Trump Guilty!

With all due respect, Playtime...that statute was "paused" until the trial would come during Trump's campaign

someone tell michael cohen that - who spent several months in prison including 2 months of solitary confinement... or weisellburg who is in prison, again.... after being there some time ago.

and then coordinated with other liberal prosecutors to both force Trump to pay millions in legal fees


but also spend months tied up in court of charges that have never been levied against anyone else!

charges were brought against john edwards for pretty much the same thing.
With all due respect, Playtime...that statute was "paused" until the trial would come during Trump's campaign and then coordinated with other liberal prosecutors to both force Trump to pay millions in legal fees but also spend months tied up in court on charges that have never been levied against anyone else!
Anyone else would have had the good sense to realize they had him dead to rights, and plead out for a fine and probation.
This is the weirdest thing. I cannot understand this desire to see a complete and utter LOSER return.

Rapist Donald is a total loser. He's a disgrace.

Convict Donald's highest approval rating was 49 percent. That's the lowest high point since such measures have been taken.

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

Trump lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with disinfectant.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser bitch boi. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from cancer kids. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

Trump has lost over 60 court cases since 2020. Including the recent multiple-felony conviction. Loser, loser, loser, loser, ad infinitum.

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this LOSER.
LOL...another post where you wet yourself?

I base my desire to have Trump be my President instead of Joe Biden not on the silly crap you just gave in that little rant but on the job that he did as President!

Trump gave us historically good economic numbers before Covid. Historically good!
Trump gave us low energy costs.
Trump gave us low inflation.
Trump gave the average American more disposable income in their pocket.
Trump gave us a more secure border.
Trump gave the world peace accords between Israel and 3 different Arab nations.
Trump gave us no new wars.

Why would anyone want four more years of Joe Biden? Because YOU don't like Trump?
someone tell michael cohen that - who spent several months in prison including 2 months of solitary confinement... or weisellburg who is in prison, again.... after being there some time ago.


charges were brought against john edwards for pretty much the same thing.
Michael Cohen spent that time in prison for tax evasion...something that had nothing to do with Donald Trump! His sentence was reduced because he agreed to testify against Trump. Michael Cohen is a serial liar and a thief.
From a hand picked pool ,Moron. NYC is corrupt. NYC is a cancer. I kinda wish Bin Laden was still alive.
Um...retard? The jury pool is randomly selected from registered voters and residents who have a driver's license.

Hand picked. :laughing0301:

So help me see things from your warped conspiracy perspective.

For all your claims to be true, this riggity rig rigged be-bop dee riggity rigged trial had to be set up like this:

The giant Democratic conspiracy machine gathered together a crooked judge, a crooked prosecutor, 12...count them...12 crooked jurors to get Trump.

Even though we don't even know their names, we just know all the jurors are Democrats. This is a FACT we...just...know. It's a FACT because enough people have said it, it has become manifest through all the repetition. It's MAGA magic. The jurors are all Democrats.

Even more diabolical, the Democrats found a crooked defense lawyer to wheedle his way into the Trump camp so he could voir dire those 12...count them...12 crooked jurors onto the jury.

I am granting you way more intelligence than you deserve when I assume you know how the voir dire process works.

But of course the voir dire process was compromised by this Trump defense lawyer working for Biden under cover.

I mean, look at the guy. You've seen him. Standing outside the courthouse next to Trump every day, blinking morse code to his Democratic overlords that things are going swimmingly to take down his client.

I'm sure the Jewish Space Laser and Hugo Chavez were somehow involved, but I'll leave it to you to fill in those gaps.
LOL...another post where you wet yourself?

I base my desire to have Trump be my President instead of Joe Biden not on the silly crap you just gave in that little rant but on the job that he did as President!

Trump gave us historically good economic numbers before Covid. Historically good!
Trump gave us low energy costs.
Trump gave us low inflation.
Trump gave the average American more disposable income in their pocket.
Trump gave us a more secure border.
Trump gave the world peace accords between Israel and 3 different Arab nations.
Trump gave us no new wars.

