Trump gains minority support from growing economy

I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.
At least they're updating the voter rolls... the infringement downside is that a lot of dead people will not be able to continue voting for perpetuity...

got a verifiable, unbiased, credible link to that sweety?

thanx in advance.... oh- & btw, that task force that president dotard created to find all those 'illegal' votes??? 3,000,000 of them to be exact... kinda failed & fell apart almost as soon as it started. why would that be? now, chop chop- get that link m'k?

I can explain that one: For some stupid reason, the committee wanted way too much personal info. A large majority of states told them to fuck off in the interest of their citizen's privacy. I don't blame the states, either, that was simply retarded on the committee's part. :dunno:

In that instance, Trump did not pick "the best people".
with black unemployment at an all time low more and more blacks [especially black males] may start voting republican !! the libturds in power know this and are losing their communist minds !
Extremely unlikely.

The GOP clearly doesn't understand the priorities of minorities.

Nor does it care to, obviously.

hey, c'mon now....the dear leader of the 'GOP' cares about a few...



I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.
At least they're updating the voter rolls... the infringement downside is that a lot of dead people will not be able to continue voting for perpetuity...

got a verifiable, unbiased, credible link to that sweety?

thanx in advance.... oh- & btw, that task force that president dotard created to find all those 'illegal' votes??? 3,000,000 of them to be exact... kinda failed & fell apart almost as soon as it started. why would that be? now, chop chop- get that link m'k?

I can explain that one: For some stupid reason, the committee wanted way too much personal info. A large majority of states told them to fuck off in the interest of their citizen's privacy. I don't blame the states, either, that was simply retarded on the committee's part. :dunno:

In that instance, Trump did not pick "the best people".
or he did, and they intentionally asked for the personal information because he KNEW states would reject such..... all so the investigation proving him WRONG, would not go forward....

just think about it....Trump never gives up....!!! He or the team he picked, could have EASILY changed their demands/requests for the personal information.... but they conveniently walked away instead! :rolleyes:
I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.
At least they're updating the voter rolls... the infringement downside is that a lot of dead people will not be able to continue voting for perpetuity...

got a verifiable, unbiased, credible link to that sweety?

thanx in advance.... oh- & btw, that task force that president dotard created to find all those 'illegal' votes??? 3,000,000 of them to be exact... kinda failed & fell apart almost as soon as it started. why would that be? now, chop chop- get that link m'k?

I can explain that one: For some stupid reason, the committee wanted way too much personal info. A large majority of states told them to fuck off in the interest of their citizen's privacy. I don't blame the states, either, that was simply retarded on the committee's part. :dunno:

In that instance, Trump did not pick "the best people".

yep...that may be the biggest reason. but certainly not the only one.
howeverrrrrrrrrrrrr.... could it be that sweety pie was spewing some pablum that she heard off some partisan pundit talk show? just where did the notion come from that illegals & dead peoples' votes were SOOOOOO numerous - that could have been the only reason why capt crazy pants lost the popular vote?

& that par-tic-u-lar instance is just among the multitude of bad choices he made in picking the 'best people'.
I have no idea why anyone would vote republican today? They are unAmerican through and through. Aside from a love of unborn children, guns, and giving the rich more of America's lucre while taking away healthcare from the not so rich American, can anyone tell us why? PS the economy is still Obama's change starts in the latter years as W demonstrated and Obama experienced.

Dog Whistle Politics

Clarity on Racial Politics

'The Seventh Exclusion: Great Moments in American Racist Immigration History'
The Seventh Exclusion: Great Moments in American Racist Immigration History

'White people' White people - Wikipedia keep telling yourself that, Midcan! As James Carville pointed out so sagely twenty years ago..."It's the economy, stupid!" The Fed is forecasting GDP above 4 for this quarter. Trump is already cuing up a further tax cut for the Middle Class for October. People have jobs. Businesses are making profits. The question people will be asking themselves when they go to the poll is why they should go back to the people who COULDN'T grow the economy and COULDN'T create jobs?
I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.

So you never heard of Republican Jews. RJC.
So you never heard of Republican Jews. RJC.

My friend, who is also my attorney, and his brother are both Republican Jews, however, they marvel at how the vast majority of the Jewish community in which they belong is Liberal/Progressive, and vote lock step Democrat.
Poll: Trump Gains Minority Support from Growing Economy | Breitbart

Great to see! Like it or not President Trump has shown the GOP HOW to win national elections from now on.

It's amazing how few people can actually see the reality.

You take over a rising economy, then people think that the president is the one responsible for this.

Not just Trump supporters either, it happens all over the world.

In the EU every country, except Germany, saw a change of leadership after 2008. Left went to right, as if it were the left's fault. And right went to left, as if it were the right's fault.

it was Bush's fault. And yet the EU suffered because of it, and govt's changed as if they could have done something different about it.
LOL rising economy....LMAO if the electorate LOVED how the economy was "improving" they would have elected Clinton NOT Trump.

Would they?

Are you saying the economy was not rising for 8 years?

