Trump Guilty!

LOL...another post where you wet yourself?

I base my desire to have Trump be my President instead of Joe Biden not on the silly crap you just gave in that little rant but on the job that he did as President!

Trump gave us historically good economic numbers before Covid. Historically good!
Trump gave us low energy costs.
Trump gave us low inflation.
Trump gave the average American more disposable income in their pocket.
Trump gave us a more secure border.
Trump gave the world peace accords between Israel and 3 different Arab nations.
Trump gave us no new wars.

Why would anyone want four more years of Joe Biden? Because YOU don't like Trump?
I see somebody has been reading the MAGA talking points. This is where the fun begins, now give us the policies he signed that gave us all those things.
With all due respect, Playtime...that statute was "paused" until the trial would come during Trump's campaign and then coordinated with other liberal prosecutors to both force Trump to pay millions in legal fees but also spend months tied up in court on charges that have never been levied against anyone else!

Utterly false. The infraction occurred in 2016. Trump moved to D.C. in 2017. In 2019, Trump changed his legal residence to Florida where he moved to in 2021.

At most, that's 1 year. Statute of limitations is 5 years.
Utterly false. The infraction occurred in 2016. Trump moved to D.C. in 2017. In 2019, Trump changed his legal residence to Florida where he moved to in 2021.

At most, that's 1 year. Statute of limitations is 5 years.
They got some kind of reprieve due to the covid shutdown or they would have been out of luck.
What happened to energy costs and inflation after Trump left office?

Chevron raises buybacks and says exposure to Russia is limited

Major oil companies are responding to a jump in profits this year from higher oil and gas prices by giving back more cash to shareholders, many of whom have been frustrated by years of low returns.

So far,
most shale operators have signaled that they plan to put capital returns above output growth, even as U.S. oil prices crossed $100 per barrel earlier this week.

See that? Do you see that?

Oil companies were deliberately slow-walking production back to normal levels, trying to maximize profits at your expense.

Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela were doing the same.

Rather than return to pre-pandemic levels of production, we got this:

Saudi crude oil exports fell in 2021 even as OPEC+ ease output caps

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia shipped less crude in 2021 from a year ago, even as the Kingdom is allowed to produce more oil under its agreemnt with OPEC+ countries. Saudi crude oil exports averaged 6.22 million barrels per day, which is 6.6 percent less than in 2020, data posted by the Joint...

Saudi Crude Oil Exports Sink To 11-Year Low For 2021; Now For The Rebound

Venezuela's 2021 crude output shows no growth from last year

Average year crude production slightly below 2020 Production from JVs account for 60% of total production Iranian condensates boost output for third straight month Venezuelan state owned PDVSA and its

Venezuelan state-owned PDVSA and its foreign joint venture partners recorded average crude oil production of 560,000 b/d in 2021, according to an internal report reviewed by S&P Global Platts.

The average year was slightly below 2020 when production averaged 570,000 b/d and the 2019 record when production was 1.01 million b/d, according to the OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin. Also, the 2021 results were far from the target of PDVSA's recovery plan.

But you dipshits ignorantly chose to blame Biden. Just...because. That's what you are told to do.


New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.
With all due respect, Playtime...that statute was "paused" until the trial would come during Trump's campaign and then coordinated with other liberal prosecutors to both force Trump to pay millions in legal fees but also spend months tied up in court on charges that have never been levied against anyone else!
No. Wrong.

The statute of limitations clock stopped when Trump left New York for the White House.

That's the law.

This statute of limitation crock was started by a lying propagandist and parroted by rubes who unceasingly continue to swallow the lies fed to them, and then for some mysteriously bizarre reason go back and ask to be fed more lies.

We are deep in the Twilight Zone now.
Fantasizing about having sex with your daughter while you're fucking another woman is sick. I don't have to check with Joe. Especially about some ---- found by Project Veritas.
The diary is fact. Another fact, you have no idea how anyone thinks. You have not even learned yourself.
Trump used every legal trick he could find to delay his trial. He filed bullshit motions, he hid behind the office of the presidency, and once he lost that protection, he made up a fake rule you can't prosecute a candidate (despite hundreds of candidates all through history being prosecuted), and filed motion after motion after motion to delay his trials. l

The bastard even claimed a president has the divine right of kings and can order a hit on an opponent and not be held to account. How this did not shock the sensibilities of his cult can only be explained that he has taken them so far down the rabbit hole over the years, they no longer know which way is up. They have left the light behind.

The crook ended up pushing this latest trial into an election year, and then he had the unmitigated gall to whine it was not "election interference"!!!

As if storming the Capitol and sacking it and ordering his Vice President to overthrow the election isn't election interference.

The balls on this guy!
Nope. They are destroying the country. The rule of law is gone in New York. But, $34 million was raised in less than a day for Trump and 3 out of 10 never in the past donated to him before.
I hope he raises mega MAGA amounts. Anyone who doesn't send him money is a treasonous hateriot.

Independents and minorities see this the way the South used to go after Blacks and Hispanics in the past.
Meanwhile, this is what Eric Trump had to say before the jury's verdict, involving race.

"And I cannot wait for the day that we win. We will. We're white."


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