Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

The Democrat socialists have made it clear. They support massive immigration. That's why there is another caravan of 15,000 invaders now forming and that's just to start. That's not by plane or boat. It's not by rocketship. It's by assault on the border. Build the wall. Shut down the border completely if necessary. Stop the invasion.

democrats want illegals because illegals will cast the votes the Americans aren't willing to cast.
There is no evidence illegals are voting liar.
How so? It's a sanctuary state. Why wouldn't they let them vote?

You’re a moron. They cannot vote.

As pointed out before, you are a filthy liar.

Illegals are encouraged to vote in California and have the official protection of the state when they do.
Not on federal issues.
How do you know? They are already breaking federal laws. Why not another one?

California law covers any illegal who votes. It states that illegals vote with the permission of the state, I've posted the text of the law dozens of times. Leftists like moonie have taken to just lying directly.
Not on federal issues.


{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

California openly provides voting to illegal aliens.
Not just that ........illegals can be poll workers there.......LOL

It's a new law..........I posted that data on another thread...........but there are soooo many TDS treads now it's hard to remember which one it was.

2015, 3 years.
News outlets are now telling us that, after repeated denials, the California Department of Motor Vehicles has admitted that, yes, it did in fact screw up by assisting at least 1,500 ineligible driver's license recipients to register to vote, including aliens.
California DMV on Improperly Registering License Applicants, Including Aliens, to Vote: Oops!
You’re a moron. They cannot vote.

As pointed out before, you are a filthy liar.

Illegals are encouraged to vote in California and have the official protection of the state when they do.
Not on federal issues.
How do you know? They are already breaking federal laws. Why not another one?
If they be breaking federal laws then Jeff Sessions would have contacted the Keebler Elves, his law firm...

California has flagrantly violated federal law for decades.

I was hoping Sessions would have arrested Jerry Brown when he openly defied federal law AND THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE with the sanctuary state law. But apparently he was too great of a coward to uphold the law.
It's all part of the plan to allow illegals in..
The Democrat socialists have made it clear. They support massive immigration. That's why there is another caravan of 15,000 invaders now forming and that's just to start. That's not by plane or boat. It's not by rocketship. It's by assault on the border. Build the wall. Shut down the border completely if necessary. Stop the invasion.

democrats want illegals because illegals will cast the votes the Americans aren't willing to cast.
There is no evidence illegals are voting liar.

You're such a fucking idiot, BTK. :rofl:

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

California openly provides voting to illegal aliens.
As pointed out before, you are a filthy liar.

Illegals are encouraged to vote in California and have the official protection of the state when they do.
Not on federal issues.
How do you know? They are already breaking federal laws. Why not another one?
If they be breaking federal laws then Jeff Sessions would have contacted the Keebler Elves, his law firm...

California has flagrantly violated federal law for decades.

I was hoping Sessions would have arrested Jerry Brown when he openly defied federal law AND THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE with the sanctuary state law. But apparently he was too great of a coward to uphold the law.
It's all part of the plan to allow illegals in..

You democrats want open borders as a means of fundamentally transforming America.
Third time Trump has shut down Government this year

What is gained by giving in to Trump? It will only encourage more shutdowns. It seems to be the only way he knows to get his way
I have no problem with Trump shutting down the border completely. Mexico is our third or fourth largest trading partner, and there is no surer way for him to be impeached. He is holding a losing hand, and playing a losing game.
Yet, he keeps doubling down on a losing hand
Loss of AMERICAN jobs with a big election coming up

I think building the wall is more important than re-election. Someone has to stand up for Americans, and if Trump has to burn election capital, then I think a real leader should do just that. It is amazing the career sobs won't even recognize our border.
Americans have made it clear they do not want a wall.
Border states are against a wall

Only Deplorable conservatives want a wall
Show me the GREAT DEMOCRATIC BILLS to fix immigration.......

That would get rid of the loop holes.
Force businesses to make sure they hire only those who can legally work here.
Here's a bill for you; lock up the enablers who hire the illegals, and they can't get back to the border fast enough. And no wall is needed. Did I fix it for you?

How about we lock up the real enablers; Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsome, Xavier Bacerra, Nancy Pelosi..

That would work, BTK...

Sure it would, and then the Amerikan Style of Kangaroo Courts will become the totalitarian state Trump seeks to establish.

You are really and in all truth a piece of human excrement, and an alien to the principles upon which our nation was found upon. "Lock her up" mentality sans an indictment and a conviction by a jury of her (& those noted above) peers seems funny or sarcastic, but I suspect you neo nazi types really support foregoing the Bill of Rights and the principles in the Declaration of Independence.