Actually there seems to be a pattern, not exact, but that when the economy is doing well, the right is more likely to get elected. Then when it goes bad, the left are more likely to get in.

That's why Reagan was the only post war Republican president to see the economy BETTER after he got in than when he left, and Carter was the ONLY post war Democratic president to not see things better (it was the same).

Republicans come out of office with the economy worse, as a rule.
Yeah sure for fast food workers and shit of that we are Coal Mining,Manufacturing etc stuff that people can actually make a career out of coming back things Clinton AND Obama said would NEVER happen.
Poll: Trump Gains Minority Support from Growing Economy | Breitbart

Great to see! Like it or not President Trump has shown the GOP HOW to win national elections from now on.

It's amazing how few people can actually see the reality.

You take over a rising economy, then people think that the president is the one responsible for this.

Not just Trump supporters either, it happens all over the world.

In the EU every country, except Germany, saw a change of leadership after 2008. Left went to right, as if it were the left's fault. And right went to left, as if it were the right's fault.

it was Bush's fault. And yet the EU suffered because of it, and govt's changed as if they could have done something different about it.
LOL rising economy....LMAO if the electorate LOVED how the economy was "improving" they would have elected Clinton NOT Trump.

Would they?

Are you saying the economy was not rising for 8 years?

Actually there seems to be a pattern, not exact, but that when the economy is doing well, the right is more likely to get elected. Then when it goes bad, the left are more likely to get in.

That's why Reagan was the only post war Republican president to see the economy BETTER after he got in than when he left, and Carter was the ONLY post war Democratic president to not see things better (it was the same).

Republicans come out of office with the economy worse, as a rule.
Yeah sure for fast food workers and shit of that we are Coal Mining,Manufacturing etc stuff that people can actually make a career out of coming back things Clinton AND Obama said would NEVER happen.

Manufacturing is increasing, as if the whole economy, because the US is coming out of recession and heading towards a boom. The US has a boom and bust economy.

Republicans take over as the economy come towards the boom, and then see it towards the bust.


Employment in manufacturing has been rising steadily since 2009.

Even with Trump the BLS predicts that manufacturing will drop by 2026.

Employment by major industry sector

Nothing I can find shows there being an abnormal level of manufacturing.

Also, China is changing.

How China hopes to redefine 'Made in China'

China essentially is looking to move away from producing cheap shit, and move towards making more expensive stuff at a better quality.
It can do this with improved education, better knowledge, more skills etc. The govt is pushing its economy in a direction it wishes to go and that direction is aimed at making the country more prosperous.

The US will probably just end up producing cheap shit and lowering wages, taking over from China, if Trump gets his way. One rich guy who runs the company and lots of poor people who make the stuff. That makes America great for the rich. Not the poor.
Poll: Trump Gains Minority Support from Growing Economy | Breitbart

Great to see! Like it or not President Trump has shown the GOP HOW to win national elections from now on.

It's amazing how few people can actually see the reality.

You take over a rising economy, then people think that the president is the one responsible for this.

Not just Trump supporters either, it happens all over the world.

In the EU every country, except Germany, saw a change of leadership after 2008. Left went to right, as if it were the left's fault. And right went to left, as if it were the right's fault.

it was Bush's fault. And yet the EU suffered because of it, and govt's changed as if they could have done something different about it.
LOL rising economy....LMAO if the electorate LOVED how the economy was "improving" they would have elected Clinton NOT Trump.

Would they?

Are you saying the economy was not rising for 8 years?

Actually there seems to be a pattern, not exact, but that when the economy is doing well, the right is more likely to get elected. Then when it goes bad, the left are more likely to get in.

That's why Reagan was the only post war Republican president to see the economy BETTER after he got in than when he left, and Carter was the ONLY post war Democratic president to not see things better (it was the same).

Republicans come out of office with the economy worse, as a rule.
Yeah sure for fast food workers and shit of that we are Coal Mining,Manufacturing etc stuff that people can actually make a career out of coming back things Clinton AND Obama said would NEVER happen.
Coal mining is your idea of a good job?
I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.
20% of black voters is all that is needed to stop dems in their tracks thats why they are raising so much cane about immigration !!
Poll: Trump Gains Minority Support from Growing Economy | Breitbart

Great to see! Like it or not President Trump has shown the GOP HOW to win national elections from now on.

It's amazing how few people can actually see the reality.

You take over a rising economy, then people think that the president is the one responsible for this.

Not just Trump supporters either, it happens all over the world.

In the EU every country, except Germany, saw a change of leadership after 2008. Left went to right, as if it were the left's fault. And right went to left, as if it were the right's fault.

it was Bush's fault. And yet the EU suffered because of it, and govt's changed as if they could have done something different about it.
LOL rising economy....LMAO if the electorate LOVED how the economy was "improving" they would have elected Clinton NOT Trump.

Would they?

Are you saying the economy was not rising for 8 years?

Actually there seems to be a pattern, not exact, but that when the economy is doing well, the right is more likely to get elected. Then when it goes bad, the left are more likely to get in.

