Trump gave porn star hush money ($130,000), Wall Street Journal reports

Going to call Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal fake news now???


Trump paid off porn star for silence ONE MONTH before the election:

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence
Michael Rothfeld and

Joe Palazzolo
Updated Jan. 12, 2018 3:13 p.m. ET

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Michael Cohen, who spent nearly a decade as a top attorney at the Trump Organization, arranged payment to the woman, Stephanie Clifford, in October 2016 after her lawyer negotiated the nondisclosure agreement with Mr. Cohen, these people said.


"people familiar with the matter say"

People familiar with you say you are a lair.

Hahahahah....Go ahead, dickhead. Kill the messenger because you can't defend the message.
I"m just repeating what a very conservative newspaper is reporting, you fucking loser.
"lair" LMAO!
Using unconfirmed sources always means you are liar. The fact that you repeat it like it's fact means you are an evil liar.
Wait for some evidence before believing or denying any of this.

I don't know why I bother warning people. They do it anyway.
Who needs Robert Mueller when you have Donald Trump himself?
New scandal rocks America. This one will eclipse #shitholegate in a matter of minutes: Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

Every day is a scandal with this clown lol.....Firings, investigations, insults, fights, resignations, daaaaaaamn!!!

Why the majourity of Americans and most of the world have to put up with a bad choice of the 20 some percent that we always knew are uneducated, regressive and racists?

"Cohen also sent a statement to the news outlet signed by “Stormy Daniels,” Clifford’s stage name, that denied a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump.

“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."

Trump lawyer arranged $130,000 payment for porn star's silence about alleged sexual encounter with president: Report

she got the 130K to lie you dumbass ...

Prove it (shrugs)

you prove shes not lying

did she deny taking the 130 grand ?

Clifford herself, however, did not respond to requests from the Wall Street Journal seeking comment.

Who needs Robert Mueller when you have Donald Trump himself?
New scandal rocks America. This one will eclipse #shitholegate in a matter of minutes: Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence
...Dementia Donnie...who would ever believe Trump committed sexual assaults why butter does not melt in Dementia's mouth
Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Stars Silence

Source: The Wall Street Journal

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Michael Cohen, who spent nearly a decade as a top attorney at the Trump Organization, arranged payment to the woman, Stephanie Clifford, in October 2016 after her lawyer negotiated the nondisclosure agreement with Mr. Cohen, these people said.

Ms. Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels, has privately alleged the encounter with Mr. Trump took place after they met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, these people said. Mr. Trump married Melania Trump in 2005.

Read more: Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

Besides if you've seen Stormy Daniels....well I'm just sayin....

yeah, she is butt ugly. if not for the fake tits nobody would give her a second glance.

Wait for some evidence before believing or denying any of this.

I don't know why I bother warning people. They do it anyway.

WOW....I learn something new about our amazing President everyday....and today I find out he bangs Liberal whores with daddy issues.....what a fuckin badass!
I hope she was smart enough to make a photocopy of the check.
The make believe check?
The one you won't be able to deny if she made a copy of it.

"Joe Arpaio says it's a forgery!"
That's what we are all waiting for.

Are you drunk? How are you not comprehending what I am saying? I am using small words, just for you.
Now you deflect away from your latest lie like the troll you are. Prove Arpaio said that like you claim liar.
Going to call Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal fake news now???


Trump paid off porn star for silence ONE MONTH before the election:

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence
Michael Rothfeld and

Joe Palazzolo
Updated Jan. 12, 2018 3:13 p.m. ET

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Michael Cohen, who spent nearly a decade as a top attorney at the Trump Organization, arranged payment to the woman, Stephanie Clifford, in October 2016 after her lawyer negotiated the nondisclosure agreement with Mr. Cohen, these people said.


"people familiar with the matter say"

People familiar with you say you are a lair.

Hahahahah....Go ahead, dickhead. Kill the messenger because you can't defend the message.
I"m just repeating what a very conservative newspaper is reporting, you fucking loser.
"lair" LMAO!
Using unconfirmed sources always means you are liar. The fact that you repeat it like it's fact means you are an evil liar.

I'm not the Wall Street Journal, you stupid asshole.
And ALL newspapers and journalists protect their sources.
How do you think Nixon was ever busted for Watergate, you illiterate idiot?
Wait for some evidence before believing or denying any of this.

I don't know why I bother warning people. They do it anyway.
How about waiting for some evidence before you make your claims like it's written in stone liar.
Who needs Robert Mueller when you have Donald Trump himself?
New scandal rocks America. This one will eclipse #shitholegate in a matter of minutes: Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

Every day is a scandal with this clown lol.....Firings, investigations, insults, fights, resignations, daaaaaaamn!!!

Why the majourity of Americans and most of the world have to put up with a bad choice of the 20 some percent that we always knew are uneducated, regressive and racists?

"Cohen also sent a statement to the news outlet signed by “Stormy Daniels,” Clifford’s stage name, that denied a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump.

“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."

Trump lawyer arranged $130,000 payment for porn star's silence about alleged sexual encounter with president: Report

she got the 130K to lie you dumbass ...

Prove it (shrugs)

you prove shes not lying

did she deny taking the 130 grand ?

Clifford herself, however, did not respond to requests from the Wall Street Journal seeking comment.

