Trump goes scorched earth in RNC 2020 acceptance speech


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
If trump wins this election, he can thank BLM and Antifa, most of the country, White, Black, Latino and immigrant are looking at this for what it really is. Its about violence, looting and making empty demands. The Police are going nowhere because EVERYONE but the rioters and looters want even more police.

All the democrat Politicians that allowed and enabled and encouraged this violence will have hurt Biden and the democrats badly. Oh and then its your Orange man bad, White Man Bad and socialist, marxist agenda too...

And on Day 4, there was no more Mr. Nice Guy!

Republicans spent the better part of three nights in their convention presenting softer and gentler sides of President Trump, but the president gets the final words and he came out Thursday in a fighting mood.

His acceptance speech detailed his successes and offered promises aplenty for a second term, but the emphasis and energy were committed to a scorched-earth attack on Joe Biden and the Democrats. Trump threw so many punches at his opponent that, had it been a real heavyweight boxing match, the referee would have stopped it in the middle rounds out of mercy.

Some samples: “This election will decide whether we save the American Dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny.”

Then later: “How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?”

After saying Biden had buckled to the demands of the socialists in his party, Trump asked: “If he can’t stand up to them, how is he going to stand up for you.”

I tuned out Trump’s screed. When Biden gave his acceptance speech, Biden did not mention Trump once. Trump mentioned Biden approximately 50 times. Trump engaged in nothing but hyperbole and lies.

It was effective for his base who buy into his cult of personality garbage. For most others I suspect they just rolled their eyes. It was the same unhinged Trump. Same shit, different day.
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The rioters are doing a great job of helping Trump, that's for sure.
And so are your far left governors and mayors who do their bidding:

“This council is going to dismantle the police department,” Ellison reportedly said. “If you don’t stay in this fight I fear that this council or another will just glue it back together.”

The Minneapolis Police Department did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment. NYPD Detectives President Paul DiGiacomo said earlier Sunday that defunding any police departments would be a “recipe for disaster.”

Mayor Jacob Frey was booed out of a protest Saturday after the Democrat refused to commit to defunding the police himself.

I tuned out Trump’s screed. When Biden gave his acceptance speech, Biden did not mention Trump once. Trump mentioned Biden approximately 50 times
How do you know if you didnt watch?

And yes, He attacked Trump and his "failures" continually
I tuned out Trump’s screed. When Biden gave his acceptance speech, Biden did not mention Trump once. Trump mentioned Biden approximately 50 times
How do you know if you didnt watch?

And yes, He attacked Trump and his "failures" continually
I got sick of listening to Trump’s screed and turned it off. How many times am I going to hear Trump’s lies about Biden.
The rioters are doing a great job of helping Trump, that's for sure.
Irony at it's best.
#BlackLivesMatter is the single best name for an organization I have ever seen. Who can argue with the slogan? So Hollywood elitist, large companies, liberal politicians and leftist crown funding raised $millions for them.
The rioters are doing a great job of helping Trump, that's for sure.
And it took the left 4 fucking months to say a damn word about it. Must have been shitty internal poll numbers that brought them out of hiding.
Yes, wingers will do absolutely anything it takes to avoid criticizing their tribe, no matter how much damage is done in the meantime.

Our wingers have allowed themselves to be convinced that this is "war", and that there are no rules.

Our wingers are killing us. In real time.
I tuned out Trump’s screed. When Biden gave his acceptance speech, Biden did not mention Trump once. Trump mentioned Biden approximately 50 times
How do you know if you didnt watch?

And yes, He attacked Trump and his "failures" continually
I got sick of listening to Trump’s screed and turned it off. How many times am I going to hear Trump’s lies about Biden.
Then how do you know how many times he mentioned Biden. Admit it. You listened intently to the end.
Great speech by Trump.

If he wasn't such a worthless piece of shit I could almost feel sorry for this Biden clown having to go up against Trump in the debates.

The filthy Democrat's message to America was one of hate, racial division, lawlessness, and economic destruction.

