Trump: "Fund the wall or the border gets shut completely!"

If they're hiring illegals, I don't care who they are. Lock em up.

And when were Trump supporters your concern? I thought illegals was the emergency? Lol! See what I mean about all this false outrage over illegals. You're full of shit.

Start with Nancy Pelosi, Comrade BTK.

We now have an illegal alien in the California Assembly, will you be locking Gavin Newsome up?


You Stalinists will do nothing to secure our borders, because you want to end this nation.
Your are too much of a chicken shit scum bag coward to answer my question.
If they're hiring illegals, I don't care who they are. Lock em up.

And when were Trump supporters your concern? I thought illegals was the emergency? Lol! See what I mean about all this false outrage over illegals. You're full of shit.

Start with Nancy Pelosi, Comrade BTK.

We now have an illegal alien in the California Assembly, will you be locking Gavin Newsome up?


You Stalinists will do nothing to secure our borders, because you want to end this nation.
Your are too much of a chicken shit scum bag coward to answer my question.

You have never posed an honest question. You are a pile of shit with no honor and have attempted to lie and distort.

We support the wall because we support America. You oppose the wall because you oppose America.
So what's the $5 billion needed for then?

The contractors like to get paid.

And if we saved $100 billion a year in the net costs of illegal immigration , that could also be seen as a more than paying for the wall. But the contractors don't live on health care cost savings.

You aren't all that bright a feller are ya?
Then to say it's paid for is a lie then. A little brighter than for sure.

It is a TIMING issue. You obviously have Zero accounting background or education.

When you buy a home with 10% down, do you own it? Or only after amortization of another 41% is paid?

If we spent $20 billion building a wall out of the U.S. Treasury. And then, upon competition, "tolls" ( fees, surtaxes, etc. ) were imposed on remittances from Mexicans back to Mexico, and tariffs on exports into the USA that amounted to $20 billion plus all accrued interest over the subsequent 20 years, who paid for the wall?

Take your time.
Ha idiot, we aren't buying a home.You want to build a wall that would cost $70 to 80 billion dollars according to the experts.

The claim made that we have the money is a lie.

And by the way, the tariff scheme on Mexico is going to be a dud. Other countries are getting together with each other now, to tell us to stick our tariffs up our ass with off set tariffs of their own. So, as to how much in fees you are going to collect, plus interest, plus tariffs, that prospect looks pretty gloomy to me. Looks like another one of those projection dreams you have, disguised as an alternative fact.

The home mortgage amortization example was a simple one meant for you, a simple-minded poster, to grasp a basic accounting concept.

Please link to the “orher countries getting together” nonsense. We hold all the cards here.

Do you have a remedial grasp on the trade we do with Mexico? The amount of $$ remitted back to the Land of Stray Dogs from the Wets working here?

The money is a straw man anyway. .11% of a $4 trillion budget that has 300 line items of over $20 b for shit that we don't need.

This is about the sovereignty of the USA and our absolute right to have an impenetrable border and restrict immigration as we deem fit.

To establish the criteria for entry and to enforce it. .

Persoanlly i think we need a 25 year moratorium for all immigration from Mexico and Central and South America. As we did at the beginning of the 20th century to allow for assimilation of the massive influx we have accepted.
We should have thought about that before we decided to be imperialists against all these other countries; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

It was never about our sovereignty. It was about money. Specifically the natural resources of other countries. So get off the high horse here and smell the "behind the scene invasions" into these other countries. It's been going on for decades. It's why you cry wolf about a wall we don't need, and a problem we manufactured.

And no, we don't hold all the cards on trade; Trump's plan to tout Mexico-Canada deal hits roadblocks over tariffs
If they're hiring illegals, I don't care who they are. Lock em up.

And when were Trump supporters your concern? I thought illegals was the emergency? Lol! See what I mean about all this false outrage over illegals. You're full of shit.

Start with Nancy Pelosi, Comrade BTK.

We now have an illegal alien in the California Assembly, will you be locking Gavin Newsome up?


You Stalinists will do nothing to secure our borders, because you want to end this nation.
Your are too much of a chicken shit scum bag coward to answer my question.

You have never posed an honest question. You are a pile of shit with no honor and have attempted to lie and distort.

We support the wall because we support America. You oppose the wall because you oppose America.
If you support the Wall, how much have you donated to the GFM account to pay for the Wall?
If you loved America, you would hold Mexico accountable to pay for the Wall like your orange god promised you again and again and again.
If they're hiring illegals, I don't care who they are. Lock em up.

And when were Trump supporters your concern? I thought illegals was the emergency? Lol! See what I mean about all this false outrage over illegals. You're full of shit.

Start with Nancy Pelosi, Comrade BTK.

We now have an illegal alien in the California Assembly, will you be locking Gavin Newsome up?


