Trump Guilty!

How many times have you on the left thought you "had" Trump and each time he keeps on coming back from the dead to be your worst nightmare? You think Joe Biden and all of his Soros backed DA's are going to finally pull it off? Well aren't you cute! Joe Biden is a fuck up. Always has been...always will be.
Were you in a coma?
I read the indictment and most of the trial transcripts. I doubt there has been a criminal case in New York that was handled as carefully as this case because everyone knew it was going to be torn apart and analyzed by legal authorities, higher courts, the press, and of course those with political interest.

The defense and prosecution had 13 months to prepare for the trial. There were about 5 hearing covering most of the issue people have raised about the trial. There were two batches of 96 potential juries who filled out questionnaires. By screening the questionnaires followed by investigations, the number was reduced to about 2 dozens potential jurors. These candidates were subjected to questions by the defense and prosecution cutting the number down to 12.

There were mistakes made by the judge, the prosecution, and the defense which is common in case like this. I doubt that any these errors will cause the case to be thrown out. Depending on sentencing, an appeals court may intervene.
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How many times have you on the left thought you "had" Trump and each time he keeps on coming back from the dead to be your worst nightmare? You think Joe Biden and all of his Soros backed DA's are going to finally pull it off? Well aren't you cute! Joe Biden is a fuck up. Always has been...always will be.
Um...retard? I'm a registered Independent. I left the GOP in 2017 because I have a moral compass.

No matter how much longer Trump lives, I will have been a Republican longer than he has.

You see, I'm a Never Trumper. One who actually sticks to his principles unlike Hillbilly Elegy boi JD Vance, or bible-thumping hypocrite Mike Johnson, or the biggest cuck of all Ted Cruz.

You fucked up, kid. You ASS-U-MEd I was a Biden supporter. You committed a false dichotomy.

I don't know if you saw the topic title, but allow me to be the bearer of bad news and tell you he has just been convicted of 34 felonies.

Joe Biden is a fuckup, eh? Well, let me give you some more bad news. Joe Bide beat Trump like a drum in the last election.


If you are going to support Trump, you have to go all in. Understand?

When he's fucking a porn star, you need to spank his ass with the hotel room Gideon bible to help him stay hard.

When he's stealing from cancer kids, you need to applaud him when he is forced to give the money back.

When he is robbing the elderly at his fake university, you need to help shake them down for every last penny of their retirement nest eggs.

When he is busting through underaged girls' dressing room doors, you need to stand there with him and ogle their naked bodies.

When Trump is finger-raping women in elevators, you need to hold the "CLOSE DOOR" button for him until he's finished.

When Trump is defrauding banks and insurance companies, you need to sign the affidavit saying his 11,000 square foot apartment is really 30,000 square feet.

When Trump is declaring his love for mass murdering communist dictators, you need to fly to North Korea and suck off Kim Jong Un.

When Trump is stealing our nation's highest secrets and refusing to turn them over, you need to help move them to a different storage area to hide them from the FBI.

When Trump is attempting a coup, you need to smear your shit on the walls of the Capitol.

This is what it takes to be a Trump cock gobbler, kid.
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No, everyone does not believe it was a sham trial. Polls show 56% of the people believe Trump got a fair trial.
Trump has claimed the trial was ridged just as he has called the election was rigged with no evidence. His supporters will followed their leader. Within a week or so we will start seeing claims of Biden interference in the trial, jury tampering, and various reports of unethical conduct by the judge, prosecutors, and jury. And just like the election, the claims will have no substance.
How many times have you on the left thought you "had" Trump and each time he keeps on coming back from the dead to be your worst nightmare? You think Joe Biden and all of his Soros backed DA's are going to finally pull it off? Well aren't you cute! Joe Biden is a fuck up. Always has been...always will be.
It’s done.
Only you haven’t accepted that fact yet.
They "got" him a huge windfall in campaign donations, that's for sure!
They lost him at least one in 10 Republican voters. Voters he cannot afford to lose.

They lost him about ten percent of his stock value since the verdict.

How many times have you on the left thought you "had" Trump and each time he keeps on coming back from the dead to be your worst nightmare? You think Joe Biden and all of his Soros backed DA's are going to finally pull it off? Well aren't you cute! Joe Biden is a fuck up. Always has been...always will be.

Biden has nothing to do with this. :itsok:
Um...retard? I'm a registered Independent. I left the GOP in 2017 because I have a moral compass.

