Trump gets caught reading Russian propaganda at rally yesterday, Oct. 10.


Do you realize the significance of a state run Russian website probably already having the Emails before wikileaks got them? I'll spell it out, Russia hacked these emails.

Underscoring the seriousness of Hillary REFUSING to use secured mail. She basically shared every email she ever wrote with Russia, China, ISIS, Iran, etc.

She is NOT qualified to be president. She belongs in prison.
She did it on purpose.
She is not only not qualified, she's a traitor and a murderer. she deserves a firing squad, and hopefully she'll get it. Along with the rest of her family, and Obama and his family and every traitorous pig currently engaging in the racketeering that our government has become.
I have seen no evidence at all that Putin or Russia is behind the hacking....but I do know that when Wikileaks released e-mails about Bush the lesser and Tony Blair? The leftard clown posse cheered and rightly so. The fact remains is that Hitlery and her fellow DNC clowns are one corrupt entity... and of that you cannot deny. I have no doubt that the RNC (the different side of the same coin) are equally corrupt and disgusting. Enjoy the theater while you can because until people wake up this this fraudulent system, we will continue to circle the proverbial drain.
Whatever comrade, if Trump had one little tiny teeny itsy-bitsy bit of honor he would say he wants to win on his ideas and not some nefarious plot on his behalf. He did not even have to call out his role model Putin by name, just tell them he wants to win clean or not at all. As it is he has eagerly went after his opponent using stolen information from someone in Russia (verified) as if it was just fucking awesome. Wikileaks used to be awesome as they allowed whistle blowers a place to safely put stuff so the public can see it but something changed this year. Assange never allowed his website to be used like this, it may even be that he is no longer in control of it.

If you think that Hitlery and the DNC's corruption bodes well for anyone had it not been exposed? You couldn't be more wrong not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's house on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.. This country needs an enema and it needs to flush out the international bankers, communists and their neocon counterparts. People better wake the fuck up before it is too late because I guarantee you that bad shit of Biblical proportions is heading towards us.
Make no mistake, the progressive wing has not forgotten or forgiven the DLC for their shit. Hillary will get only one term if she forgets who will put her in the oval office. That is for next year, right now Trump must be stopped so an uneasy truce has been called. In the end the democratic party will be better off for having had this inside exposure. The Republicans however seem headed for some pretty ugly internal strife. Somehow I do not see the Trump true believers making up with the rest. That's the really bad shit you see coming, it will be you guys ripping each others genitals off in retribution for real and imagined betrayals of "conservative principals" whatever that is these days.

No, the "progressive" wing is communist and just an offshoot of the U.N's globalization goal of a "one world government" agenda that Hitlery is totally on board with as were the Bush crime family. Repub/Dem....just different sides of the same coin with the banking oligarchs that actually run this country along with the other 99 percent of the countries that have a central bank are. This is nothing but theater....all we are doing is selecting the next CEO of a corporate entity that is "da gubermint". How and the fuck can the Supreme Court be "incorporated"?? Every alphabet agency is can that be and do you even understand the significance of that? The noose is getting tighter and you don't even understand it as the air is being cut off to the brain......fucking sad.
I realize what you are trying to say (I think) but conservatives are not believable in your new found love of economic justice in America. After several decades of kissing rich man ass and fighting for trickle down economic policy you think you can just flip on that? You people hijacked what the progressives have been saying for years about the plutocrats so you will excuse my dubious reaction while Trump wants to put another massive tax cut for the wealthy on the credit card.

