Trump Guilty!

You don't even remember the idiot words that fell out of your tenderized brain, do you?
Yep. And I remember the Riots of 2020. And "The Knockout Game". And carjacking. Not to mention 90% of PIMPS are Black. As I said. Nature of the Beast. Black Males commit 50% of all violent crimes. They are 6% of the Population.
Who's going to do it right if the people who feel like you do are too soft to? :dunno: :laugh:
If you knew me, then you'd know that I'm the last person you'd ever see as being soft, but you are right that we have way to many softies out here in this country now, but we're talking soft in the mind.

I worked as a lineman for over 20 year's keeping the lights on during catastrophic storms. People depended on me to jump to their rescue when they were sitting there in the dark after a hurricane or other type storms rolled through. I had other job's that were the equivalent of being in the Marines I felt, and I did come close to signing up when I was 17, but I was just a tad to young is what they told me at the time, so I went to work finding my nitch in life.

Yes I'm old now, but I'm the last person you'd ever call soft even in my older age, but brawn ain't gonna cut it these days.

One has to have God, common sense, wisdom, and patience to deal with the world changing rapidly around them now.

The hope of the changlings is that the old crowd will be out the door soon, and then the total hell can be implemented next.
It's truly amazing that anyone is deluded enough to believe Trump has any chance of winning the 2024 election.

The height of Trumps political career was winning the 2016 election, but he lost the popular vote and won 3 of the swing states by less than 0.5% and another 2 by less than 1.5%.

Clinton was a terrible candidate that seemed to think she was ordained to be President.

Trump lost the 2020 election by almost 10 million votes.

Now that we all saw what happened on J6, now that Trump is a convicted felon, now that he has been criminally charged in 3 more cases, now that he's being totally rejected even by the Libertarian party, how in hell could anyone actually believe he has any chance of winning? You have to be seriously deluded.

Do you really believe that independents are going to vote for him in masse?

You can point to the polls, but if you believe the polls, then you have to believe that Trump had no chance to win in 2016 and that his 'victory' was only due to Russian election interference.

I guess we all going to have to get used to:


The election was rigged!


The Justice system is rigged!


I'm a butt hurt MAGA loser that needs a diaper change!

Stay tuned loser, because the fat lady has to sing, and she ain't singing yet.
Yep. And I remember the Riots of 2020. And "The Knockout Game". And carjacking. Not to mention 90% of PIMPS are Black. As I said. Nature of the Beast. Black Males commit 50% of all violent crimes. They are 6% of the Population.
Right, we heard your little racist disksuck mouth the first time.
but of course ... being the stable genius that he is, donny micromanaged his case & had his lawyers perform like show ponies, only to do what he does best...

It will be overturned...He won't pay a thing nor have a record. When he's President, he says it's wrong jailing former Presidents. Well, time to give the Democrats what they have been giving Republicans. What goes around comes around. Start with Hillary and Bill.
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

All 34 counts.

You are getting him elected. You are too stupid to see that.
Uh no we don't, we see this as a rich, privileged white man finally being held accountable for crimes he committed.
What is the crime? Name one. Make sure it's a crime before you post and make sure you can give the reference in the law books. Keep in mind, the Constitution.

The naivete of Trump's cult has somehow survived!
It's where the money goes and has to be used for the campaign. That's why the court case was a farse. No crime was committed. Please state the crime and make sure you document the crime from the law books.

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