Trump Guilty!

Yes mentally ill people are sitting there watching their president Biden commit all kinds of possible poisonous treasonous acts, but they are so afraid of the liberal left that they'll just agree until he's finally consumed by father time.

You ought to be totally ashamed if you had any shame.
Biden is doing none of that. Your post is another example of right wing psychosis.
Yes mentally ill people are sitting there watching their president Biden commit all kinds of possible poisonous treasonous acts, but they are so afraid of the liberal left that they'll just agree until he's finally consumed by father time.

You ought to be totally ashamed if you had any shame.
Trump, an EX-President, is guilty of a felony. That will be written in the record books for all time. This thread isnt about Biden. You can talk about him elsewhere, boy.
Let the grinding and gnashing of teeth begin.

There are two attorneys on the jury. They may have helped explain the intricacies of the case to the other jurors.

The DJT stock price was $51.84 just before the verdict. It began dropping before the verdict was released.
Well, what could we expect from a biased DA and a crooked Judge in a massively blue state, hell bent on taking us down the road to a one-party only government, eventual re-education centers, gulags and death squads.
Not yet. As I just posted. We're about halfway there.

For example. Why would anyone show up to Jury Duty tomorrow or on Monday? I would not, or at the very least, I'd look the cretins in the eye and tell them just exactly what I think about our so-called "nation of laws"

Half the nation is with me.

Congrats for that. All this for one old man.
Half the country isnt with you. YOu'll find that out soon enough.
Call any of it lies boy, and we'll watch another lying leftist in action yet again.

They are lies. I'd be a lying leftist if I said they weren't.

Everything you believe is a lie, punk.
Well, what could we expect from a biased DA and a crooked Judge in a massively blue state, hell bent on taking us down the road to a one-party only government, eventual re-education centers, gulags and death squads.
Wow that went off the rails quickly. Let the adults in the room handle things you continue playing around on USMB and 4chan.
Low end red hatted trump supporter that has no business living in a civilized society.
Sooner or later these people people are going to finally get enough of the baby killing, the men hurting women in their own women's sports, the indoctrination of their children, the enticement of their young minds to have their body part's cut off for a damned lie that their abusive caretakers told to them, the deplorable unhealthy promoted drug usage, law breaking, victim hood, race baiting, and bull shite nasty hollyweird promoted lifestyles being lived. I can't figure out how the country hasn't had enough of it yet.
Sooner or later these people people are going to finally get enough of the baby killing, the men hurting women in their own women's sports, the indoctrination of their children, the enticement of their young minds to have their body part's cut off for a damned lie that their abusive caretakers told to them, the deplorable unhealthy promoted drug usage, law breaking, victim hood, race baiting, and bull shite nasty hollyweird promoted lifestyles being lived. I can't figure out how the country hasn't had enough of it yet.
Yawn. There is a lot your kind can't figure out that I will agree with.
More delusional thoughts....

What's your day job?

Do you have on, did you ever?

Because if the answer is no, you depend on taxpayers, like me, and my husband, to sustain your life.

Yet you are dancing all around at the destruction of that system.

I don't get it, but then, humanity is pretty stupid
Well, what could we expect from a biased DA and a crooked Judge in a massively blue state, hell bent on taking us down the road to a one-party only government, eventual re-education centers, gulags and death squads.
Don't forget Jewish Space Lasers!

And Comet Pizza infant ass rapage. Don't forget that.

One party government? The Trump party is the one constantly talking about jailing and/or executing all the Democrats. They are the ones who want a unified Reich.
What is it your kind usually says...oh yeah "you're welcome to leave any time". Maybe Russia or China would be more to your liking.

My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War here. They came from England. I'm staying, if nothing more, in hopes that I can get in on the new America after the inevitable split.
Don't forget Jewish Space Lasers!

And Comet Pizza infant ass rapage. Don't forget that.

One party government? The Trump party is the one constantly talking about jailing and/or executing all the Democrats. They are the ones who want a unified Reich.

But you have done it. YOU are on the cusp of jailing. Honestly you're not stupid are you? So are you brainwashed?
What's your day job?

Do you have on, did you ever?

Because if the answer is no, you depend on taxpayers, like me, and my husband, to sustain your life.

Yet you are dancing all around at the destruction of that system.

I don't get it, but then, humanity is pretty stupid
You can deflect all you like but we all know you are seething after this verdict as we can read your posts. 5/30/24 was a great day for real Americans and hopefully the day the punishment is handed out to trump will also be a great day.
Trump, an EX-President, is guilty of a felony. That will be written in the record books for all time. This thread isnt about Biden. You can talk about him elsewhere, boy.
Bull shite we can't talk about a president that involves himself in stone throwing, when he can't hold water for what Trump done for this country, and then Biden is running constantly from what he's being accused of and rightfully so.

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