I have no political affiliation because I believe in the organic constitution in lieu of the corporate charter constitution that was passed with the Act of 1871. I believe that we should be under Common Law instead of admiralty law/the UCC/ Lieber Code and that we should not allow a central bank owned by international bankers to control our currency by extending credit that they created from nothing while charging us interest. I do not owe a tax to "da gubermint" because I bartered my time in one hour increments for something of value and it was that way until democrat Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the 16th amendment that was never ratified by enough states...not even close. Our sweat equity was pledged as collateral on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC in March of 1933 by democrat don't try and sell me on how the democrat party gives a flying fuck about anyone and I will not try and tell you that the neocon party gives a flying flip Both parties are bought and paid for by the same puppet-masters that create this fiat currency. It's a fucking fact and you cannot produce any evidence to the contrary. JFK, James Traficant and Ron Paul are the only politicians that I can say that I respect in my lifetime..
? before? after? images (5).jpg images (6).jpg******************************************** what does"within a few hours" mean???
Whatever comrade, if Trump had one little tiny teeny itsy-bitsy bit of honor he would say he wants to win on his ideas and not some nefarious plot on his behalf. He did not even have to call out his role model Putin by name, just tell them he wants to win clean or not at all. As it is he has eagerly went after his opponent using stolen information from someone in Russia (verified) as if it was just fucking awesome. Wikileaks used to be awesome as they allowed whistle blowers a place to safely put stuff so the public can see it but something changed this year. Assange never allowed his website to be used like this, it may even be that he is no longer in control of it.

If you think that Hitlery and the DNC's corruption bodes well for anyone had it not been exposed? You couldn't be more wrong not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's house on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.. This country needs an enema and it needs to flush out the international bankers, communists and their neocon counterparts. People better wake the fuck up before it is too late because I guarantee you that bad shit of Biblical proportions is heading towards us.
Make no mistake, the progressive wing has not forgotten or forgiven the DLC for their shit. Hillary will get only one term if she forgets who will put her in the oval office. That is for next year, right now Trump must be stopped so an uneasy truce has been called. In the end the democratic party will be better off for having had this inside exposure. The Republicans however seem headed for some pretty ugly internal strife. Somehow I do not see the Trump true believers making up with the rest. That's the really bad shit you see coming, it will be you guys ripping each others genitals off in retribution for real and imagined betrayals of "conservative principals" whatever that is these days.

No, the "progressive" wing is communist and just an offshoot of the U.N's globalization goal of a "one world government" agenda that Hitlery is totally on board with as were the Bush crime family. Repub/Dem....just different sides of the same coin with the banking oligarchs that actually run this country along with the other 99 percent of the countries that have a central bank are. This is nothing but theater....all we are doing is selecting the next CEO of a corporate entity that is "da gubermint". How and the fuck can the Supreme Court be "incorporated"?? Every alphabet agency is can that be and do you even understand the significance of that? The noose is getting tighter and you don't even understand it as the air is being cut off to the brain......fucking sad.
I realize what you are trying to say (I think) but conservatives are not believable in your new found love of economic justice in America. After several decades of kissing rich man ass and fighting for trickle down economic policy you think you can just flip on that? You people hijacked what the progressives have been saying for years about the plutocrats so you will excuse my dubious reaction while Trump wants to put another massive tax cut for the wealthy on the credit card.

I have no political affiliation because I believe in the organic constitution in lieu of the corporate charter constitution that was passed with the Act of 1871. I believe that we should be under Common Law instead of admiralty law/the UCC/ Lieber Code and that we should not allow a central bank owned by international bankers to control our currency by extending credit that they created from nothing while charging us interest. I do not owe a tax to "da gubermint" because I bartered my time in one hour increments for something of value and it was that way until democrat Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the 16th amendment that was never ratified by enough states...not even close. Our sweat equity was pledged as collateral on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC in March of 1933 by democrat don't try and sell me on how the democrat party gives a flying fuck about anyone and I will not try and tell you that the neocon party gives a flying flip Both parties are bought and paid for by the same puppet-masters that create this fiat currency. It's a fucking fact and you cannot produce any evidence to the contrary. JFK, James Traficant and Ron Paul are the only politicians that I can say that I respect in my lifetime..
You have put far too much thought into where we went wrong and not enough into how we proceed in the future. All libertarian type esoteric political affiliations seem to be mostly preoccupied with explaining why they don't like anyone or anything that anyone else likes. Seems pretty lonely.
If you think that Hitlery and the DNC's corruption bodes well for anyone had it not been exposed? You couldn't be more wrong not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's house on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.. This country needs an enema and it needs to flush out the international bankers, communists and their neocon counterparts. People better wake the fuck up before it is too late because I guarantee you that bad shit of Biblical proportions is heading towards us.
Make no mistake, the progressive wing has not forgotten or forgiven the DLC for their shit. Hillary will get only one term if she forgets who will put her in the oval office. That is for next year, right now Trump must be stopped so an uneasy truce has been called. In the end the democratic party will be better off for having had this inside exposure. The Republicans however seem headed for some pretty ugly internal strife. Somehow I do not see the Trump true believers making up with the rest. That's the really bad shit you see coming, it will be you guys ripping each others genitals off in retribution for real and imagined betrayals of "conservative principals" whatever that is these days.