No matter how much longer Trump lives, I will have been a Republican longer than he has.

You see, I'm a Never Trumper. One who actually sticks to his principles unlike Hillbilly Elegy boi JD Vance, or bible-thumping hypocrite Mike Johnson, or the biggest cuck of all Ted Cruz.

You fucked up, kid. You ASS-U-MEd I was a Biden supporter. You committed a false dichotomy.

I don't know if you saw the topic title, but allow me to be the bearer of bad news and tell you he has just been convicted of 34 felonies.

Joe Biden is a fuckup, eh? Well, let me give you some more bad news. Joe Bide beat Trump like a drum in the last election.


If you are going to support Trump, you have to go all in. Understand?

When he's fucking a porn star, you need to spank his ass with the hotel room Gideon bible to help him stay hard.

When he's stealing from cancer kids, you need to applaud him when he is forced to give the money back.

When he is robbing the elderly at his fake university, you need to help shake them down for every last penny of their retirement nest eggs.

When he is busting through underaged girls' dressing room doors, you need to stand there with him and ogle their naked bodies.

When Trump is finger-raping women in elevators, you need to hold the "CLOSE DOOR" button for him until he's finished.

When Trump is defrauding banks and insurance companies, you need to sign the affidavit saying his 11,000 square foot apartment is really 30,000 square feet.

When Trump is declaring his love for mass murdering communist dictators, you need to fly to North Korea and suck off Kim Jong Un.

When Trump is stealing our nation's highest secrets and refusing to turn them over, you need to help move them to a different storage area to hide them from the FBI.

When Trump is attempting a coup, you need to smear your shit on the walls of the Capitol.

This is what it takes to be a Trump cock gobbler, kid.
Well aren't you a disgusting piece of human dung! I'm pleased to know that you're no longer in the Republican Party. Good riddance.

This is a choice between two of which did the job and one who has not. All of the Trump smearing that you do isn't going to make Joe Biden the man who should be sitting in the Oval Office.
I read the indictment and most of the trial transcripts. I doubt there has been a criminal case in New York that was handled as carefully as this case because everyone knew it was going to be torn apart and analyzed by legal authorities, higher courts, the press, and of course those with political interest.

The defense and prosecution had 13 months to prepare for the trial. There were about 5 hearing covering most of the issue people have raised about the trial. There were two batches of 96 potential juries who filled out questionnaires. By screening the questionnaires followed by investigations, the number was reduced to about 2 dozens potential jurors. These candidates were subjected to questions by the defense and prosecution cutting the number down to 12.

There were mistakes made by the judge, the prosecution, and the defense which is common in case like this. I doubt that any these errors will cause the case to be thrown out. Depending on sentencing, an appeals court may intervene.

You shouldn't explain lawyering over the internet.
You're bad at it.
There’s a requirement that….

1) a defendant gets to know what he’s charged with - not a selection of possibilities, and not first introduced at the point of jury instructions

2) a defendant can present a defense, not have his expert witness blocked by a biased judge because the witness will explain why Trump did not election law was violated

3) a defendant is entitled to an impartial judge - not one manipulating the trial for a predetermined outcome of guilty

4) a defendant is entitled to an impartial jury, not one culled by a far-left libersl jurisdiction

5) a defendant is entitled to protection of his 1st amendment rights - NOT be the only individual under a “gag” order, especially when his adversary is a known liar and convicted perjurer and allowed to shoot his mouth off

6) a defendant is entitled to protection from prosecutorial misconduct, in which a biased DA promises to “get“ him, but doesn’t yet have a crime he has identified

7) finally, a defendant is entitled to equal application of the law - not subjected to a novel, convoluted path to resurrecting an expired misdemeanor and elevating it to felony by the same DA who takes violent felonies committed by others and downgrades them to misdemeanors.
Donald Trump knew exactly what the charges were. They were specified in the indictment.
New York Penal Law § 175.10: Falsifying business records in the first degree
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

The statue does not require that the defendant actually commit the underlying crime, only that there was intent. Thus there is no requirement of a prior conviction of the underlying crime(s). In the juries deliberations, they will determine it the defendant committed the underlying crime(s) however, the defendant does not have to be charged with the underlying crimes. Such charges both state and federal could be forthcoming.

The underlying crimes, violation of federal and state election laws are in the prosecution's opening and closing statements and most likely in discovery documents.
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