Trump gets caught reading Russian propaganda at rally yesterday, Oct. 10.

Does that mean the emails are not true? Russia caught democrats with their pants down.


It means the left is panicking and desperately trying to distract from the emails.

Hillary lied (she always does, as do the Communists on this board) that there was confirmation that Russia is behind the hacks of Hillary's illegal server. But of course that is false, there is speculation based on the idea that Guccifer 2.0 might be Russian, nothing more.

Hillary, Guno5000, occupied, and the other Khmer Rouge are blatantly lying - as is their way, democrats.
There has never been a connection made between Russian hackers and any email. Democrats made it up.
The US government has said it. Donald Trump was given a security briefing on this fact before the last debate. And then he lied about not having heard the Russians were behind the leaks.

All caught up now?

See post 73, Donald.

You posted a stupid meme from the hate sites that do your thinking for you.

How does the revelation of emails by your gal "punk Trump," Guno? Did you just read something on KOS and repeat it because your fellow democrat would smile? Do you have no backing for you idiocy?

See post 73, Donald.

You posted a stupid meme from the hate sites that do your thinking for you.

How does the revelation of emails by your gal "punk Trump," Guno? Did you just read something on KOS and repeat it because your fellow democrat would smile? Do you have no backing for you idiocy?
Read post 73, Chump.

It is undeniable. Trump got punked, willfully blind monkey.
Have you read post 73 yet, Chumps?

Trump got punked. Fact.

Is that a post by your other sock?

I have two people on ignore and only two, fakey jake and Asslips. That post is hidden, so it is obviously cut and pasted by one of those two morons.
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Donald Trump read to his live Chump audience a lie directly from Putin's propaganda arm.

That this man is so gullible has serious national security implications.

Read post 73, Chump.

It is undeniable. Trump got punked, willfully blind monkey.

What hate site was Fakey cut and pasting from Guno?

Look, you and Jake are both socks of the same leftist fuck, so you may as well post the link to ThinkProgress, Alternet, or whichever Soros site is doing your thinking for you...
For the willfully blind monkeys, I will repost post 73:

Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

In October of last year, a reporter for Newsweek wrote a story about the Republican talking points for Benghazi.

Sidney Blumenthal forwarded that article to John Podesta in an email.

Wikileaks then released that email a few days ago. And in record time which powerfully suggests Russia was behind the email leaks, the Russian propaganda site, Sputnik, wrote a story about the emails and lifted a part of the Newsweek reporter's article out of context and attributed the words to Blumenthal.

Donald Trump rushed to the stage to read the Russian propaganda to his live Chump audience! Trump, and his Chumps, unhesitatingly believed it all to be true.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Vladimir Putin knows what every propaganda outlet knows. He knows the desire to believe overrides all rationality. He knows that Donald Trump and his Chumps haven't a single critical thinking bone in their collective bodies. Putin absolutely depends on this, as do all the web sites Trump's Chumps regularly get in line for lies to regurgitate far and wide.

Putin knows just how stupid and gullible Trump is. This is why he is interfering in our election process to help the fucking dumbass get elected.
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Donald Trump read to his live Chump audience a lie directly from Putin's propaganda arm.

That this man is so gullible has serious national security implications.


You're a dumb one Guno.

{But Eichenwald's claim that the tale "was only reported by the Russian controlled agency" is not in fact true. As BuzzFeed's Jon Passantino points out, the claim was already circulating in a viral tweet hours before Sputnik picked it up.}

Newsweek Plays Connect-the-Dots with Putin, Trump, WikiLeaks

Fucking hack retard.
For the willfully blind monkeys, I will repost post 73:

Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

In October of last year, a reporter for Newsweek wrote a story about the Republican talking points for Benghazi.

Sidney Blumenthal forwarded that article to John Podesta in an email.

Wikileaks then released that email a few days ago. And in record time which powerfully suggests Russia was behind the email leaks, the Russian propaganda site, Sputnik, wrote a story about the emails and lifted a part of the Newsweek reporter's article out of context and attributed the words to Blumenthal.