No, the "progressive" wing is communist and just an offshoot of the U.N's globalization goal of a "one world government" agenda that Hitlery is totally on board with as were the Bush crime family. Repub/Dem....just different sides of the same coin with the banking oligarchs that actually run this country along with the other 99 percent of the countries that have a central bank are. This is nothing but theater....all we are doing is selecting the next CEO of a corporate entity that is "da gubermint". How and the fuck can the Supreme Court be "incorporated"?? Every alphabet agency is can that be and do you even understand the significance of that? The noose is getting tighter and you don't even understand it as the air is being cut off to the brain......fucking sad.
I realize what you are trying to say (I think) but conservatives are not believable in your new found love of economic justice in America. After several decades of kissing rich man ass and fighting for trickle down economic policy you think you can just flip on that? You people hijacked what the progressives have been saying for years about the plutocrats so you will excuse my dubious reaction while Trump wants to put another massive tax cut for the wealthy on the credit card.

I have no political affiliation because I believe in the organic constitution in lieu of the corporate charter constitution that was passed with the Act of 1871. I believe that we should be under Common Law instead of admiralty law/the UCC/ Lieber Code and that we should not allow a central bank owned by international bankers to control our currency by extending credit that they created from nothing while charging us interest. I do not owe a tax to "da gubermint" because I bartered my time in one hour increments for something of value and it was that way until democrat Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the 16th amendment that was never ratified by enough states...not even close. Our sweat equity was pledged as collateral on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC in March of 1933 by democrat don't try and sell me on how the democrat party gives a flying fuck about anyone and I will not try and tell you that the neocon party gives a flying flip Both parties are bought and paid for by the same puppet-masters that create this fiat currency. It's a fucking fact and you cannot produce any evidence to the contrary. JFK, James Traficant and Ron Paul are the only politicians that I can say that I respect in my lifetime..
You have put far too much thought into where we went wrong and not enough into how we proceed in the future. All libertarian type esoteric political affiliations seem to be mostly preoccupied with explaining why they don't like anyone or anything that anyone else likes. Seems pretty lonely.

How can you proceed to the future when you have international bankers that own your government? It's impossible to ever get out of debt. They own the multi-national corporations. Composite government owns the majority shares of every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. Do you even understand the significance of having an incorporated government?

BTW, you can never have "too much thought"...the biggest problem this country has is that people do not put enough thought into what is actually going on and instead buy into the propaganda they have been sold on. This country got fat and happy while leaving those untrustworthy to guard the gates., It's a fact and it's not even up for debate IMHO.
Make no mistake, the progressive wing has not forgotten or forgiven the DLC for their shit. Hillary will get only one term if she forgets who will put her in the oval office. That is for next year, right now Trump must be stopped so an uneasy truce has been called. In the end the democratic party will be better off for having had this inside exposure. The Republicans however seem headed for some pretty ugly internal strife. Somehow I do not see the Trump true believers making up with the rest. That's the really bad shit you see coming, it will be you guys ripping each others genitals off in retribution for real and imagined betrayals of "conservative principals" whatever that is these days.