You Stalinists will do nothing to secure our borders, because you want to end this nation.
Your are too much of a chicken shit scum bag coward to answer my question.

You have never posed an honest question. You are a pile of shit with no honor and have attempted to lie and distort.

We support the wall because we support America. You oppose the wall because you oppose America.
If you really supported America, you'd be shouting to the roof tops about what we did, instead of bellyaching about a wall that is a problem we created; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor But you didn't, so you are a liar. You don't love America. You only love what America can do for you. And as long as America practices its imperialism over others, at the expense of those illegals you want to blame, then you are just a lover of yourself, not America. It's what America can do for you scum bag, not what you can do for it.
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We should have thought about that before we decided to be imperialists against all these other countries; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

I should have know.
And there in lies the problem. You should know better than to blame others for a problem we created, while other countries tell the U.S. to stick their tariffs up their asses, while you foolishly think your projections are going to fund a wall most Americans don't want. Lol! What a fool.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:
Go for the shutdown...that'll help get Mexico to pay for the wall which tiny trump promised us again and again.

Nobody is caring about the shutdown.
There is no express wall building power and Your guy already accepted the blame.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

So all international flights to the US will need to be shut down, all shipping too. Does he really expect this is cost effective?

Trump's head is so far up his fat ass his comments are laughable, and those who continue to support him are sadly out of touch with reality.

s0n...Milton Frieman said it best, "You can have a welfare state or you can have open borders. You cant have both." Doy
Milton Freidman was a dictators wet dream. You all about Dictatorships now?
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:
Go for the shutdown...that'll help get Mexico to pay for the wall which tiny trump promised us again and again.

Nobody is caring about the shutdown.
And neither are wanna be dictators like Trump.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:
Go for the shutdown...that'll help get Mexico to pay for the wall which tiny trump promised us again and again.

Nobody is caring about the shutdown.
And neither are wanna be dictators like Trump.

Lol....s0n....about 43 people think Trump is a dictator. What do you're gonna change it to 200 people by posting it up in here? Its gheyer than the Obama- Kenya narrative!:flirtysmile4:
If they're hiring illegals, I don't care who they are. Lock em up.

And when were Trump supporters your concern? I thought illegals was the emergency? Lol! See what I mean about all this false outrage over illegals. You're full of shit.

Start with Nancy Pelosi, Comrade BTK.

We now have an illegal alien in the California Assembly, will you be locking Gavin Newsome up?


You Stalinists will do nothing to secure our borders, because you want to end this nation.
Your are too much of a chicken shit scum bag coward to answer my question.

You have never posed an honest question. You are a pile of shit with no honor and have attempted to lie and distort.

We support the wall because we support America. You oppose the wall because you oppose America.
If you really supported America, you'd be shouting to the roof tops about what we did, instead of bellyaching about a wall that is a problem we created; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor But you didn't, so you are a liar. You don't love America. You only love what America can do for you. And as long as America practices its imperialism over others, at the expense of those illegals you want to blame, then you are just a lover of yourself, not America. It's what America can do for you scum bag, not what you can do for it.

Leftist whackjob conspiracy theories are hardly "support," comrade.

You seek to make America into Venezuela. You are a Marxist, nothing more.
Why do so many love this President?

It's all about the size of the balls s0ns!:113::113::113:

Trump says he will 'be forced to close' the border if doesn't get his wall and immigration overhaul | Daily Mail Online

Top story on DRUDGE right now!

The winning.....its killing me!:abgg2q.jpg:

So all international flights to the US will need to be shut down, all shipping too. Does he really expect this is cost effective?

Trump's head is so far up his fat ass his comments are laughable, and those who continue to support him are sadly out of touch with reality.

s0n...Milton Frieman said it best, "You can have a welfare state or you can have open borders. You cant have both." Doy
Milton Freidman was a dictators wet dream. You all about Dictatorships now?

Serious question, did you complete Jr. High?
And neither are wanna be dictators like Trump.

Stupid fuck, explain precisely what Trump is doing that is "dictatorial" in your alleged mind?

You spew your hating points from ThinkProgress, CNN, or whatever hate sites fills you empty head with pig shit, but I have yet to see you or any of you hate mongering fascists elucidate what Trump does that is dictatorial? Does he have a phone and a pen? Does he spy on opposition campaigns? Does he deploy the CIA and FBI to interfere in elections by hiring foreign spys to buy dossiers from Russia?

Be specific, sploogy...

I sincerely hope that Trump gets the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall, every bit as permeant as they did in New Orleans before Katrina.
I sincerely hope that Trump gets the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall, every bit as permeant as they did in New Orleans before Katrina.

Dont blame the corpse of engineers for that fiasco. That was all city of New Orleans thinking they only had to prep for cat 4 hurricanes, til they got hit with a cat 5.
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