Donald Trump rushed to the stage to read the Russian propaganda to his live Chump audience! Trump, and his Chumps, unhesitatingly believed it all to be true.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Vladimir Putin knows what every propaganda outlet knows. He knows the desire to believe overrides all rationality. He knows that Donald Trump and his Chumps haven't a single critical thinking bone in their collective bodies. Putin absolutely depends on this, as do all the web sites Trump's Chumps regularly get in line for lies to regurgitate far and wide.

Putin knows just how stupid and gullible Trump is. This is why he is interfering in our election process to help the fucking dumbass get elected.

Eichwald like you, is a far left hack.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that his is just wrong, and not deliberately lying;

{But Eichenwald's claim that the tale "was only reported by the Russian controlled agency" is not in fact true. As BuzzFeed's Jon Passantino points out, the claim was already circulating in a viral tweet hours before Sputnik picked it up.}

Newsweek Plays Connect-the-Dots with Putin, Trump, WikiLeaks

Newspeak is like you, All In for Hillary. They like you, will say anything, tell any lie, to put Hillary in the White House.
For the willfully blind monkeys, I will repost post 73:

Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

In October of last year, a reporter for Newsweek wrote a story about the Republican talking points for Benghazi.

Sidney Blumenthal forwarded that article to John Podesta in an email.

Wikileaks then released that email a few days ago. And in record time which powerfully suggests Russia was behind the email leaks, the Russian propaganda site, Sputnik, wrote a story about the emails and lifted a part of the Newsweek reporter's article out of context and attributed the words to Blumenthal.

Donald Trump rushed to the stage to read the Russian propaganda to his live Chump audience! Trump, and his Chumps, unhesitatingly believed it all to be true.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Vladimir Putin knows what every propaganda outlet knows. He knows the desire to believe overrides all rationality. He knows that Donald Trump and his Chumps haven't a single critical thinking bone in their collective bodies. Putin absolutely depends on this, as do all the web sites Trump's Chumps regularly get in line for lies to regurgitate far and wide.

Putin knows just how stupid and gullible Trump is. This is why he is interfering in our election process to help the fucking dumbass get elected.

Eichwald like you, is a far left hack.

Hey monkey. His article he wrote last October is there for all to see. You can see the words HE wrote which Putin whispered into Donald's ear that Blumenthal wrote.

How much more do you wish to make a complete ass of yourself in public like Donald has?

You monkeys can't face the truth. Trump got punked by Putin. Totally owned.
Hilary handed over 20% of the United States Uranium mining to a Russian company....after bill received millions for speeches......if anyone is on Russia's pay roll it is hilary.........
That's why these "leaks" have been delayed. There is nothing all that explosive in them. So Putin is making shit up and passing it on for Donald to consume, counting on Trump's and his Chumps' profound credulousness to bleev the lies.

You release manufactured bullshit close to an election in the hopes there isn't enough time to fact check and invalidate it.

Even if it is exposed as a hoax in time, we can see just how persistent the Chumps are in holding onto the lie.

Amazing, isn't it.
Hilary handed over 20% of the United States Uranium mining to a Russian company..
Another lie you rubes keep repeating, thinking it becomes more true the more you say it.

The sale was approved by 9 government agencies, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Utah nuclear regulatory agency.

You stupid, stupid, stupid creduloid.
Trump got punked by Putin.


A very scary fact.

Partisan retardation is not "fact," Guno.
Look how hard this monkey is holding onto his delusions. :lol:

Here is the article from October 2015, monkeys: Benghazi: A comprehensive guide to a fake scandal

The relevant part of that article:

One important point has been universally acknowledged by the nine previous reports about Benghazi: The attack was almost certainly preventable. Clinton was in charge of the State Department, and it failed to protect U.S. personnel at an American consulate in Libya. If the GOP wants to raise that as a talking point against her, it is legitimate.

Those are the reporter's words. From a year ago.

Here is the lie the Russian propaganda created:

"Clinton was in charge of the State Department, and it failed to protect U.S. personnel at an American consulate in Libya. If the GOP wants to raise that as a talking point against her, it is legitimate," said Blumenthal

Trump bought the lie created by Putin's propganda arm hook, line, and sinker.

You can watch Donald Trump reading directly from the Russian propaganda here:


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