Why would anyone want four more years of Joe Biden? Because YOU don't like Trump?
We had low energy costs and low inflation for decades before Trump came along.

Trump was elected on third base and told you he hit a triple! :lol:
Wow, you can tell how desperate Trump is by how outrageous his lies get.

I don't think independents and minorities will be too keen on Trump when the N-word tape surfaces.
You are stupid. Like Biden’s klan affiliations and his lies?
This is the weirdest thing. I cannot understand this desire to see a complete and utter LOSER return.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from cancer kids. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.


& don't forget how he tried to steal an old woman's home thru the use of eminent domain for his private biz'nez. he wanted Vera Coking's property, so he could bulldoze it & pave it over to make a parking lot for his limo driving patrons to use whilst patronizing his now bankrupted & demolished atlantic city casino.
Anyone else would have had the good sense to realize they had him dead to rights, and plead out for a fine and probation.
Excellent student of Roy Cohn and Vincent Norman Peale.... except he didn't know when to back off. Tsk
That’s for the campaign.
A record amount of contributions have poured into the Trump campaign since the verdict. It would have been more but the volume of people trying to contribute was so heavy that it overloaded the site! Just one more thing that Joe Biden thought would be a good thing that's actually going to bite him in his bony white ass!
Um...retard? The jury pool is randomly selected from registered voters and residents who have a driver's license.

Hand picked. :laughing0301:

So help me see things from your warped conspiracy perspective.

For all your claims to be true, this riggity rig rigged be-bop dee riggity rigged trial had to be set up like this:

The giant Democratic conspiracy machine gathered together a crooked judge, a crooked prosecutor, 12...count them...12 crooked jurors to get Trump.

Even though we don't even know their names, we just know all the jurors are Democrats. This is a FACT we...just...know. It's a FACT because enough people have said it, it has become manifest through all the repetition. It's MAGA magic.

Even more diabolical, the Democrats found a crooked defense lawyer to wheedle his way into the Trump camp so he could voir dire those 12...count them...12 crooked jurors onto the jury.

I am granting you way more intelligence than you deserve when I assume you know how the voir dire process works.

But of course the voir dire process was compromised by this Trump defense lawyer working for Biden under cover.

I mean, look at the guy. You've seen him. Standing outside the courthouse next to Trump every day, blinking morse code to his Democratic overlords that things are going swimmingly to take down his client.

I'm sure the Jewish Space Laser and Hugo Chavez were somehow involved, but I'll leave it to you to fill in those gaps.
Not in Screw York. Only a dirty Moron would believe that fake trial was fair.
Anyone else would have had the good sense to realize they had him dead to rights, and plead out for a fine and probation.

but of course ... being the stable genius that he is, donny micromanaged his case & had his lawyers perform like show ponies, only to do what he does best...


I base my desire to have Trump be my President instead of Joe Biden not on the silly crap you just gave in that little rant but on the job that he did as President!

Okay, let's look at that.

First president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.
Double Digit unemployment
Worst Pandemic since 1919
Word Recession since 1929
Worst race riots since 1968
Impeached twice

"but, but, he got some countries to say that Israel is maybe okay sometimes!"

Um, big deal.
Michael Cohen spent that time in prison for tax evasion...something that had nothing to do with Donald Trump! His sentence was reduced because he agreed to testify against Trump. Michael Cohen is a serial liar and a thief.

cohen was let outa prison early because of covid.
What happened to energy costs and inflation after Trump left office?
After oil rigs were shut down, and supply chains were pulled back due to a drop in demand, demand surged to record highs after the shutdown was lifted, overwhelming the system.

Add the massive stimulus cash which was printed and presto. Inflation. Too much cash chasing too few goods.

It's simple to understand. If you want to.
Nope. They are destroying the country. The rule of law is gone in New York. But, $34 million was raised in less than a day for Trump and 3 out of 10 never in the past donated to him before. Independents and minorities see this the way the South used to go after Blacks and Hispanics in the past.
Uh no we don't, we see this as a rich, privileged white man finally being held accountable for crimes he committed.

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