The Trump message was one of making this country great again.
I tuned out Trump’s screed. When Biden gave his acceptance speech, Biden did not mention Trump once. Trump mentioned Biden approximately 50 times. Trump engaged in nothing abut hyperbole and lies.

It was effective for his base who buy into his cult of personality garbage. For most others I suspect they just rolled their eyes. It was the same unhinged Trump. Same shit, different day.
Probably a major reason why so many folks tuned out coverage of the RNC Convention. DNC got much better coverage.
Our wingers are killing us. In real time.
Of course I do. The problem is that there are now so many, on both ends. You appear to be multiplying, like some kind of virus.
You won't even call them what they really are. You refuse to identify their cause. You can't stand up to Marxist Revolutionaries if you live in denial about their real objective, which you support by voting for the candidates they put forward in the party they infest. Tell me I am wrong.
Our wingers are killing us. In real time.
Of course I do. The problem is that there are now so many, on both ends. You appear to be multiplying, like some kind of virus.
You won't even call them what they really are. You refuse to identify their cause. You can't stand up to Marxist Revolutionaries if you live in denial about their real objective, which you support by voting for the candidates they put forward in the party they infest. Tell me I am wrong.
You're wrong. But I'm not trying to convince you of anything. No reason to waste the time.
I tuned out Trump’s screed. When Biden gave his acceptance speech, Biden did not mention Trump once. Trump mentioned Biden approximately 50 times
How do you know if you didnt watch?

And yes, He attacked Trump and his "failures" continually
I got sick of listening to Trump’s screed and turned it off. How many times am I going to hear Trump’s lies about Biden.
Then how do you know how many times he mentioned Biden. Admit it. You listened intently to the end.
Theee is something called news. You might have heard of it.
I tuned out Trump’s screed. When Biden gave his acceptance speech, Biden did not mention Trump once. Trump mentioned Biden approximately 50 times. Trump engaged in nothing abut hyperbole and lies.

It was effective for his base who buy into his cult of personality garbage. For most others I suspect they just rolled their eyes. It was the same unhinged Trump. Same shit, different day.

LOL...Name a policy Biden mentioned during his acceptance speech. They don't want to mention policies because most Americans don't agree with their platform. They hope to skate by on nothing but vote for me because I am not Trump. They don't want to debate for the same reason. Let the average Amerian read Biden's positions from his website and most would disagree with the majority of them. Democrats have always been fluff with no substance. They like to think of themselves as big thinkers but not so much on the actual doing side.
The rioters are doing a great job of helping Trump, that's for sure.

Democrats have been condemning violence continuously... GOP tactic has been to try and label the violence on Democrats...

But they make no comment about violence from extreme right wing...


Biden has repeatedly denied interest in defunding the police, a position supported by the Black Lives Matter movement, and has instead proposed a $300 million cash infusion to support community policing and employing more social workers alongside police officers.

Even the way Police in America handle rioters is archaic compared to UK and EU... Europe has been dealing protestors for years the US way of handling it seems just bizarre... We see armoured vehicles which were designed for low intensity war/ guerrilla warfare...
Where are the water cannons?
Where are the cameras? I mean there should be drones all over the place, screwed to walls, van below has a telescopic...


First thing is you allow protestors to protest and tell the organisers if stays peaceful you can stay there all night and for days... If someone misbehaves try and sort out internally before police get involved... In Europe the protest organisers and police work hand in hand, they work together to keep peaceful...
there are always elements that want violence, Anarchists in Europe turn out to these things all the time... Organisers highlight them quickly and usually first thing is to get them to remove face covering so Camera can identify them... Any violence can be traced to them later.

Cops don't usually tackle the riot directly but contain them... They remove innocent people... Then detain on mass while taking details or arrest... They will be arresting people for 3 weeks afterwards... Protestors are usually very supportive as it keeps things peaceful and doesn't hijack there agenda... This is how you get a 100,000+ people on streets protesting, that change things...

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