Trump gets caught reading Russian propaganda at rally yesterday, Oct. 10.

They are not even helping Trump.

Our own state run media is doing all they can to quash the messages.

This is why 11 year old Trump bullshit came out mere hours after WikiLeaks released email from Hillary telling Goldman Sachs that she would let them set the rules for Wall Street.

I don't like Trump, but Hillary belongs in prison.
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Your answer is in your own link....

The documents that WikiLeaks has unloaded recently have been emails out of the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s election campaign. Almost as soon as the pilfered documents emerged, Sputnik was all over them and rapidly found (or probably already knew about before the WikiLeaks dump) a purportedly incriminating email from Blumenthal.
Do you realize the significance of a state run Russian website probably already having the Emails before wikileaks got them? I'll spell it out, Russia hacked these emails.

Probably.....that being a keyword. You need to offer up proof. Your thread is going nowhere
Whatever, Even if we knew for ablsolute certain that Clinton is the target of a Russian cyber war you would not care.

No I wouldn't, given what the old bitch is guilty of I don't care who brings her down. That is how much I despise her
Even if it means Trump owes Putin a big one and could be blackmailed over the assistance Putin gave him? Think about shit before you write it.

I don't take direction from any left loon. The sooner the old bitch goes down the better

PS Google Clinton and Russian uranium deal and get back to me
They are not even helping Trump.

Our own state run media is doing all they can to quash the messages.

This who 11 year old Trump bullshit came out mere hours after WikiLeaks released email from Hillary telling Goldman Sachs that she would let them set the rules for Wall Street.

I don't like Trump, but Hillary belongs in prison.
And yet after having been investigated repeatedly by a Republican congress their fishing expeditions have not turned up anything they can use.
Even if it means Trump owes Putin a big one and could be blackmailed over the assistance Putin gave him? Think about shit before you write it.

We know for a FACT that Hillary was bribed by Putin in the Uranium deal.

There is not a shred of evidence indicating anything between Putin and Trump.

Get real.
It's not weak, dummy. Read the fucking article. Brain dead loser.

It is moronic, the desperation of a criminal caught up in her own lies.

Your shit is laughably stupid.

Hillary belongs in prison. You don't care because the party is all to you.
Why can't nutbags see what happened here?

The email was edited. Blumenthal didn't write what Trump attributed to him. He read straight from Sputnik.

Do you even understand this?


That's weak even for a mindless hack like you.

It's not weak, dummy. Read the fucking article. Brain dead loser.
They come from a different world where a Russian dictator is better than any American democrat.
Trump is Putin's little bitch....
The price Trump has to pay for the huge bailout Russia provided to
prop up Trump's empire....

Either that or hand over Ivanka to Putin....


I have my people working on this story and they can't believe what they are finding..... ehh hehh hehh
Your answer is in your own link....

The documents that WikiLeaks has unloaded recently have been emails out of the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s election campaign. Almost as soon as the pilfered documents emerged, Sputnik was all over them and rapidly found (or probably already knew about before the WikiLeaks dump) a purportedly incriminating email from Blumenthal.
Do you realize the significance of a state run Russian website probably already having the Emails before wikileaks got them? I'll spell it out, Russia hacked these emails.

Probably.....that being a keyword. You need to offer up proof. Your thread is going nowhere
Whatever, Even if we knew for ablsolute certain that Clinton is the target of a Russian cyber war you would not care.

No I wouldn't, given what the old bitch is guilty of I don't care who brings her down. That is how much I despise her
Even if it means Trump owes Putin a big one and could be blackmailed over the assistance Putin gave him? Think about shit before you write it.
They prefer Russia...
Even if it means Trump owes Putin a big one and could be blackmailed over the assistance Putin gave him? Think about shit before you write it.

We know for a FACT that Hillary was bribed by Putin in the Uranium deal.

There is not a shred of evidence indicating anything between Putin and Trump.

Get real.
It's beginning to look like Trump has too many shady dealings with Russia, that means Putin. All this stuff taken together is just too much to ignore and dismiss, unless you are still in love with the Trump/Putin campaign.
This was the triad from the beginning and likely why Trump chose to run. He, Assange, and the Russians had whatever useless dirt they had and Russia told Trump they'd continue on with the hacking throughout the campaign to help him win. You can see this in how Trump publicly cheered on the Russians to hack US Government computers. What American citizen, let alone someone running for office, would ever even think such a thing? Nobody would. Unless it was to foreshadow things Trump knew were coming and, in his mind, would make him look 'clairvoyant' or as a know-it-all. There have been nonstop warnings from the FBI and Homeland Security to various states about hackers infiltrating voting machines in those states, with the perpetrator likely Russia. Assange has given up any pretense of being unbiased as he is intentionally trying to subvert the outcome of a United States Presidential election. Along with the Russians.

The question is why? What would be the benefit to Putin if Trump were elected, other than money. Putin operates on money, he's a world-class thief and thug. He's already murdered people out in the open via poison. Trump appears to be his protege. And what would be the benefit to Assange? Asylum either in Russia or the US, as well as a large payoff.

