Trump Getting Rolled Again..."Infrastructure" = Pork

Infrastructure has been neglected for decades

$2 trillion is a good start
Trump gave all that to the rich with his tax cuts.
Tax revenue increased.
Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

How long are you people going to keep parroting this lie?

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 2018 than in 2017.
Yeah, Peloski and Schumer the shoe salesman are totally going to bargain in good faith, on a bill that will end up spending over $2 trillion...And I have a bridge int Manhattan I want to sell you.

This whole mess can be done better and at lower bureaucratic expense by state and local operators.

BTW, "infrastructure spending" being an alleged economic boon is a rehash of the old and thoroughly debunked Keynesian "broken window" theory of economics, and its mythical "multiplier effect".

Actually, the failed trickle down theory that is responsible for that $22 trillion in debt has been thoroughly debunked.
Yeah, Peloski and Schumer the shoe salesman are totally going to bargain in good faith, on a bill that will end up spending over $2 trillion...And I have a bridge int Manhattan I want to sell you.

This whole mess can be done better and at lower bureaucratic expense by state and local operators.

I've been saying this for years. There is no reason why the federal government needs to be funding infrastructure spending nor do I see any Constitutional authorization for it. There is no reason the states cannot maintain their own infrastructure. Scrap the federal gas tax and let the states self fund their infrastructure needs.

Yup. They are on site and know what they need and how to get it done better than the Federal Government ever will.

Let them fix their own infrastructure and keep the Government out of it.
Infrastructure spending was a key plank in Trump's platform. He went on and on and on about it.

Trump LOVES spending other people's money, and now his hand is rifling through the biggest wallet in the world: the American taxpayer.

You're not fond of shovel ready jobs anymore?
Yeah, Peloski and Schumer the shoe salesman are totally going to bargain in good faith, on a bill that will end up spending over $2 trillion...And I have a bridge int Manhattan I want to sell you.

This whole mess can be done better and at lower bureaucratic expense by state and local operators.

BTW, "infrastructure spending" being an alleged economic boon is a rehash of the old and thoroughly debunked Keynesian "broken window" theory of economics, and its mythical "multiplier effect".

from what i understand nothing is decided yet. given how trump has backed out of global bad deals, i don't see him getting rolled in the end. his typical strategy is to get you talking then drive for what he wants. he can't drive w/o them talking so - here we are.

lets see if he repeats this tactic and now that they're talking again, reverts to his agenda only.
Trump is already spending a whopping record $4.7 trillion a year and doubling the deficit to a trillion dollars. Where does he expect the yet unborn taxpayers to come up with another $2 trillion to spend?

Is a $1 trillion deficit not already big enough for this fuckwit?
Why did Nancy and Chuckie let him. Get away with this?
Trump had a GOP Congress while he was doubling the deficit, dumbass.

I predicted you fuckwits would try to blame the Democrats for Trump's spending.


Also, you fuckwits blamed Obama for every penny of debt that ran up on his watch. You didn't try to dodge and blame the GOP Congress.

You put every penny on Obama.

So fuck you right up your hypocritical ass, dipshit.
Dude....youre gonna stroke out. My comment regarded this bill only. I have no sympathy for you or the dems. Teaparty tried. Dems won Congress under Obama under the fiscal conservative mantra.....and did nothing....everybody whining about Trumps spending but again …..libs fall on their ASS......CANnt remember the last dems actually tried to reign in spending.
Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and spend the same

Which is worse ?
Democrats tax and waste.
Republicans use taxpayers $ like it was their own.

Like walls?
Infrastructure spending was a key plank in Trump's platform. He went on and on and on about it.

Trump LOVES spending other people's money, and now his hand is rifling through the biggest wallet in the world: the American taxpayer.

You're not fond of shovel ready jobs anymore?
Shovel ready jobs are good for short term employment

We are looking for major infrastructure improvements and maintenance
For most of our existence urban areas of the country have supported infrastructure in rural areas

They couldn’t afford it on their own
Sure. :9:

Rural areas would still have dirt roads, one room schools and no electric or phone if they were not subsidized by urban areas
Detroit looks so good these days. :cool-45:

Detroit paid for the infrastructure of the whole state of Michigan

Without Detroit, it would be dirt roads and outhouses

And soon Detroit will be nothing but dirt roads and outhouses.

Detroit has downsized and is coming back
Where were the Progs two years ago when Trump was elected? If the Infrastructure bill has many other items of pork bull in it forgetabout it!
Where were the Progs two years ago when Trump was elected? If the Infrastructure bill has many other items of pork bull in it forgetabout it!
Infrastructure is Pork

Good Pork
Projects that help communities throughout the US
Yeah, Peloski and Schumer the shoe salesman are totally going to bargain in good faith, on a bill that will end up spending over $2 trillion...And I have a bridge int Manhattan I want to sell you.

This whole mess can be done better and at lower bureaucratic expense by state and local operators.

I've been saying this for years. There is no reason why the federal government needs to be funding infrastructure spending nor do I see any Constitutional authorization for it. There is no reason the states cannot maintain their own infrastructure. Scrap the federal gas tax and let the states self fund their infrastructure needs.
What do you know about building infrastructure? Nothing I would guess. Sit in on a public meeting for funding the I-71-75 bridge from Ohio to Kentucky and you may get a clue on why the feds need to be involved. This is the project that made me say fuck dealing with public works, building roads and bridges. I am getting a captains license and starting a fishing charter. I currently make about 10 percent of what I made two years ago and have no regrets. I would rather be soaking wet in 38 degrees on a boat than deal with crying taxpayers that do nothing but complain and have no clue what it takes to get projects done. I am a hundred times happier these days.

Rural areas would still have dirt roads, one room schools and no electric or phone if they were not subsidized by urban areas
Detroit looks so good these days. :cool-45:

Detroit paid for the infrastructure of the whole state of Michigan

Without Detroit, it would be dirt roads and outhouses

And soon Detroit will be nothing but dirt roads and outhouses.

Detroit has downsized and is coming back

Sure, just saying it's making a comeback doesn't make it true...dumbass.
Is Detroit Really Experiencing a Full Recovery? - CityLab

he is a liar; you can tell that because his lips are moving.

Every time his lips move he lies.

thats true of just about any politician.....

But, you must know, just as every AmeriKKKan knows that Trump is BETTER at everything so, Trump is the BEST LYING POLITICIAN of all.

Trump's ego would NOT allow him to be a lesser LIAR; Trump is the BEST at EVERYTHING, even lying.

Trump knows that, I know that; you may NOT know it but one day you might, if you bother to pay any attention to what the Hell goes on in this shithole country ..........

i pay attention caddo....i just deal with it better than you do i can accept the results of an election and deal with it instead of crying about it for 4 years....and if you dont like living here there are hundreds of other "shitholes" out there to move to....

I said nothing about moving. Both my late father & my late mom's families came here from European nations back in the late 1700s/early 1800s.
If anything Trump can go move his ass & his reality TV shithole family to Haiti, or better yet, to fucking Israel.
I read somewhere they really like assholes in Israel; Trump & his shithole family should do well there.
Maybe they could get asylum at the US embassy in Israel .............

like i said....some of us can except the results of an election and deal with it....others?...

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