Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

Why is it that after 50 years, conservatives still don't know how
Birth control pills work.
Your sides support of PP and late term abortion...........hmm.............oh it's ok they sell it...................

Nothing. Not even a challenge to this...............But hey, the tax dollars pay for it and they still don't use it..........and then kill the baby.................

I'm was stupid when Rush Limbaugh said it, it is even more so when you have had time to think about it

"I'd better take a lot of birth control pills this week, I plan on having lots of sex"
Ivana stated under oath that Trump committed violent acts against her. His involvement in beauty contests might also point to his misogynistic views on women.

Paula Jones testified under oath that Bill Clinton committed violent acts against her... Kathleen Willey claimed he raped her. I think you people have a lot of nerve to bring up misogyny of women on ANYONE.

And what the living fuck? So now, beauty pageants equate to misogyny?

Get your facts straight.

In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her in a hallway in 1993. An independent counsel determined Willey gave "false information" to the FBI, inconsistent with sworn testimony related to the Jones allegation.[15] Willey dodged perjury charges after Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony.[15]

Sexual misconduct allegations against Bill Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You tools who votes Democrats are seen as nothing more but SHEEP.
sorry WAKE UP

I'd rather be a sheep than a blind ignorant shit for brains moron who supports the likes of OReally, Palin Trump, Perry ingrates reeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk of ignorance and shit.
Ivana stated under oath that Trump committed violent acts against her. His involvement in beauty contests might also point to his misogynistic views on women.

Paula Jones testified under oath that Bill Clinton committed violent acts against her... Kathleen Willey claimed he raped her. I think you people have a lot of nerve to bring up misogyny of women on ANYONE.

And what the living fuck? So now, beauty pageants equate to misogyny?

Both extremes are bat shit crazy. They're slowly killing this country.
You are a nitwit....................the status quo has been ruining this country for a long time.............They got us into this damned mess............and if you think they are the cure when they are the disease...............then you are a lunatic.

We need new blood, and the old whores gone...................I'm happy as hell every time a RINO gets taken out. It makes my day. You...........cry...............To hell with them and you.

So you don't believe Americans should pay taxes to maintain our roads, world renown science institutions and we should just let it go all to shit. Fuck unregulated corporations and that is all you fight for. I am defending trump here because megyn was in fact raging but you supporters of the super rich are also full of shit.
Why is it that after 50 years, conservatives still don't know how
Birth control pills work.
Your sides support of PP and late term abortion...........hmm.............oh it's ok they sell it...................

Nothing. Not even a challenge to this...............But hey, the tax dollars pay for it and they still don't use it..........and then kill the baby.................

I'm was stupid when Rush Limbaugh said it, it is even more so when you have had time to think about it

"I'd better take a lot of birth control pills this week, I plan on having lots of sex"
Poor blow up doll..................:gives:
My gosh Obama has been president for over six years and it's still Bush's fault. Also you are saying 911 was planned in 8 months? Clinton's lack of attention on our enemies made us weak.
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Bush's torture got the intel to get Laden.

Ask Panetta.

Got it.
No link.
Just letting you know which of Obama's guys admitted that intel that got bin Laden, came from water boarding.
Trump was right as she was gushing blood out of her nose and eyes in rage.
I haven't bothered to see what he actually said.

If stats said he "insinuated" something, I have to assume he said nothing of the kind.

When the other C-FAGs chime in, I know it is just more bullshit.

Here is the main problem, the left clowns on here constantly degrade woman all the time and now when Trump supposedly does it their heads spin and explode. You just can't make this shit up

I challenge you to show one post that's degrading women from a lib. We discuss Palin and that's about it...get your fuckin facts straight you lying sack of shit.

Listen up, shit for brains, it happens to me constantly, now shut your filthy pie hole, bish. Oh and stop with your disgusting racism, it's old and sickening. EVERY thread you are on you resort to that garbage...EVERY one.
Clinton didn't leave Bush stuck with the great recession, two wars and a nation hated by most of the world.
Only left him 911, and Obama was gonna fix all that mess. Right? Well what happened?
Uhm, no. 911 happened 9 months after 43 took office. Your math is faulty. Either that or you simply chose to lie.

