Trump Guilty!

They were fair, as long as, they were convicting black folks and letting the murderers of black folks off. Now that they have convicted your orange god, they are rigged and unfair.
These "Black Folks" commit violent crimes. Nature of the Beast.
Unsupported lie. Bias has to be shown in usual actions at trial, not on right wing news media fantasies. And you don't have any of that.

Not grounds for appeal.

Picked by the defense as much as the prosecution. Not grounds for appeal.

Wrong. He was charged and c9nvicted of felonies. Not grounds for appeal.

So you have jack shit. Thanks for wasting my time.
Your time. Dirty Morons have all the time in the world. That is why they vote Democrat. More Welfare. More free Student loans. More Riots. More Flag burning. More new WARS.
Fun fact to know and tell.

As he is now a Convicted Felon, there 37-Countries that would ban Snorelone entry. Including Canada and Great Britain.

Nor will he be allowed vote. He cannot carry a firearm.

His probation officer can demand he piss in cup anytime the P.O feels it necessary. His movements can easily restricted.

He will have to sit down with a Probation Officer for a pre-sentencing state. He must answer all the questions put to him fully and completely and he cannot lie. A lie could land him jail. He has to compy with all requests for information from the Probation Department. His P.O. can demand entry into his residence at anytime.

His life can and will change. He will HAT not having all the control and power he is used to having.

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