We've heard it echoed from the past "if you are going to tell the public a lie tell them the big lie, so big it frightens them more to believe it's true because of the consequences to them personally than to dismiss it and hope for the best". If you don't believe the lie you can pretend all is well. Cognitive dissonance is what we call it today.

Again, I will be happy if wrong. Because if this is what in fact has taken place we may well find ourselves at war with Russia in the future. No nation has ever tried to so directly interfere with US elections. All these nations like to poke at the US with a long stick, thinking we're too docile to take aggressive action, and we are to a point. Guaranteed none of them wants us to actually come at them. None of them. It's like poking a bengal tiger sleeping along the trail. Once you poke him in the eye then you get what you get.

She did it on purpose.
She is not only not qualified, she's a traitor and a murderer. she deserves a firing squad, and hopefully she'll get it. Along with the rest of her family, and Obama and his family and every traitorous pig currently engaging in the racketeering that our government has become.

The evidence is clear, and that shameful Comey released it. Hillary Clinton willfully and maliciously subverted federal law mandating the use of federal email systems in order to escape electronic discovery based on the Freedom of Information Act. Her contracting of an outside group to set up an illegal server was specifically so that she could destroy evidence in the case of FOI requests.

This is not speculation, but the findings of the Corrupt FBI, right before they declared Hillary above the law.

Hillary further compromised and perverted the security of the nation when she refused to allow basic encryption of email due to her desire to use an obsolete BlackBerry device that did not support encryption.

She belongs in prison - pure fact. ANY person other than a party boss would be in prison for what she did.
This was the triad from the beginning and likely why Trump chose to run. He, Assange, and the Russians had whatever useless dirt they had and Russia told Trump they'd continue on with the hacking throughout the campaign to help him win. You can see this in how Trump publicly cheered on the Russians to hack US Government computers. What American citizen, let alone someone running for office, would ever even think such a thing? Nobody would. Unless it was to foreshadow things Trump knew were coming and, in his mind, would make him look 'clairvoyant' or as a know-it-all. There have been nonstop warnings from the FBI and Homeland Security to various states about hackers infiltrating voting machines in those states, with the perpetrator likely Russia. Assange has given up any pretense of being unbiased as he is intentionally trying to subvert the outcome of a United States Presidential election. Along with the Russians.

The question is why? What would be the benefit to Putin if Trump were elected, other than money. Putin operates on money, he's a world-class thief and thug. He's already murdered people out in the open via poison. Trump appears to be his protege. And what would be the benefit to Assange? Asylum either in Russia or the US, as well as a large payoff.

We've heard it echoed from the past "if you are going to tell the public a lie tell them the big lie, so big it frightens them more to believe it's true because of the consequences to them personally than to dismiss it and hope for the best". If you don't believe the lie you can pretend all is well. Cognitive dissonance is what we call it today.

Again, I will be happy if wrong. Because if this is what in fact has taken place we may well find ourselves at war with Russia in the future. No nation has ever tried to so directly interfere with US elections. All these nations like to poke at the US with a long stick, thinking we're too docile to take aggressive action, and we are to a point. Guaranteed none of them wants us to actually come at them. None of them. It's like poking a bengal tiger sleeping along the trail. Once you poke him in the eye then you get what you get.
Thank you, they are ready to put Hillary in front of a firing squad on less evidence that Putin is trying to help Trump win the election. Granted it's still circumstantial but if this story is any indication the Russian effort is sloppy and will soon expose itself. I think Putin meant to reveal it about five minutes after Trump was sworn in.
They are not even helping Trump.

Our own state run media is doing all they can to quash the messages.

This who 11 year old Trump bullshit came out mere hours after WikiLeaks released email from Hillary telling Goldman Sachs that she would let them set the rules for Wall Street.

I don't like Trump, but Hillary belongs in prison.
And yet after having been investigated repeatedly by a Republican congress their fishing expeditions have not turned up anything they can use.

When the FBI is openly corrupt as ours is...
They are not even helping Trump.

Our own state run media is doing all they can to quash the messages.

This who 11 year old Trump bullshit came out mere hours after WikiLeaks released email from Hillary telling Goldman Sachs that she would let them set the rules for Wall Street.

I don't like Trump, but Hillary belongs in prison.
And yet after having been investigated repeatedly by a Republican congress their fishing expeditions have not turned up anything they can use.

When the FBI is openly corrupt as ours is...
Is congress in the bag for Hillary too? Wow, who would have thought it. In the meantime what do you actually think about the topic Mr. off-topic poster.
It's beginning to look like Trump has too many shady dealings with Russia, that means Putin. All this stuff taken together is just too much to ignore and dismiss, unless you are still in love with the Trump/Putin campaign.

It's clear that you of the left are desperate to distract from the emails that Hillary wrote. These are her own words and those of her coconspirators.

We said from the start that Hillary RAPED electronic security measures and left vital intelligence open to Russia and others. The FACT that these emails were hacked makes it perfectly clear that those 108 classified / top secret email that she lied to the FBI about (a felony for those subject to the law) were hacked along with these that so embarrass you hacks.