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My gosh Obama has been president for over six years and it's still Bush's fault. Also you are saying 911 was planned in 8 months? Clinton's lack of attention on our enemies made us weak.
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Bush's torture got the intel to get Laden.

How many fucking times does that lie have to be disproven?
I don't think Rubio is ready, but, I came away thinking Kasich was.

As for Trump, I got no problem if he wins.

Kasich is okay but he's more like the guy at the hardware store than presidential. As to Rubio, reality says a candidate will have to be appealing to latinos as well as everybody else and Rubio is. He's easily the most well-spoken of the bunch and he's young and handsome to get the SWF (single white female) nod. He's a winner, I'm tellin ya.
Also unregulated banks and housing market is what caused the recession. Want more of that?
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Bush's torture got the intel to get Laden.

Ask Panetta.

Got it.
No link.
Just letting you know which of Obama's guys admitted that intel that got bin Laden, came from water boarding.

No, I told them where Laden was. I looked him up in the white pages.
I don't think Rubio is ready, but, I came away thinking Kasich was.

As for Trump, I got no problem if he wins.

Kasich is okay but he's more like the guy at the hardware store than presidential. As to Rubio, reality says a candidate will have to be appealing to latinos as well as everybody else and Rubio is. He's easily the most well-spoken of the bunch and he's young and handsome to get the SWF (single white female) nod. He's a winner, I'm tellin ya.
He'd make a nice looking, clean, articulate VP.

In 8 years, then he's ready.
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Bush's torture got the intel to get Laden.

Ask Panetta.

Got it.
No link.
Just letting you know which of Obama's guys admitted that intel that got bin Laden, came from water boarding.

When we get into a war with china and we most likely will...Well, we will torture people in order to get troop movement information out of them in order to survive. fact.
Both sides of the establishment want to take down Trump. It was clear in this debate.............the Pre Game Show was TRUMP.................

And right off the bat they went for the throat...............Fox targeted him, Period...................they want an establishment, same as always candidate. Trump has TRUMPED THE ESTABLISHMENT and they aren't happy about it.

They are afraid he'll gain traction and more will watch, and he'll fill in the American people on what Washington really does and maybe end the gig.
Check this out...Bad boy Erik!!

Erickson goes nuts on immigration RedState s resident alpha male challenges Boehner s manliness -
Ivana stated under oath that Trump committed violent acts against her. His involvement in beauty contests might also point to his misogynistic views on women.

Paula Jones testified under oath that Bill Clinton committed violent acts against her... Kathleen Willey claimed he raped her. I think you people have a lot of nerve to bring up misogyny of women on ANYONE.

And what the living fuck? So now, beauty pageants equate to misogyny?

Both extremes are bat shit crazy. They're slowly killing this country.
You are a nitwit....................the status quo has been ruining this country for a long time.............They got us into this damned mess............and if you think they are the cure when they are the disease...............then you are a lunatic.

We need new blood, and the old whores gone...................I'm happy as hell every time a RINO gets taken out. It makes my day. You...........cry...............To hell with them and you.

So you don't believe Americans should pay taxes to maintain our roads, world renown science institutions and we should just let it go all to shit. Fuck unregulated corporations and that is all you fight for. I am defending trump here because megyn was in fact raging but you supporters of the super rich are also full of shit.
Your an idiot. They collected 2.7 TRILLION last year......................and still it's way short of the bill......................

Take a good hard look at the GDP's of the countries in the rest of the world and get back to me................
We spend more on students than any other country in the world.......and still you whine the fuck about it.........Perhaps throwing money at it isn't the only answer..................

High speed rail.........Texas......Houston to Dallas........10 Billion on time on budget...............California LA to San Fran sicko.........65 BILLION years many billions got put into the corp. and political mafia for that project that cost at least 3 times more than it should have.....................

Gov't and money..........


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