No, the "progressive" wing is communist and just an offshoot of the U.N's globalization goal of a "one world government" agenda that Hitlery is totally on board with as were the Bush crime family. Repub/Dem....just different sides of the same coin with the banking oligarchs that actually run this country along with the other 99 percent of the countries that have a central bank are. This is nothing but theater....all we are doing is selecting the next CEO of a corporate entity that is "da gubermint". How and the fuck can the Supreme Court be "incorporated"?? Every alphabet agency is can that be and do you even understand the significance of that? The noose is getting tighter and you don't even understand it as the air is being cut off to the brain......fucking sad.
I realize what you are trying to say (I think) but conservatives are not believable in your new found love of economic justice in America. After several decades of kissing rich man ass and fighting for trickle down economic policy you think you can just flip on that? You people hijacked what the progressives have been saying for years about the plutocrats so you will excuse my dubious reaction while Trump wants to put another massive tax cut for the wealthy on the credit card.

I have no political affiliation because I believe in the organic constitution in lieu of the corporate charter constitution that was passed with the Act of 1871. I believe that we should be under Common Law instead of admiralty law/the UCC/ Lieber Code and that we should not allow a central bank owned by international bankers to control our currency by extending credit that they created from nothing while charging us interest. I do not owe a tax to "da gubermint" because I bartered my time in one hour increments for something of value and it was that way until democrat Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the 16th amendment that was never ratified by enough states...not even close. Our sweat equity was pledged as collateral on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC in March of 1933 by democrat don't try and sell me on how the democrat party gives a flying fuck about anyone and I will not try and tell you that the neocon party gives a flying flip Both parties are bought and paid for by the same puppet-masters that create this fiat currency. It's a fucking fact and you cannot produce any evidence to the contrary. JFK, James Traficant and Ron Paul are the only politicians that I can say that I respect in my lifetime..
You have put far too much thought into where we went wrong and not enough into how we proceed in the future. All libertarian type esoteric political affiliations seem to be mostly preoccupied with explaining why they don't like anyone or anything that anyone else likes. Seems pretty lonely.

How can you proceed to the future when you have international bankers that own your government? It's impossible to ever get out of debt. They own the multi-national corporations. Composite government owns the majority shares of every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. Do you even understand the significance of having an incorporated government?

BTW, you can never have "too much thought"...the biggest problem this country has is that people do not put enough thought into what is actually going on and instead buy into the propaganda they have been sold on. This country got fat and happy while leaving those untrustworthy to guard the gates., It's a fact and it's not even up for debate IMHO.
I understand all that stuff and even agree with some of it, I went through a brief libertarian period but it didn't really appeal to me for it's rejection of nearly all populist ideals. You beat the plutocracy with large numbers of pissed off poor people who have lost enough, not often repeated paragraphs about the sin of the federal reserve on some blog. These are just my thoughts though, if it makes you happy who am I to criticize.

Cool yer jets there cowboy. Address the topic at hand or go back to the fifty other threads concerning the Clinton email scandal.

That IS the subject at hand. You partisans seem to think that is Russia is the source of the hacks that the criminal acts by Hillary revealed by her emails no longer matter.

Hillary belongs in prison.
If you think that Hitlery and the DNC's corruption bodes well for anyone had it not been exposed? You couldn't be more wrong not even if you showed up at Michael Moore's house on Halloween dressed as Mayor McCheese.. This country needs an enema and it needs to flush out the international bankers, communists and their neocon counterparts. People better wake the fuck up before it is too late because I guarantee you that bad shit of Biblical proportions is heading towards us.

Bearing in mind that one of these new leaked emails details how Hillary will put those same international bankers in charge of regulating Wall Street.

In an excerpt flagged as “Clinton suggests Wall Street insiders are what is needed to fix Wall Street”, Ms Clinton hints at working with executives to shape government regulation during a speech to Goldman Sachs in 2013.

“How do you get to the golden key, how do we figure out what works?” the transcript reads. “And the people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.” }

Controversial Hillary Clinton speeches to Wall St leaked by Wikileaks

Astoundingly it was only hours after this was revealed that the tape of Trump being a pig was conveniently found..