Get the F out of the United States, you don't belong here.
The Democrat socialists have made it clear. They support massive immigration. That's why there is another caravan of 15,000 invaders now forming and that's just to start. That's not by plane or boat. It's not by rocketship. It's by assault on the border. Build the wall. Shut down the border completely if necessary. Stop the invasion.

democrats want illegals because illegals will cast the votes the Americans aren't willing to cast.
There is no evidence illegals are voting liar.

You're such a fucking idiot, BTK. :rofl:

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

California openly provides voting to illegal aliens.
I have never seen anyone quite this retarded before. Nothing in that bill states that an illegal can vote. We already hashed this out yesterday. Show me dumb ass quoted language in that bill where illegals can vote? We know you can't, because we proved you are a liar. Damn you're a stupid ass.
The Democrat socialists have made it clear. They support massive immigration. That's why there is another caravan of 15,000 invaders now forming and that's just to start. That's not by plane or boat. It's not by rocketship. It's by assault on the border. Build the wall. Shut down the border completely if necessary. Stop the invasion.

democrats want illegals because illegals will cast the votes the Americans aren't willing to cast.
better solutions at lower cost, right wingers; that is what y'all should be Good for.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
I have no problem with Trump shutting down the border completely. Mexico is our third or fourth largest trading partner, and there is no surer way for him to be impeached. He is holding a losing hand, and playing a losing game.
We have a Commerce Clause; only lousy capitalists Lose money on border policy.

it should be considered a high crime or misdemeanor under any form of Capitalism.
I have no problem with Trump shutting down the border completely. Mexico is our third or fourth largest trading partner, and there is no surer way for him to be impeached. He is holding a losing hand, and playing a losing game.
Yet, he keeps doubling down on a losing hand
Trump keeps trapping himself. He isn't a good deal maker. He sucks at it.
Sure it would, and then the Amerikan Style of Kangaroo Courts will become the totalitarian state Trump seeks to establish.

An ex-STASI agent who brags about locking innocent people in 6 x 6 cells for offending the party speaks of "kangaroo courts?" :rofl:

Didn't you brag about beating prisoners who were "Republican trash" as well? I'll bet I can find the post where you did. You're a fucking fascist thug.

You are really and in all truth a piece of human excrement, and an alien to the principles upon which our nation was found upon.

Your nation being North Korea, of course. You are a totalitarian thug. I am American and support the Constitution.

"Lock her up" mentality sans an indictment and a conviction by a jury of her (& those noted above) peers seems funny or sarcastic,

Well of course Comrade, laws are meant for the proles, not for powerful party members. Hillary is above the law that is used as a club to oppress the the little people.

but I suspect you neo nazi types really support foregoing the Bill of Rights and the principles in the Declaration of Independence.

Oh but fuckwad, the Nazi here is you. You are the advocate of a state that controls all resources. You are the advocate for ending civil rights. You are the advocate for applying law based on group membership.

Get the F out of the United States, you don't belong here.

You mean North Korea, traitor scumbag. That is the land that is modeled after what you advocate here.
Trump keeps trapping himself. He isn't a good deal maker. He sucks at it.

Yeah BTK, I mean, it's in the bag, no path to 270, recounts will give it to Hillary, faithless electors, collusion....


You fascist scum have been shitting yourselves that you would overthrow our government from the day the President took office.
I have no problem with Trump shutting down the border completely. Mexico is our third or fourth largest trading partner, and there is no surer way for him to be impeached. He is holding a losing hand, and playing a losing game.

One thing your Stalinist forget, the majority of Americans are behind Trump on this .

You Marxists morons cannot remove the president, the Americans control the Senate.,
We will permit you to trickle in legally but since you wish to flood in illegally then you get zip.
The Democrat socialists have made it clear. They support massive immigration. That's why there is another caravan of 15,000 invaders now forming and that's just to start. That's not by plane or boat. It's not by rocketship. It's by assault on the border. Build the wall. Shut down the border completely if necessary. Stop the invasion.

democrats want illegals because illegals will cast the votes the Americans aren't willing to cast.
There is no evidence illegals are voting liar.

You're such a fucking idiot, BTK. :rofl:

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

California openly provides voting to illegal aliens.
I have never seen anyone quite this retarded before. Nothing in that bill states that an illegal can vote. We already hashed this out yesterday. Show me dumb ass quoted language in that bill where illegals can vote? We know you can't, because we proved you are a liar. Damn you're a stupid ass.

Sure stupid fuck...

that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person
You're a fucking liar

you pile of shit

you Hamas scum

Really Commie?

Fucking STASI moron, you truly are stupid...

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're such a fucking idiot

traitor scumbag

Oh but fuckwad, the Nazi here is you

Well of course Comrade

You're a fucking fascist thug

You fascist scum

One thing your Stalinist forget

You Marxists morons

do you eat a bowl of nasty flakes every morning?


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