Trump gains minority support from growing economy

Democrats and libs are like the stock market

Good News = Bad
Bad News= Good

So there you have it

Blacks see that black unemployment is still double that of whites. So no, there will be no large number of blacks voting for Trump. And more and more blacks are not voting republican. I'm Black and I'm not going to argue with someone white about this.
Black unemployment is at a historic low. You'll never be happy, will you?

When black unemployment is equal to whites, I'll be happy.
So you want to be just like the white man, why am I not surprised? Is that just you, or do all blacks want to be like the white man?

Where did I say that?
"is equal to whites" meaning that you look up to the white man as your ideal. That's your goal, to be like whitey.

You poor thing. I feel bad for you.
Blacks see that black unemployment is still double that of whites. So no, there will be no large number of blacks voting for Trump. And more and more blacks are not voting republican. I'm Black and I'm not going to argue with someone white about this.
Black unemployment is at a historic low. You'll never be happy, will you?

When black unemployment is equal to whites, I'll be happy.
So you want to be just like the white man, why am I not surprised? Is that just you, or do all blacks want to be like the white man?

Where did I say that?
Bless his heart, he’s a conservative. :dunno:
Libertarian. :biggrin:
with black unemployment at an all time low more and more blacks [especially black males] may start voting republican !! the libturds in power know this and are losing their communist minds !
Trump is not in an election season.
Black unemployment is at a historic low. You'll never be happy, will you?

When black unemployment is equal to whites, I'll be happy.
So you want to be just like the white man, why am I not surprised? Is that just you, or do all blacks want to be like the white man?

Where did I say that?
Bless his heart, he’s a conservative. :dunno:
Libertarian. :biggrin:

I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.
At least they're updating the voter rolls... the infringement downside is that a lot of dead people will not be able to continue voting for perpetuity...
Each county must do that it has nothing to do with the feds.
I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.

The Democrats thought they had the rust belt blue collar workers in 2016 but that didn't exactly work out like they expected, did it?

Trump is appealing to everybody except the fringe Left Wing hate groups, and the Illegals.
with black unemployment at an all time low more and more blacks [especially black males] may start voting republican !! the libturds in power know this and are losing their communist minds !
Trump is not in an election season.

No but the people up for election are and they are being judged of if they are in favor of or opposed to Trump's agenda to make the country great again after the Obama disaster.
I doubt that will happen, and I doubt the Black community will vote for a Republican in any great numbers, just like the Jewish community. The Democrats know they have both of those voting blocks so can essentially ignore them. Add illegal aliens, and the typical Dem voter fraud, and that is a LOT of voters.

The Democrats thought they had the rust belt blue collar workers in 2016 but that didn't exactly work out like they expected, did it?

Trump is appealing to everybody except the fringe Left Wing hate groups, and the Illegals.

In 2016 they voted against the establishment based on promises made by Trump. In 2018 they see Trump lied ii them. By 2020, they will fully understand how much they were conned. Trump dos not appeal to 60 percent of the country. He didn't appeal t he majority of the country on 2016. He won on a technicality, not because the people wanted what he was presenting. There were protests in over 700 cities this last weekend, that is not a show of mass appeal for Trump.
with black unemployment at an all time low more and more blacks [especially black males] may start voting republican !! the libturds in power know this and are losing their communist minds !
Trump is not in an election season.

No but the people up for election are and they are being judged of if they are in favor of or opposed to Trump's agenda to make the country great again after the Obama disaster.

What disaster? The one made up by fox news?
with black unemployment at an all time low more and more blacks [especially black males] may start voting republican !! the libturds in power know this and are losing their communist minds !
Trump is not in an election season.

No but the people up for election are and they are being judged of if they are in favor of or opposed to Trump's agenda to make the country great again after the Obama disaster.

What disaster? The one made up by fox news?
The so-called disaster Trump assumes to have saved us from....I guess I did need an extra roll of terlit paper in the slave camp..
Personally, I can't wait to see the finals on the midterms to see if a trend continues and if it does, Trump will have nothing but his mouth to blame. Then maybe these arrogant mouther fuckers will shut up.
Blacks see that black unemployment is still double that of whites. So no, there will be no large number of blacks voting for Trump. And more and more blacks are not voting republican. I'm Black and I'm not going to argue with someone white about this.
Black unemployment is at a historic low. You'll never be happy, will you?

When black unemployment is equal to whites, I'll be happy.
So you want to be just like the white man, why am I not surprised? Is that just you, or do all blacks want to be like the white man?

Where did I say that?
"is equal to whites" meaning that you look up to the white man as your ideal. That's your goal, to be like whitey.

No, that's not what it means.
with black unemployment at an all time low more and more blacks [especially black males] may start voting republican !! the libturds in power know this and are losing their communist minds !
Trump is not in an election season.

No but the people up for election are and they are being judged of if they are in favor of or opposed to Trump's agenda to make the country great again after the Obama disaster.

What disaster? The one made up by fox news?
The record high stock market disaster.
When black unemployment is equal to whites, I'll be happy.
So you want to be just like the white man, why am I not surprised? Is that just you, or do all blacks want to be like the white man?
You’re pretty ignorant, huh? Must be a conservative. He didn’t say he wants to be like a white man. He said he wants to be treated equally.
His goal is to be like a white man. The Michael Jackson complex. What don't you get?
What I don’t get is how someone could be as retarded as you but still manage to post on the Internet? That’s not at all what he said.
His ideal is whitey and he won't be happy until he's equal in every way to whitey. I'm guessing English isn't your first language.

Only a complete retard could come up with this claim.
So you want to be just like the white man, why am I not surprised? Is that just you, or do all blacks want to be like the white man?
You’re pretty ignorant, huh? Must be a conservative. He didn’t say he wants to be like a white man. He said he wants to be treated equally.
His goal is to be like a white man. The Michael Jackson complex. What don't you get?
What I don’t get is how someone could be as retarded as you but still manage to post on the Internet? That’s not at all what he said.
His ideal is whitey and he won't be happy until he's equal in every way to whitey. I'm guessing English isn't your first language.

Only a complete retard could come up with this claim.
Just another small town idiot who still thinks the war between the states was fought over states rights, when in fact it was fought over racial inequality.
Black unemployment is at a historic low. You'll never be happy, will you?

When black unemployment is equal to whites, I'll be happy.
So you want to be just like the white man, why am I not surprised? Is that just you, or do all blacks want to be like the white man?

Where did I say that?
Bless his heart, he’s a conservative. :dunno:
Libertarian. :biggrin:

I'm a democrat and a proud liberal. And demanding equality is not about wanting to be to like the white man. If we get equality, we easily surpass whitey. I surpassed your stupid white ass years ago. You want to be like me. You wish you were black. That's what white racism is all about. White male insecurity because they know who the man really is.

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