Distract the peasants so they don't notice the corruption.
There is no such thing as "secured email". Never has been.

Now THAT is some stupid shit, even for a hack like you.

I get it, you're desperate to cover for your candidate and will say ANYTHING to distract from her crimes,.

Still that is some astoundingly stupid shit.


AES 256




That's why it's not used for truly sensitive classified material.

These emails were hacked from the DNC, not Hillary's private server, you dolt.

When you lie here, it is merely a matter of the complete and utter lack of integrity you have as a servant of your corrupt party.

When Hillary lied about the 108 known classified/secret emails she sent across the unsecured illegal server, she was committing treason.

Despite you lying, the latest batch that WikiLeaks (not Russia) has released are from the illegal server that Hillary was using to escape FOI laws - a felony.
Make no mistake, the progressive wing has not forgotten or forgiven the DLC for their shit. Hillary will get only one term if she forgets who will put her in the oval office. That is for next year, right now Trump must be stopped so an uneasy truce has been called. In the end the democratic party will be better off for having had this inside exposure. The Republicans however seem headed for some pretty ugly internal strife. Somehow I do not see the Trump true believers making up with the rest. That's the really bad shit you see coming, it will be you guys ripping each others genitals off in retribution for real and imagined betrayals of "conservative principals" whatever that is these days.

You'll do as you're told.

You are a drone. You will obey your masters without question, and lie for them as you lie for Hillary here. You are the property of your party, to be used and disposed of as they see fit.
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

In October of last year, a reporter for Newsweek wrote a story about the Republican talking points for Benghazi.

Sidney Blumenthal forwarded that article to John Podesta in an email.

Wikileaks then released that email a few days ago. And in record time which powerfully suggests Russia was behind the email leaks, the Russian propaganda site, Sputnik, wrote a story about the emails and lifted a part of the Newsweek reporter's article out of context and attributed the words to Blumenthal.

Donald Trump rushed to the stage to read the Russian propaganda to his live Chump audience! Trump, and his Chumps, unhesitatingly believed it all to be true.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Vladimir Putin knows what every propaganda outlet knows. He knows the desire to believe overrides all rationality. He knows that Donald Trump and his Chumps haven't a single critical thinking bone in their collective bodies. Putin absolutely depends on this, as do all the web sites Trump's Chumps regularly get in line for lies to regurgitate far and wide.

Putin knows just how stupid and gullible Trump is. This is why he is interfering in our election process to help the fucking dumbass get elected.
When a leading candidate for the Presidency falls for a blatantly obvious hoax spoon fed to him by the Russians, that should scare the shit out of you.
Your answer is in your own link....

The documents that WikiLeaks has unloaded recently have been emails out of the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s election campaign. Almost as soon as the pilfered documents emerged, Sputnik was all over them and rapidly found (or probably already knew about before the WikiLeaks dump) a purportedly incriminating email from Blumenthal.
Do you realize the significance of a state run Russian website probably already having the Emails before wikileaks got them? I'll spell it out, Russia hacked these emails.
Does that mean the emails are not true? Russia caught democrats with their pants down.

I dont understand how people can hate one person so much that they dont care about an outside nation interferring in our Democracy as long as they get their short sighted wishes. Did any one think of what this means? Either he was given it by Russians or he's gets alerts from Russian news. Either way, given his own sons admission they do business there and his former Campaign person being paid millions under the table

You guys cant ignore this. This shit is like literally throwing the baby out with the bath water. You think Hillary is dirty so throw America out with it. Fuuuuck you guys. This is like the war on Terror, or the NSA, or the Patriot Act all over.

Do you think this shit will stop when it happens to your people after defending it the whole time. Remember how good the terrorist watch list was until they found just regular people on it? No fly lists and their mistakes?

You gotta think beyond man...What happens 4 years from now when Hillary says "Tax Returns? There's nothing there!" You guys are going to lose your shit...THINK man
There has never been a connection made between Russian hackers and any email. Democrats made it up.

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