We all know, even lonefluffer, that these are indeed the emails Hillary lied about and deleted. That they were hacked by Russia alters nothing about the fact that they reveal what a pile of shit Hillary is, and that she is unfit to hold office,

She belongs in prison, pure fact. YOU would be in prison for doing even ONE of the thousands of crimes that are proven by the WikiLeak emails.

Is that okay with you? Is your party so fucking important to you that you'd gladly spend your life in a gulag to further the goals of the party and satiate their lust for power?
This was the triad from the beginning and likely why Trump chose to run. He, Assange, and the Russians had whatever useless dirt they had and Russia told Trump they'd continue on with the hacking throughout the campaign to help him win. You can see this in how Trump publicly cheered on the Russians to hack US Government computers. What American citizen, let alone someone running for office, would ever even think such a thing? Nobody would. Unless it was to foreshadow things Trump knew were coming and, in his mind, would make him look 'clairvoyant' or as a know-it-all. There have been nonstop warnings from the FBI and Homeland Security to various states about hackers infiltrating voting machines in those states, with the perpetrator likely Russia. Assange has given up any pretense of being unbiased as he is intentionally trying to subvert the outcome of a United States Presidential election. Along with the Russians.

The question is why? What would be the benefit to Putin if Trump were elected, other than money. Putin operates on money, he's a world-class thief and thug. He's already murdered people out in the open via poison. Trump appears to be his protege. And what would be the benefit to Assange? Asylum either in Russia or the US, as well as a large payoff.

We've heard it echoed from the past "if you are going to tell the public a lie tell them the big lie, so big it frightens them more to believe it's true because of the consequences to them personally than to dismiss it and hope for the best". If you don't believe the lie you can pretend all is well. Cognitive dissonance is what we call it today.

Again, I will be happy if wrong. Because if this is what in fact has taken place we may well find ourselves at war with Russia in the future. No nation has ever tried to so directly interfere with US elections. All these nations like to poke at the US with a long stick, thinking we're too docile to take aggressive action, and we are to a point. Guaranteed none of them wants us to actually come at them. None of them. It's like poking a bengal tiger sleeping along the trail. Once you poke him in the eye then you get what you get.
Thank you, they are ready to put Hillary in front of a firing squad on less evidence that Putin is trying to help Trump win the election. Granted it's still circumstantial but if this story is any indication the Russian effort is sloppy and will soon expose itself. I think Putin meant to reveal it about five minutes after Trump was sworn in.

And this goes to a point I made in another thread. The real threat isn't Trump by himself, it would be the Congress if the Republicans retained control of both houses. If this were revealed as noted or anything similar, that Trump knew about this and participated in it ahead of time, he would and should be immediately impeached and tried as a traitor. You want to know what high crimes are, this is it. But, if the Republicans viewed this moment in time if Trump were elected and they controlled both houses, to force their agenda through and pass laws that lock out the Democrats from gaining control of Congress ever again, they would I believe ignore whatever Trump has done and carry on with effectively demolishing the Constitution and the norms of our government that have stood since the founding. Again, no one can see the future and we all would hope this would not, and really, could not come to pass. But if you know history we are at a very precarious moment either way. If the Russians and Assange were not doing what they are doing there would be no conversation. But they are. And there IS a reason they are doing this.
They are not even helping Trump.

Our own state run media is doing all they can to quash the messages.

This who 11 year old Trump bullshit came out mere hours after WikiLeaks released email from Hillary telling Goldman Sachs that she would let them set the rules for Wall Street.

I don't like Trump, but Hillary belongs in prison.
And yet after having been investigated repeatedly by a Republican congress their fishing expeditions have not turned up anything they can use.

When the FBI is openly corrupt as ours is...
Is congress in the bag for Hillary too? Wow, who would have thought it. In the meantime what do you actually think about the topic Mr. off-topic poster.

Grow up

FBI Releases Documents in Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation
It's beginning to look like Trump has too many shady dealings with Russia, that means Putin. All this stuff taken together is just too much to ignore and dismiss, unless you are still in love with the Trump/Putin campaign.

It's clear that you of the left are desperate to distract from the emails that Hillary wrote. These are her own words and those of her coconspirators.

We said from the start that Hillary RAPED electronic security measures and left vital intelligence open to Russia and others. The FACT that these emails were hacked makes it perfectly clear that those 108 classified / top secret email that she lied to the FBI about (a felony for those subject to the law) were hacked along with these that so embarrass you hacks.

We all know, even lonefluffer, that these are indeed the emails Hillary lied about and deleted. That they were hacked by Russia alters nothing about the fact that they reveal what a pile of shit Hillary is, and that she is unfit to hold office,

She belongs in prison, pure fact. YOU would be in prison for doing even ONE of the thousands of crimes that are proven by the WikiLeak emails.

Is that okay with you? Is your party so fucking important to you that you'd gladly spend your life in a gulag to further the goals of the party and satiate their lust for power?
Cool yer jets there cowboy. Address the topic at hand or go back to the fifty other threads concerning the Clinton email scandal.

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