Who needs Robert Mueller when you have Donald Trump himself?
New scandal rocks America. This one will eclipse #shitholegate in a matter of minutes: Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence
...Dementia Donnie...who would ever believe Trump committed sexual assaults why butter does not melt in Dementia's mouth
Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Stars Silence

Source: The Wall Street Journal

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Michael Cohen, who spent nearly a decade as a top attorney at the Trump Organization, arranged payment to the woman, Stephanie Clifford, in October 2016 after her lawyer negotiated the nondisclosure agreement with Mr. Cohen, these people said.

Ms. Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels, has privately alleged the encounter with Mr. Trump took place after they met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, these people said. Mr. Trump married Melania Trump in 2005.

Read more: Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

Besides if you've seen Stormy Daniels....well I'm just sayin....

yeah, she is butt ugly. if not for the fake tits nobody would give her a second glance.

WOW....I learn something new about our amazing President everyday....and today I find out he bangs Liberal whores with daddy issues.....what a fuckin badass!

"Liberal whores"?

Did I miss something? And why do you have no pants?
I hope she was smart enough to make a photocopy of the check.
The make believe check?
The one you won't be able to deny if she made a copy of it.

"Joe Arpaio says it's a forgery!"
That's what we are all waiting for.

Are you drunk? How are you not comprehending what I am saying? I am using small words, just for you.
Now you deflect away from your latest lie like the troll you are. Prove Arpaio said that like you claim liar.
You dumbass. It was a joke. Jesus, how much have you had to drink?

I put joke quotes at the end of my posts all the time, retard. Everyone else has the discernment to know they are jokes.

Try to catch up, or put the bottle down.
Libs are so desperate for a new Fake News story they have to regurgitate an old fake news story from years back that has long since been debunked.

I guess #Shithole-gate didn’t quite work out like you hoped.
How many multi-billionaires among us hasn't been besieged by gold-diggers?

I haven't. :crybaby:
I imagine the press is beating down the hooker's door right now. I wonder what she will have to say.

"No handjobs today, guys. My arthritis is killing me."
I hope she was smart enough to make a photocopy of the check.
The make believe check?
The one you won't be able to deny if she made a copy of it.

"Joe Arpaio says it's a forgery!"
That's what we are all waiting for.

Are you drunk? How are you not comprehending what I am saying? I am using small words, just for you.

Stormy Daniels is not taking phone calls.
That's the deal.
Trump's lawyers must be mainlining Maalox, with all the shit he pulls.

"According to The Journal, which cited unnamed sources familiar with the matter, Cohen and the Trump team made the payment to Clifford after learning that she was preparing for an interview with ABC News to discuss her encounters with the Republican. The Journal reported Clifford’s contacts with ABC News back before the election. Its latest story includes the new information about the alleged payment arranged by Cohen."""
Trump Lawyer Releases Letter From Porn Star Denying Affair With POTUS

XXXX - Mod Edit -- Best to leave mod staff out of your childish partisan griping.
Last edited by a moderator:
Going to call Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal fake news now???


Trump paid off porn star for silence ONE MONTH before the election:

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence
Michael Rothfeld and

Joe Palazzolo
Updated Jan. 12, 2018 3:13 p.m. ET

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Michael Cohen, who spent nearly a decade as a top attorney at the Trump Organization, arranged payment to the woman, Stephanie Clifford, in October 2016 after her lawyer negotiated the nondisclosure agreement with Mr. Cohen, these people said.


"people familiar with the matter say"

People familiar with you say you are a lair.

Hahahahah....Go ahead, dickhead. Kill the messenger because you can't defend the message.
I"m just repeating what a very conservative newspaper is reporting, you fucking loser.
"lair" LMAO!
Using unconfirmed sources always means you are liar. The fact that you repeat it like it's fact means you are an evil liar.

I'm not the Wall Street Journal, you stupid asshole.
And ALL newspapers and journalists protect their sources.
How do you think Nixon was ever busted for Watergate, you illiterate idiot?
You are no different then the wall street journal. You make a statement that is not true and then parrot it like it a fact and attack anyone who disagrees with you. You can cuss me all you want, I KNOW you are a liar, just like rainbow fagputin.
“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."

Of course that would be false. Rump isn't about to send the money himself, now is he?

Always notice wording.
I hope she was smart enough to make a photocopy of the check.
The make believe check?
The one you won't be able to deny if she made a copy of it.

"Joe Arpaio says it's a forgery!"
That's what we are all waiting for.

Are you drunk? How are you not comprehending what I am saying? I am using small words, just for you.

Stormy Daniels is not taking phone calls.
That's the deal.
Trump's lawyers must be mainlining Maalox, with all the shit he pulls.
They paid this woman off a month before the election and then she decides she wants more money:"

"According to The Journal, which cited unnamed sources familiar with the matter, Cohen and the Trump team made the payment to Clifford after learning that she was preparing for an interview with ABC News to discuss her encounters with the Republican. The Journal reported Clifford’s contacts with ABC News back before the election. Its latest story includes the new information about the alleged payment arranged by Cohen."""
Trump Lawyer Releases Letter From Porn Star Denying Affair With POTUS

And hey, chickenshit USMB mods: If this had been about Obama it would have STAYED in the Politics forums, you bunch of squawking Trumpanzees.
Don't you know better than to question moderator actions, liar?

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