Trump gets caught reading Russian propaganda at rally yesterday, Oct. 10.

I understand all that stuff and even agree with some of it, I went through a brief libertarian period but it didn't really appeal to me for it's rejection of nearly all populist ideals. You beat the plutocracy with large numbers of pissed off poor people who have lost enough, not often repeated paragraphs about the sin of the federal reserve on some blog. These are just my thoughts though, if it makes you happy who am I to criticize.

You "beat the plutocracy" by going all in for career criminal Hillary Clinton who is firmly in the pocket of Wall Street, and has vowed to put them directly in charge? :eek:

That's quite the plan you have... :eusa_whistle:
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Trump got punked.


A very scary fact.

You keep telling the same lie over and over, Guno.

{But Eichenwald's claim that the tale "was only reported by the Russian controlled agency" is not in fact true. As BuzzFeed's Jon Passantino points out, the claim was already circulating in a viral tweet hours before Sputnik picked it up.


Your lie was already debunked.

We know you love Hillary, and will do anything to put her in power, but this lie failed.

Go back to the Soros hate sites and get your next lie to spew on behalf of your shameful party..
She was the head of the STate Department and was the one in charge of all of those people........repeated requests were sent to the State Department and she keeps telling us this guy was her good friend....he wasn't sent to France, he wasn't sent to Germany....he was specifically sent to Libya, a country they destroyed by taking our qadaffi.........she sent him there and she knew it was an incredibly dangerous post.....and she didn't care about his all........not even on the aniversary of 9/11 in a place there other countries were pulling their people guys can lie all you want....she wanted to keep a small footprint in the country and refused to give him better security...she was in charge, she sent him there and she abandoned them when they asked for help....

I dont understand how people can hate one person so much that they dont care about an outside nation interferring in our Democracy as long as they get their short sighted wishes. Did any one think of what this means? Either he was given it by Russians or he's gets alerts from Russian news. Either way, given his own sons admission they do business there and his former Campaign person being paid millions under the table

You guys cant ignore this. This shit is like literally throwing the baby out with the bath water. You think Hillary is dirty so throw America out with it. Fuuuuck you guys. This is like the war on Terror, or the NSA, or the Patriot Act all over.

Do you think this shit will stop when it happens to your people after defending it the whole time. Remember how good the terrorist watch list was until they found just regular people on it? No fly lists and their mistakes?

You gotta think beyond man...What happens 4 years from now when Hillary says "Tax Returns? There's nothing there!" You guys are going to lose your shit...THINK man

Releasing facts about a highly corrupt criminal who is running for the highest office in the land is not "interfering" with anything but your corrupt plutocracy. The Wall Street controlled DNC.

You again have been caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

Hillary is a liar, thief, and traitor. WHO it is that exposed these FACTS is irrelevant.

And no, despite the lie by Hillary, we don't know that Russia is involved. All we have is speculation.

What we do know is that WikiLeaks has a solid track record of accuracy. Despite the lies of George Soros via Guno5000 and you other hacks, these ARE Hillary's emails.
I don't know how many times I have told the rubes to ALWAYS go to the source material. Propaganda outlets are notoriously unreliable hacks who twist the facts and outright lie.

If someone is linking to a hack site, or quoting from it, and not from the source material which is available, you should be smelling a GIANT rat.

Donald Trump should have demanded to see the source email before blasting his big mouth in public, and so should have his Chumps.

Donald Trump hears what he wants to hear, and believes what he wants to believe, and then regurgitates the manufactured bullshit. He fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker.

This is a very scary character flaw to have in a President. After all, what if someone tells him there are WMDs in Iraq?
I don't know how many times I have told the rubes to ALWAYS go to the source material. Propaganda outlets are notoriously unreliable hacks who twist the facts and outright lie.

If someone is linking to a hack site, or quoting from it, and not from the source material which is available, you should be smelling a GIANT rat.

Donald Trump should have demanded to see the source email before blasting his big mouth in public, and so should have his Chumps.

Donald Trump hears what he wants to hear, and believes what he wants to believe, and then regurgitates the manufactured bullshit. He fell for a lie hook, line, and sinker.

This is a very scary character flaw to have in a President. After all, what if someone tells him there are WMDs in Iraq?

The "source" for anything you post is George Soros. Everyone here knows that you ALWAYS go to that source for what you think, Guno.
Your answer is in your own link....

The documents that WikiLeaks has unloaded recently have been emails out of the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s election campaign. Almost as soon as the pilfered documents emerged, Sputnik was all over them and rapidly found (or probably already knew about before the WikiLeaks dump) a purportedly incriminating email from Blumenthal.
Do you realize the significance of a state run Russian website probably already having the Emails before wikileaks got them? I'll spell it out, Russia hacked these emails.

It's how you deflect that Hillary murdered four people in Benghazi.

Try to spin the story away from what she did and turn it to the question of how her lies were uncovered as if that makes her not have lied.

Isn't it ironic how if Russia is involved, they are attacking the supposed home of the free by exposing the lies of our leaders? And isn't it pathetic that you're fine with our leaders lying and object to the Russians exposing it?

If the Russians are doing this, for whatever reason they are doing, they are benefitting the American people by showing you idiots what your Gods really are. And everyone else that even when it's proven to you, your response is you don't care. You want free government cheese. It starts there for you, it ends there for you
If you think that Hitlery and the DNC's corruption bodes well for anyone had it not been exposed? You couldn't be more wrong not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's house on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.. This country needs an enema and it needs to flush out the international bankers, communists and their neocon counterparts. People better wake the fuck up before it is too late because I guarantee you that bad shit of Biblical proportions is heading towards us.

Bearing in mind that one of these new leaked emails details how Hillary will put those same international bankers in charge of regulating Wall Street.

In an excerpt flagged as “Clinton suggests Wall Street insiders are what is needed to fix Wall Street”, Ms Clinton hints at working with executives to shape government regulation during a speech to Goldman Sachs in 2013.

“How do you get to the golden key, how do we figure out what works?” the transcript reads. “And the people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.” }

Controversial Hillary Clinton speeches to Wall St leaked by Wikileaks

Astoundingly it was only hours after this was revealed that the tape of Trump being a pig was conveniently found..

Distract the peasants so they don't notice the corruption.

I have been saying to anyone that will listen that she is a globalist and in the back pockets of the robber barons that want to put in a one world feudalistic system of complete global control...totally communist and the leftard clown posse seem to ache for that....being the utter idiots that they are.
Your answer is in your own link....

The documents that WikiLeaks has unloaded recently have been emails out of the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s election campaign. Almost as soon as the pilfered documents emerged, Sputnik was all over them and rapidly found (or probably already knew about before the WikiLeaks dump) a purportedly incriminating email from Blumenthal.
Do you realize the significance of a state run Russian website probably already having the Emails before wikileaks got them? I'll spell it out, Russia hacked these emails.
Look what China Joe got caught doing


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