marx ruined European thought and History, Saul Alinsky had a similar effect on America. But before he could take his endeavors to higher levels, on June 12, 1972, he died all alone on a California street.

His followers plotted to “take his plans to unimagined” heights. His new team built its organization supported by Marxist Socialist Progressive causes. It was projected into every institution and every facet of America. "
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

Right now the Democrats, Liberals and Progressives are licking their wounds, looking for a plan of action....
The bivouac is temporary....the war is eternal.

Isn't it funny? I feel like it's 2001-2009 again. Bush was president and whacky Left was on full display. Obama got elected and they dissapered fro their protest venues. Trump gets elected and they're baaaaaack! I don't remember them protesting when Obama Banned migration fromIraq.

Welcome to the board.
1: a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
a : encampment usually for a night b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

Don't be fooled....their march toward the domination of America's soul hasn't ended.
The election is just a temporary halt, a bivouac.
They've put in a full any thread and you'll see tons of their lemmings, drooling to pledge their support for any Leftist and/or disreputable endeavor.

2. The Left has attacked in every quarter.....most especially, religion.
They claim socialism is based on the Bible!
"Dr. Bella Visono Dodd
(1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930s and 1940s who later became a vocal anti-communist. After her defection from the Communist Party in 1949, she testified that one of her jobs, as a Communist agent, was to encourage young radicals to enter Roman Catholic Seminaries." Bella Dodd - Wikipedia

a. And, of course...they hide terms like 'communist' and 'socialist' and 'Fascist'....all of which are accurate....

"Bella Dodd, a Catholic-turned-Communist, later recanted, saying, “In the thirties, we put 1,100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church.” She told of a national Communist convention held in 1944 in Madison Square Garden.

“I attended a private dinner where Alexander Trachtenberg, a known socialist, got up and said, ‘When we get ready to take the U.S. we will not take it under the label of communism. We will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable. We’ll take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will!'”
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

And how very close to taking it they did.
An out and out Marxist came in a close second as the Democrat candidate....and first place wasn't a whole lot better.

3 Under communist facilitator Franklin Roosevelt, who demanded that communist Henry Wallace be his vice-president, or he wouldn't run, America barely missed having Stalin's tool as President.

America was saved by FDR's living long enough to have Harry Truman replace Wallace.

4. "While Karl Marx ruined European thought and History, Saul Alinsky had a similar effect on America. But before he could take his endeavors to higher levels, on June 12, 1972, he died all alone on a California street.

His followers plotted to “take his plans to unimagined” heights. His new team built its organization supported by Marxist Socialist Progressive causes. It was projected into every institution and every facet of America. "
Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

Right now the Democrats, Liberals and Progressives are licking their wounds, looking for a plan of action....
The bivouac is temporary....the war is eternal.

Isn't it funny? I feel like it's 2001-2009 again. Bush was president and whacky Left was on full display. Obama got elected and they dissapered fro their protest venues. Trump gets elected and they're baaaaaack! I don't remember them protesting when Obama Banned migration fromIraq.
the dems are trying desperately trying to make this about religion, therefore a first amendment issue. someone made the comment to banning travel as being unconstitutional, but i don't think it applies.

welcome to the sausageboard !
Understanding how the other side honors religion and morality, the collectivists try either to abolish it, or to use it for their ends.
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

7. "George Soros, Hillary’s top financier, calls himself “some kind of god, the creator of everything.” He says his “goal is to become the conscience of the world.” He says his end goal is “to weaken America.” A Clintonian Progressive, he believes that the people’s will should be surrendered to the secular state.'

As I said earlier...they are after America's soul.

"Dr. Bella Visono Dodd (1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930s and 1940s who later became a vocal anti-communist. After her defection from the Communist Party in 1949, she testified that one of her jobs, as a Communist agent, was to encourage young radicals to enter Roman Catholic Seminaries." Bella Dodd - Wikipedia

The attack via religion came early, well before Dodd engineered a take-over of the Catholic Church.....mainline protestants succumbed to the communists.

a. In the early Twenties the Communist Party made considerable gains in its program to infiltrate the churches. This effort was led by such prominent "American" clergymen as Harry F. Ward ( "one of the leading collaborators of, and apologists for, the Soviet Union." ...), Jerome Davis, William B. Spofford, and Albert Rhys Williams.