That's why Reagan was the only post war Republican president to see the economy BETTER after he got in than when he left, and Carter was the ONLY post war Democratic president to not see things better (it was the same).

Republicans come out of office with the economy worse, as a rule.
Yeah sure for fast food workers and shit of that we are Coal Mining,Manufacturing etc stuff that people can actually make a career out of coming back things Clinton AND Obama said would NEVER happen.
Coal mining is your idea of a good job?
Go ahead tell me why it isn't. Its hard work but its WORK you can make a career out of. I have family that does it and my wife's grandfather did as well. Its better than welfare.
The problem is that the economy isn't growing. I think the poll just illustrates the growing lack of understanding of economic theory and monetary policy among the electorate.

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, I'm just saying.

In 7 years a lot of the middle class will likely be bumped into higher tax brackets because that so-called tax break was actually a tax increase. It's just gradual and its full effectwon;t happen for another 7 years. But it will happen.And we're still 21 trillion dollars in debt. And we're still kicking that can down the road. And we're still printing money. The stock market, that's nothing but bubble. That's illusioanry gain caused by inflation. And our dollar is worth about 4 cents. It'll get lower in value when the effect of the tax increase comes to fruition, too. And now we have more taxes in the form of more tariffs. Tariffs are taxes.

I'm sorry, but I have to politely disagree with the the sentiment of the poll.

Congrats, you're entitled to your own opinion....even if it's wrong.
It's amazing how few people can actually see the reality.

You take over a rising economy, then people think that the president is the one responsible for this.

Not just Trump supporters either, it happens all over the world.

In the EU every country, except Germany, saw a change of leadership after 2008. Left went to right, as if it were the left's fault. And right went to left, as if it were the right's fault.

it was Bush's fault. And yet the EU suffered because of it, and govt's changed as if they could have done something different about it.
LOL rising economy....LMAO if the electorate LOVED how the economy was "improving" they would have elected Clinton NOT Trump.

Would they?

Are you saying the economy was not rising for 8 years?

Actually there seems to be a pattern, not exact, but that when the economy is doing well, the right is more likely to get elected. Then when it goes bad, the left are more likely to get in.

That's why Reagan was the only post war Republican president to see the economy BETTER after he got in than when he left, and Carter was the ONLY post war Democratic president to not see things better (it was the same).

Republicans come out of office with the economy worse, as a rule.
Yeah sure for fast food workers and shit of that we are Coal Mining,Manufacturing etc stuff that people can actually make a career out of coming back things Clinton AND Obama said would NEVER happen.
Coal mining is your idea of a good job?
Go ahead tell me why it isn't. Its hard work but its WORK you can make a career out of. I have family that does it and my wife's grandfather did as well. Its better than welfare.

I'll tell you why it isn't.

I worked in a bar when I was younger. There was a guy, a realtor. He was a smartish guy. He'd grown up in a coal mining community.

When the people came around to talk about their "futures" they basically said "you'll all go down the mines". He said "fuck that shit" and went and got a better job.

Coal mining is one of the worst jobs out there. In the dark all day, that sucks balls, I've worked in the dark all day, I hated it.

Dangerous for your health and also the potential dangers of the mine collapsing.

No one, not a single person chooses to be a coal miner when they can be something else.
Congrats, you're entitled to your own opinion....even if it's wrong.

Doesn't matter to me. I'm prepared.

But I think the future will justify my thoughts on it. It must by default. You're free to disagree. If even without any substance to do so.
LOL rising economy....LMAO if the electorate LOVED how the economy was "improving" they would have elected Clinton NOT Trump.

Would they?

Are you saying the economy was not rising for 8 years?

Actually there seems to be a pattern, not exact, but that when the economy is doing well, the right is more likely to get elected. Then when it goes bad, the left are more likely to get in.

That's why Reagan was the only post war Republican president to see the economy BETTER after he got in than when he left, and Carter was the ONLY post war Democratic president to not see things better (it was the same).

Republicans come out of office with the economy worse, as a rule.
Yeah sure for fast food workers and shit of that we are Coal Mining,Manufacturing etc stuff that people can actually make a career out of coming back things Clinton AND Obama said would NEVER happen.
Coal mining is your idea of a good job?
Go ahead tell me why it isn't. Its hard work but its WORK you can make a career out of. I have family that does it and my wife's grandfather did as well. Its better than welfare.

I'll tell you why it isn't.

I worked in a bar when I was younger. There was a guy, a realtor. He was a smartish guy. He'd grown up in a coal mining community.

When the people came around to talk about their "futures" they basically said "you'll all go down the mines". He said "fuck that shit" and went and got a better job.

Coal mining is one of the worst jobs out there. In the dark all day, that sucks balls, I've worked in the dark all day, I hated it.

Dangerous for your health and also the potential dangers of the mine collapsing.

No one, not a single person chooses to be a coal miner when they can be something else.

No doubt there's got to be 0 people that changed their career path due to your wonderful little story.

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