Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

We are witnessing the crude behavior of not only Trump, but his supporters. One need look no further than the pages of USMB to find immature and foul behavior. Wonder why America's standards and morals are in decline. Well, here you go.
Opinions are like Assholes..........everyone has one and they all stink..................

Trump will challenge the Norm and force the other candidates to respond instead of the usual talking in circles..............

And he ensures that it will not be the same old same old..................Boring assed used car salesmen talking on and on and on for a year and a half......................Boring the living hell out of the public................

Usually, I am grateful when the elections end.................Because the lame ass never ending talk finally ends for a while..............


Trump is a wild card.....................possible traitor............if he runs 3rd party.......

He's forcing the PC Bull shit to get a time out...........and I love it.......

When is your side gonna debate.........oops a few months from
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

We graciously accept your concession. Generally, "STFU" is just a jump away from "fuck you"....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So, you figured out that Shut the Fuck Up means Fuck you. Excellent. How long did it take you to figure that out.

Actually, it doesn't matter if he was referring to her menstruation or not.

Bottom line is, he couldn't handle the pressure and he fell apart.

Then, when he had the opportunity to act like a grown up, he made it worse.
:rofl: ...Seems I've heard that before!
Stats is a rather dim bulb, okay a retard. Trump is NOT trying to rally the party. He is just as upset at the party as MILLIONS of people in BOTH parties at BOTH parties.

Trump is trying to rally the PEOPLE. People make the poll numbers go up NOT some party. I have seen Trump polls that put him at 44 to 48 at this point. Trump beat Fox.

Which polls? Where?

Links? Figures?

Come on, put your money where your big fat mouth is, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

lmao..... this is getting comical now the clown parade on here is defending Fox

I'm not defending Fox. This thread is not about Fox. Question: are you brain-damaged?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Don't be a hypocrite yes you are, you are playing Murdoch and Kelly as a victim....

You are trying everything you can to throw Trump under the buss so he don't go after Hillary.

That's silly.

First, Kelly and Murdoch are not running for president of the US.

Second, none of our opinions have power over Duh Donald "going after Hillary".
Stats is a rather dim bulb, okay a retard. Trump is NOT trying to rally the party. He is just as upset at the party as MILLIONS of people in BOTH parties at BOTH parties.

Trump is trying to rally the PEOPLE. People make the poll numbers go up NOT some party. I have seen Trump polls that put him at 44 to 48 at this point. Trump beat Fox.

Which polls? Where?

Links? Figures?

Come on, put your money where your big fat mouth is, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

COY? :laugh:
Opinions are like Assholes..........everyone has one and they all stink..................

Trump will challenge the Norm and force the other candidates to respond instead of the usual talking in circles..............

And he ensures that it will not be the same old same old..................Boring assed used car salesmen talking on and on and on for a year and a half......................Boring the living hell out of the public................

Usually, I am grateful when the elections end.................Because the lame ass never ending talk finally ends for a while..............


Trump is a wild card.....................possible traitor............if he runs 3rd party.......

He's forcing the PC Bull shit to get a time out...........and I love it.......

When is your side gonna debate.........oops a few months from
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

Gosh, you sound flabbergasted. Sorry you are tired of me voicing an opinion as to the quality and analysis of the moral implications of your crude and child like opinions and post, but that is just to bad. When you tell people the STFU on the net they usually ignore you. It means you have delusions of having some authority when all you have is, well,..... a delusion. usual you misunderstand the STFU comment......................I equate it to your side's use of the words already posted............To me they mean the same thing...................

So I told you to STFU in reference to how you talk to us all the time.

The Ignore function is on this site...............If you are thin skinned then use it.............It will not change the price of rice in China to me.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating and posting photo's to reinforce your point, and whining about how someone on a message board responds to your crudeness. Typical dish it out but can't take it behavior.
In other words, a butthurt con...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Stats is a rather dim bulb, okay a retard. Trump is NOT trying to rally the party. He is just as upset at the party as MILLIONS of people in BOTH parties at BOTH parties.

Trump is trying to rally the PEOPLE. People make the poll numbers go up NOT some party. I have seen Trump polls that put him at 44 to 48 at this point. Trump beat Fox.

Which polls? Where?

Links? Figures?

Come on, put your money where your big fat mouth is, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You've got a sick mind boy..Get some help. This thread should be in the badlands or flame room certainly not the political room.:slap:
Actually, it doesn't matter if he was referring to her menstruation or not.

Bottom line is, he couldn't handle the pressure and he fell apart.

Then, when he had the opportunity to act like a grown up, he made it worse.
So now you are back tracking and stopping being a drama queen on here?

What did Trump say that was so outrageous? Hell us guys say that all the time about girls when they get psycho....


Its biology , we know and understand that, just facts of life.
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

Gosh, you sound flabbergasted. Sorry you are tired of me voicing an opinion as to the quality and analysis of the moral implications of your crude and child like opinions and post, but that is just to bad. When you tell people the STFU on the net they usually ignore you. It means you have delusions of having some authority when all you have is, well,..... a delusion. usual you misunderstand the STFU comment......................I equate it to your side's use of the words already posted............To me they mean the same thing...................

So I told you to STFU in reference to how you talk to us all the time.