... at the 1942 convention of the Federal Council of Churches called for: Ultimately, "a world government of delegated powers." Complete abandonment of U.S. isolationism. Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty. International control of all armies and navies. A universal system of money.... Worldwide freedom of immigration. Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade .... A "democratically controlled" international bank ....
APOSTASY -- The National Council Of Churches

The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,” …capitalism.

b. “The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept
the Marxist point of view
…The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach a religious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx.

The federation wants the ministers to declare their judgment against the social economic system under which Americans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system, which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.”

This, before they knew of the slaughter of over a million men, women and children by their demigods.
But....the Democrats know....and simply don't care.
8. Alexander Trachtenberg... longtime activist in the Socialist Party of America and later in the Communist Party USA....

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But, take it we will.” ~ Alexander Trachtenberg, at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944
Trachtenberg worked tirelessly to gain a strangle hold on the culture....and to hide terms like Communist and Socialist.

9. "Progressivism? Liberalism? This became the vocabulary of the Sexual Revolution. After this disturbance of our Judeo-Christian culture – brought on by atheists Erich Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, and Herbert Marcuse, who were the mentors of Progressives Mark Rudd, Kate Millett, and Bill Ayers (he launched Obama’s political career in his living room), who held Columbia University hostage during the student takeovers of the sixties – my older sister, Kate, was inspired to write her Ph.D. thesis, “Sexual Politics,” which exploded on America like a meteorite.

It transfixed women, shattered the family, and helped retool our society into something unrecognizable. Oddly, it mainstreamed immediately into a Book of the Month Club selection.
This movement, the Sexual Revolution, along with Alinskyism and secular humanism, a belief that the people’s will should be surrendered to the secular state, lies at the heart of Clintonian Progressivism.

We Christians and Jews know, as did our Founders, that our rights are derived from God, alone, never from government. Government must never control us. The people must always be the power that drives government.

“Sexual Politics” teaches in women’s studies classes all over the university culture that the family is dispensable as the foundation of society and that freedom, for women especially, means to live wantonly for the sole purpose of exploring “ourselves” and our sexuality, and to hell with anything else. To wear a t-shirt emblazoned with the word “slut” is liberation. “Be a slut,” it teaches young girls. “And be proud of it!”

Today’s phenoms such as Beyoncé, Madonna, Bruce Jenner, Nicki Minaj, etc. are direct results of this mutation of our national character. These purveyors of pansexualism shaped by Sigmund Freud and the pursuit of the Pleasure Principle and orgasm-worship, formed into a false Marxist humanism smashing family life, infiltrating education, law, media, the military, unions, materializing socialist revolutionary politics at a mass level." Articles: Hillary Clinton's Worldview: A Eulogy

Marxism, Bolshevism, Stalinism, Liberalism, the center has always been a desire to abolish bourgeois values, and Judeo-Christian tradition.

And so it is with the Democrat elites to this day.
When revelations such as this are made known...
Alexander Trachtenberg... longtime activist in the Socialist Party of America and later in the Communist Party USA....

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But, take it we will.” ~ Alexander Trachtenberg, at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944

....this is the reaction from Liberals and Progressives:

which brings us back to bill ayer's and the weatherpeople, and climate change.

Which brings us back to the "Protest du jour" executive order re-enforcing the President's ability to determine immigration policy.

The Constitution’s text and the various Supreme Court cases interpreting this text suggest that the federal government has the exclusive power to enact and enforce the nation’s immigration laws.

"The Constitution says three things about the responsibility of the federal government for the national defense.

National defense is the priority job of the national government.
National defense is the only mandatory function of the national government.
National defense is exclusively the function of the national government."
A Constitutional Basis for Defense
And....for clarity....

The OP stated this:

1: a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
a : encampment usually for a night
b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

Don't be fooled....the neo-Bolshevik's march toward the domination of America's soul hasn't ended.

The protests that will occur on a daily, if not hourly, basis throughout the Trump presidency, are part of, not exceptions to said 'bivouac.'


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