Trump gave $1M to Meadows nonprofit weeks after Jan. 6 panel's creation

Get back to me when you can refute anything I say pertaining to the thread's subject.
So a political action committee donated money to a political nonprofit and you see a crime? What crime? That happens every day. That's exactly what PACs are intended to do. You're obsessed. It's a sign of mental instability when someone sees conspiracies and boogeymen in every corner.
So a political action committee donated money to a political nonprofit and you see a crime? What crime? That happens every day. That's exactly what PACs are intended to do. You're obsessed. It's a sign of mental instability when someone sees conspiracies and boogeymen in every corner.
See post #6.
WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's political action committee donated $1 million to the conservative nonprofit organization where his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, is a senior partner, according to a campaign finance report filed Monday night with the Federal Election Commission.

In December, the House voted to recommend that the Justice Department pursue contempt of Congress charges against Meadows over his refusal to cooperate with an investigation into the Trump-inspired Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The tax-deductible seven-figure contribution to the Conservative Partnership Institute is by far the largest chunk of $1.35 million in donations Trump's "Save America" PAC made to political allies over the last six months of 2021, according to the campaign finance report.

Kinda puts a different spin on Meadows refusal to cooperate with the 1/6 committee after his initial document dump. The one that ended up revealing just how batshyre crazy Ginni Thomas is. Of course, it looks now like Mark has some legal exposure himself.

His generosity knows no bounds when he's using money he fleeced from his supporters who were duped in to giving him contributions for the Stop the Steal effort.

Former President Donald Trump's political action committee has paid nearly half a million dollars to multiple law firms that employ attorneys representing close allies of Trump who have been targeted by the Jan. 6 committee investigating the Capitol attack, according to a review of financial records by ABC News -- an arrangement that committee members say raises concerns about the possible coercion of witnesses.

Trump's Save America PAC began paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to multiple law firms and lawyers connected to his allies in the committee's crosshairs after the panel was first formed last summer, and continued the payments as the committee's investigation began issuing subpoenas throughout the year, according to multiple sources and a review of Federal Election Commission filings.

As it turns out, Cassidy Hutchinson's attorney was a former WH lawyer for Trump. Until she switched to a new attorney after deciding she wanted to be more forthcoming with what she knew.

Gee, you don't think Don is spending all this money in an attempt to keep things from the 1/6 committee, do you? You don't think Don's former WH attorney advised Cassidy not to be more forthcoming, do you? You don't think all the witnesses from Trumpworld who have refused to testify of have pleaded the 5th hundreds of times know things they don't want to talk about, do you? I do.
I often see Trump's defenders lowering the bar for what is acceptable behavior from a prez or former prez by asking what law he broke. There's something wrong when you have to stoop to that level.
I'm not an attorney so I don't know if providing legal representation to a client is illegal if the lawyer provided does not have the interests of the client in mind. But it certainly is corrupt. As is the use of funds given to Trump for another purpose.

If I have come to understand anything it's Trump gets measured by a different standard than anyone else by The Following. Corruption, deceit, dishonesty, immorality, those things are already assumed to be a feature of his actions. From that starting point they have to be extraordinarily egregious for a Trumpleton to even take notice. Like attempting a coup.
Double doosh
No, but bribery is. Is there anyone in Trump's orbit who isn't a corrupt thieving bastard like he is?

Think that $1 million donation is just a coincidence, right halftard?
Liz Cheney implied, in introducing evidence Hutchinson was intimidated, that the committee has more evidence of witness intimidation/tampering involving other witnesses. Apparently they start all their interviews with a question about whether the witness has been contacted by someone in Trumpworld.
No, but bribery is. Is there anyone in Trump's orbit who isn't a corrupt thieving bastard like he is?

Think that $1 million donation is just a coincidence, right halftard?
You got him now. Grabbing a steering wheel....You got him now
What you're doing, as many others have, is narrowly focus on the 1/6 riot while ignoring the other facets of the coup attempt.
Again, you call it a coup attempt with a straight face is laughable. Go look at coups and see how it is strategically necessary to Include at least part of the military and/or other government heads.

I can’t take these “coup” charges seriously from yourself and other Leftists who said little or nothing over the multiple Lefty radicals who have tried to blow up the Capitol, disrupt a peaceful Inauguration (2017), or shoot up an open field of GOP Congressional Representatives.
Unless that is illegal which I do not believe it to be this is yet again much to do about nothing.
I often see Trump's defenders lowering the bar for what is acceptable behavior from a prez or former prez by asking what law he broke. There's something wrong when you have to stoop to that level.
I'm not an attorney so I don't know if providing legal representation to a client is illegal if the lawyer provided does not have the interests of the client in mind. But it certainly is corrupt. As is the use of funds given to Trump for another purpose.

If I have come to understand anything it's Trump gets measured by a different standard than anyone else by The Following. Corruption, deceit, dishonesty, immorality, those things are already assumed to be a feature of his actions. From that starting point they have to be extraordinarily egregious for a Trumpleton to even take notice. Like attempting a coup.
No one has lowered the bar more than Democrats and their sycophant press have for Biden. There is something wrong when Democrats lower themselves to support an all-but brain dead POTUS. Biden is certainly measured by a very low standard. He has consistently screwed up with his energy policies, foreign policies, domestic policies and just about everything else. The Democrats pulled of a coup. in 2020.....So there is that. Now they are trying to pull off their latest scam, trying to make believe a completely lawless committee is actually a real hearing.
This is all too funny, Who cares? If they call him and he goes or not, Trump Wins again. He has been winning since 2016 and you tards just can't see it. :p

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