Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

...and arn't we lucky to have Trump to anchor us all back into a world of well considered moderation in thought and word....

What's going to be nice is watching President Trump bitch slap PC liberal idiots around and show how ridiculous they are. I think the Liberal Left has needed a good Trump Enema for the past decade.... rid you of all that disgusting and filthy bile and clean your colon out real good. Perhaps after 4 or 8 years of Trump's douching you people will be reasonable enough to tolerate again and we can work together like civilized people?

What is really telling about all this....FUX News isn't even talking about what's going on with Donald and her...that's how much they nurture the madness of thier followers. They're over there talking about everything but Donald's attacks. And Megan isn't asking for an apology.....God forbid she piss off her base.
She can stand on her own feet, I heard. She doesn't need liberal assholes, pretending to be valiant knights protecting her feminine being against the big bad robber baron, coming to her defense. She believes in equality, she dishes it out (no pun) and she can take it(no pun). That's all.
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Only left him 911, and Obama was gonna fix all that mess. Right? Well what happened?
Uhm, no. 911 happened 9 months after 43 took office. Your math is faulty. Either that or you simply chose to lie.

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My gosh Obama has been president for over six years and it's still Bush's fault. Also you are saying 911 was planned in 8 months? Clinton's lack of attention on our enemies made us weak.
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Bush's torture got the intel to get Laden.

How many fucking times does that lie have to be disproven?
It is no lie, Obama doesn't know how to do his job if he didn't know where his intel came from.
Ivana stated under oath that Trump committed violent acts against her. His involvement in beauty contests might also point to his misogynistic views on women.

Paula Jones testified under oath that Bill Clinton committed violent acts against her... Kathleen Willey claimed he raped her. I think you people have a lot of nerve to bring up misogyny of women on ANYONE.

And what the living fuck? So now, beauty pageants equate to misogyny?

Both extremes are bat shit crazy. They're slowly killing this country.
You are a nitwit....................the status quo has been ruining this country for a long time.............They got us into this damned mess............and if you think they are the cure when they are the disease...............then you are a lunatic.

We need new blood, and the old whores gone...................I'm happy as hell every time a RINO gets taken out. It makes my day. You...........cry...............To hell with them and you.

So you don't believe Americans should pay taxes to maintain our roads, world renown science institutions and we should just let it go all to shit. Fuck unregulated corporations and that is all you fight for. I am defending trump here because megyn was in fact raging but you supporters of the super rich are also full of shit.
You Branch Trumpidians are now forming a cult of personality where anyone who brings rational scrutiny to your beloved leader is deemed the enemy and part of a larger conspiracy.
Man, one would think, these so called mavericks would all call Dump the pig that he is, instead, all are rallying behind the skirts of women. I stand for the rights of women, this is a bad thing Dump said...etc....The man went there, and I am 1000% certain, Dump would be calling the guy, had the roles been reversed...all kinds of names and such. Its a shame these fools are so afraid to offend the DUMPS supporters, which comprise of white boy rednecks...all of who are the same brood that supported Palin back in the day...and we all know how that turned out...but the GOP is so crowed these dumb shits have to hide until a couple of loons are left.
Well, many Republican really believe we need people leading the country that know nothing about government or politics. We've had experience talented leaders that didn't perform up to our expectations so let's throw in some rookies. Glad the Seahawks don't follow this philosophy.
Bush's torture got the intel to get Laden.

Ask Panetta.

Got it.
No link.
Just letting you know which of Obama's guys admitted that intel that got bin Laden, came from water boarding.

When we get into a war with china and we most likely will...Well, we will torture people in order to get troop movement information out of them in order to survive. fact.
We need torture now to know troop movement information?

Satellites are not good enough?
Trump gave her this, and the panties noticed.
You really are one sick fuck.
Thought you liked un-PC people? Guess not. And for roughly 40% of the population, that's not sick, that's a quarter of their lives.
The purpose of a joke is for it to be humorous.
There's nothing humorous about this. Trump just did himself some serious damage with those who are literately the only hope humanity has. What happens to them on a monthly basis is no joke, unless they make it...
I guess the libs forgot when Megan said Santa was supposed to be white.

She's got the celebrity thing going instead of being a news person anymore. Her ratings are amazing and I'm not suggesting she change a thing. And I doubt her feelings are hurt by what Trump said. She threw a punch and got hit back....
We are witnessing the crude behavior of not only Trump, but his supporters. One need look no further than the pages of USMB to find immature and foul behavior. Wonder why America's standards and morals are in decline. Well, here you go.

One low class individual and his somewhat-misled backers are not responsible. The moral structure of American society has been in decline for decades, and history clearly shows the responsibility falls squarely on the heads of the Democrats and their supporters.

So you're saying that it's not trump's's societies?

My statement clearly does not say that, nor could what I said be more clear .

I've read your posts before. You're right. It is hard for you to be clear.

Have your day nurse explain them to you.
Man, one would think, these so called mavericks would all call Dump the pig that he is, instead, all are rallying behind the skirts of women. I stand for the rights of women, this is a bad thing Dump said...etc....The man went there, and I am 1000% certain, Dump would be calling the guy, had the roles been reversed...all kinds of names and such. Its a shame these fools are so afraid to offend the DUMPS supporters, which comprise of white boy rednecks...all of who are the same brood that supported Palin back in the day...and we all know how that turned out...but the GOP is so crowed these dumb shits have to hide until a couple of loons are left.
Well, many Republican really believe we need people leading the country that know nothing about government or politics. We've had experience talented leaders that didn't perform up to our expectations so let's throw in some rookies. Glad the Seahawks don't follow this philosophy.

Wasn't Obungles a rookie? Doh!!!
...and arn't we lucky to have Trump to anchor us all back into a world of well considered moderation in thought and word....

What's going to be nice is watching President Trump bitch slap PC liberal idiots around and show how ridiculous they are. I think the Liberal Left has needed a good Trump Enema for the past decade.... rid you of all that disgusting and filthy bile and clean your colon out real good. Perhaps after 4 or 8 years of Trump's douching you people will be reasonable enough to tolerate again and we can work together like civilized people?

Let's see..."enema", "disgusting" filthy bile", "colon", douching", and "Trump", all in 3 sentences! I think that I am starting to spot a pattern!
I guess the libs forgot when Megan said Santa was supposed to be white.

She's got the celebrity thing going instead of being a news person anymore. Her ratings are amazing and I'm not suggesting she change a thing. And I doubt her feelings are hurt by what Trump said. She threw a punch and got hit back....
I imagine she has all the feelings of an iceberg.
Just letting you know which of Obama's guys admitted that intel that got bin Laden, came from water boarding.

When we get into a war with china and we most likely will...Well, we will torture people in order to get troop movement information out of them in order to survive. fact.
We need torture now to know troop movement information?

Satellites are not good enough?

Gooks don't march on the ground, they tunnel underneath it. South Korea investigates reports of invasion tunnels from North - Telegraph

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