The Ignore function is on this site...............If you are thin skinned then use it.............It will not change the price of rice in China to me.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating and posting photo's to reinforce your point, and whining about how someone on a message board responds to your crudeness. Typical dish it out but can't take it behavior.

Women do not menstruate out of their eyes.
It's the left who is making it about her period.

yeah, I think it is possible he was just kind of repeating his earlier statement or trying to expand it and then added whatever......
wasnt even thinking about menstruation.

If he was however....expect him to double we will probably know for sure.
If so, it is so over the top, and plays into democratic line and sympathy for Hillary...that you have to wonder if he isnt a shill for the Democrats.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating ......

Right, so fucking what?

If a Dimbocrat had said this it wouldn't even be news, cuz you know that's 'dog bites man' stuff.
Well, it wasn't a Democrat that said it, so we don't really know. It is possible that in the future we will learn the rat is really a Democrat posing as a Republican, so we will just have to wait and see.

You say 'really a Democrat' like there is a dimes worth of difference between the two parties.

There isn't.

Trump is not a Republican any more than the rest are and we don't need Republicans or Democrats in charge; we need AMERICAN PATRIOTS.

Which polls? Where?

Links? Figures?

Come on, put your money where your big fat mouth is, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You've got a sick mind boy..Get some help. This thread should be in the badlands or flame room certainly not the political room.:slap:
Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.
The only thing Trump is proving is that a crude and immature faction of citizens has gained power in the Republican Party. We have known that for a long time actually. When the Tea Party was allowed into the Republican Party we saw a lowing of standards of behavior and intelligence. You sir, are an example.
Who the fuck cares what you think. That crude enough for you..................I don't care Mr. Lib.

Your side for decades has been calling people Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Womanizers.............and so on............All of the them mean the same thing...........STFU.................Your side attacks those who dare disagree with you...................and I'm tired of it.................

Gosh, you sound flabbergasted. Sorry you are tired of me voicing an opinion as to the quality and analysis of the moral implications of your crude and child like opinions and post, but that is just to bad. When you tell people the STFU on the net they usually ignore you. It means you have delusions of having some authority when all you have is, well,..... a delusion. usual you misunderstand the STFU comment......................I equate it to your side's use of the words already posted............To me they mean the same thing...................

So I told you to STFU in reference to how you talk to us all the time.

The Ignore function is on this site...............If you are thin skinned then use it.............It will not change the price of rice in China to me.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating and posting photo's to reinforce your point, and whining about how someone on a message board responds to your crudeness. Typical dish it out but can't take it behavior.
In other words, a butthurt con...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating ......

Right, so fucking what?

If a Dimbocrat had said this it wouldn't even be news, cuz you know that's 'dog bites man' stuff.
Well, it wasn't a Democrat that said it, so we don't really know. It is possible that in the future we will learn the rat is really a Democrat posing as a Republican, so we will just have to wait and see.

You say 'really a Democrat' like there is a dimes worth of difference between the two parties.

There isn't.

Trump is not a Republican any more than the rest are and we don't need Republicans or Democrats in charge; we need AMERICAN PATRIOTS.

There are big differences. Both being the same is a spin used to convince lower income folks to support the party of the rich.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You've got a sick mind boy..Get some help. This thread should be in the badlands or flame room certainly not the political room.:slap:
Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.
LOL.... it does nothing of the sort..Are you leftist now carrying water for the establishment?...Trump is not my guy, but you leftist are funny, the way you all fall in line with the talking points:eusa_eh:
As I predicted a while back, Trump has managed to identify what little morsel of dignity remains in contemporary American politics, and he's peed on it.

It looks like the 20% to to 25% of one party that is going to forgive every stupid, embarrassing thing he says will keep doing so. Yuck.

So the left rips babies out of women, hacks them up and sells off body parts to the highest bidder.

You think joking about some little smart ass hag ripping on you in front of millions of people is a bigger deal than that?
One does not justify the other, only for the purposes of spinning.

The bitch was on the rag....that is why she treated Trump so badly
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You've got a sick mind boy..Get some help. This thread should be in the badlands or flame room certainly not the political room.:slap:
Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.
What are you talking about? He put his daughter in a lot of power over his 120 some buissenes. He is accutaly was just flirting with meygan , He was playing with her..

He was putting on a show, that's what he does.
Drudge report/ Just Google it retard.

That is a favorability/approval poll of Righties who watched the debate, you utter dork.

It's not a matchup against Hillary Clinton, whom a birther loving pollster like Gravis (R) still can't get under 50%, no matter how hard it tries.

This means he cannot even get a majority of Republicans to agree with him, much less the rest of the country.

Dear Lord, you are a truly stupid person. Stay under your rock, it's safer there.

And you still haven't addressed the OP material at all.

You really think that that shit that Don Trump said on CNN is not misogynistic? Really?

Attacking a woman who didn't feed him the softball questions he wanted, by saying that she was somehow nasty to him because she was 'on her period'? Really? What century do you live in?

NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You've got a sick mind boy..Get some help. This thread should be in the badlands or flame room certainly not the political room.:slap:
Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.

Then why were there women who won on the apprentice in season 3 and 6?
He has hired both men and women in leadership positions.

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