Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

Trump was right as she was gushing blood out of her nose and eyes in rage.
I haven't bothered to see what he actually said.

If stats said he "insinuated" something, I have to assume he said nothing of the kind.

When the other C-FAGs chime in, I know it is just more bullshit.

Here is the main problem, the left clowns on here constantly degrade woman all the time and now when Trump supposedly does it their heads spin and explode. You just can't make this shit up

I challenge you to show one post that's degrading women from a lib. We discuss Palin and that's about it...get your fuckin facts straight you lying sack of shit.

Listen up, shit for brains, it happens to me constantly, now shut your filthy pie hole, bish. Oh and stop with your disgusting racism, it's old and sickening. EVERY thread you are on you resort to that garbage...EVERY one.
She is just living out her aggression here since she needs to shut the fuck up at home...
you lowlife men especially have NEVER COME to a Republican woman's defense?

who thinks you are standup now? nobody
Kelly is a democrat. They feel comfotable coming to her defence. Every good person should.

If she were on the rag or not, she is still professional. This is how Trump is a looser. Someone who cleans your clock in debate you immediatly go to the gutter. Proof he is a democrat
I guess the libs forgot when Megan said Santa was supposed to be white.
Santa is white.

Only a fool would think otherwise.
That's like thinking this guy was white...

Yeah, no. He lived in Palestine, not Sweden.
He lived in Israel, asswipe.
Palestine, dumbass. There was no Israel at that time, and shouldn't be one now either.
I guess the libs forgot when Megan said Santa was supposed to be white.
Santa is white.

Only a fool would think otherwise.
You must be a racist then. *lol*

The left was hammering Megan for mentioning about saying something terrible. How dare she say Santa must be white and not any other race.
Man, one would think, these so called mavericks would all call Dump the pig that he is, instead, all are rallying behind the skirts of women. I stand for the rights of women, this is a bad thing Dump said...etc....The man went there, and I am 1000% certain, Dump would be calling the guy, had the roles been reversed...all kinds of names and such. Its a shame these fools are so afraid to offend the DUMPS supporters, which comprise of white boy rednecks...all of who are the same brood that supported Palin back in the day...and we all know how that turned out...but the GOP is so crowed these dumb shits have to hide until a couple of loons are left.
Well, many Republican really believe we need people leading the country that know nothing about government or politics. We've had experience talented leaders that didn't perform up to our expectations so let's throw in some rookies. Glad the Seahawks don't follow this philosophy.
The falsehood of your premise is evident. No president ever… ever has been omnipotent. You surround yourself with people who are experts in certain fields. The leader has the vision, details are worked out by experts. On the other hand I have never seen a defensive lineman playing as QB.
Trump is a psychopath. He should not even be on that fucking stage let alone leading in the wingnut polls. Democrats want him to win the nomination but Meagan should really start ripping that guy a new butthole. He's an entitled moron.
Ask Panetta.

Got it.
No link.
Just letting you know which of Obama's guys admitted that intel that got bin Laden, came from water boarding.

When we get into a war with china and we most likely will...Well, we will torture people in order to get troop movement information out of them in order to survive. fact.
We need torture now to know troop movement information?

Satellites are not good enough?

Gooks don't march on the ground, they tunnel underneath it. South Korea investigates reports of invasion tunnels from North - Telegraph
Too funny
I imagine she has all the feelings of an iceberg.

She's got the killer-instinct same as Palin, but like Palin she seems to be head over heels in love with her husband. I like her but she's getting a big head and ain't above a swat on occasion.
Only one is running for Prez, so, in this case, only one can really lose by blowing his cool.

Trump looked too bitchy for me, too New Yorky.

I don't mind if he wins, and I don't think any more or less of Kelly because of this.

I rarely even turn on Fox News, though I do like the Fox Business News.

Now, if I only had some fuckin' money to invest on Charles Payne's tips!!!!

; - (
One question. Just one.

What happened to free speech? Oh. Wait. ONLY if it passes the politically correct media and crowd. Right?
I guess the libs forgot when Megan said Santa was supposed to be white.
Santa is white.

Only a fool would think otherwise.
That's like thinking this guy was white...

Yeah, no. He lived in Palestine, not Sweden.
He lived in Israel, asswipe.
Palestine, dumbass. There was no Israel at that time, and shouldn't be one now either.
Typical from you.................You would wet yourself if they were slaughtered..............
You have stated you don't care if a whole race of people were wiped off the face of the earth..the Yaddis or however you spell it............Said they wouldn't be missed...................
Said the United States shouldn't have been in WWII...............

Your the only one that will not be missed when gone...............You are an live for's your only function in life......................a TROLL.................

Trump is a psychopath. He should not even be on that fucking stage let alone leading in the wingnut polls. Democrats want him to win the nomination but Meagan should really start ripping that guy a new butthole. He's an entitled moron.
He may be the only one disgusting enough to go head to head with Hillary in a campaign though.
I wouldn't be surprised to see his ratings go even higher. He's appealing to a particular segment of the GOP.
One question. Just one.

What happened to free speech? Oh. Wait. ONLY if it passes the politically correct media and crowd. Right?

Do you understand what free speech is?

You cannot be prosecuted for what you say. It does not mean there are no consequences for what you say.....There are always consequences
Just letting you know which of Obama's guys admitted that intel that got bin Laden, came from water boarding.

When we get into a war with china and we most likely will...Well, we will torture people in order to get troop movement information out of them in order to survive. fact.
We need torture now to know troop movement information?

Satellites are not good enough?

China will probably blow our satellites out of space. Not only that but we also need to know their plans and strategy.
Trump is a psychopath. He should not even be on that fucking stage let alone leading in the wingnut polls. Democrats want him to win the nomination but Meagan should really start ripping that guy a new butthole. He's an entitled moron.
He may be the only one disgusting enough to go head to head with Hillary in a campaign though.
He's not smart enough. She'll clobber him in debates.
I guess the libs forgot when Megan said Santa was supposed to be white.
Santa is white.

Only a fool would think otherwise.
That's like thinking this guy was white...

Yeah, no. He lived in Palestine, not Sweden.
He lived in Israel, asswipe.
Palestine, dumbass. There was no Israel at that time, and shouldn't be one now either.

There isn't a Palestine and there has never been a Palestine.
Trump is a psychopath. He should not even be on that fucking stage let alone leading in the wingnut polls. Democrats want him to win the nomination but Meagan should really start ripping that guy a new butthole. He's an entitled moron.

Whatever Trump is we know he wasn't born in Kenya, three years before his parents first met, with a SS # (042-68-4425) issued in Connecticut, though he never lived in the state. In fact, that number was actually issued to one Harry Bounel, who was born in 1890!

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