Trump, Haley & the latest SNAFU, orchestrated by the President.

"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.
Ah yes. The "Look at what you made me do" defense.

Actually bozo, it was offensive; an expression of the fact that Haley tried to spin the same bullshit you and others now want to echo. That being to blame everyone but Trump, who is the one responsible for the deaths yesterday, and more today.
Haley was supposed to be the one Trump ‘administration’ member with ‘integrity.’

Clearly not – she’s as much a liar as her boss.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.

Your queer orange tranvestite resident enjoys seeing dead bodies.
I enjoy seeing the bodies of dead Palestinians. I like to see them stacked up like cordwood.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.

Your queer orange tranvestite resident enjoys seeing dead bodies.
Yeah, so did Obama. Then he lied about it and went to Vegas. Sorry, but the truth hurts. Oh, and that bitch Hillary you support. Did the same thing. Oh, and Obama promised to move the embassy. Another Obama lie, I'm sure Michelle will spank him.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.
Ah yes. The "Look at what you made me do" defense.
Stop me before I kill again!
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.

Your queer orange tranvestite resident enjoys seeing dead bodies.
I enjoy seeing the bodies of dead Palestinians. I like to see them stacked up like cordwood.

Funny...I would have the same reaction if I heard you had died.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.

Your queer orange tranvestite resident enjoys seeing dead bodies.
I enjoy seeing the bodies of dead Palestinians. I like to see them stacked up like cordwood.
He wants them as his neighbor, then all the gays and transvestites will disapear. Then he can blame someone else on his outrage.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.

Your queer orange tranvestite resident enjoys seeing dead bodies.
I enjoy seeing the bodies of dead Palestinians. I like to see them stacked up like cordwood.

Funny...I would have the same reaction if I heard you had died.
Bless your heart.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.

Your queer orange tranvestite resident enjoys seeing dead bodies.
I enjoy seeing the bodies of dead Palestinians. I like to see them stacked up like cordwood.

Funny...I would have the same reaction if I heard you had died.
I wonder if you whacked off on 911. Typical liberal, hatred towards America first.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.
Ah yes. The "Look at what you made me do" defense.

Actually bozo, it was offensive; an expression of the fact that Haley tried to spin the same bullshit you and others now want to echo. That being to blame everyone but Trump, who is the one responsible for the deaths yesterday, and more today.
You clowns are the only ones spreading bullshit.
Hamas will use any excuse they possibly can to incite violence against Israel and the Jews. They won't be happy until Israel is wiped off the map and the Jews are exterminated. So forgive me for not allying with the genocidal side of this argument.
What if the violence was connected to Israel moving it's embassy? Does the angry left think that riots and anarchy are justified if a sovereign country decides to move it's embassy? Why is the angry left determined to blame America first?
a bit off topic but as i watch coverage of the 'pali' rioters i notice some of them being rushed to Gurneys and Stretchers to be carried away to some [probably] 'pali' hospital . Thing i noticed was that many of the 'pali' rioters had bandages on their legs or knees . Seems to be confirmation of Israels Humane practice of simply 'kneecapping' pali riot leaders rather than Killing ALL of them . Also , i hear that American made RUGER 10-22 rifles are being used , ---------------- just a comment .
And clearly Haley is stupid enough to think anyone would believe her ridiculous lies.

Just as Hillary knew you parrots would talk about the video sparking the violence in Benghazi.


Stop being an ignorant ass.

LOL News Corp, The NY POST owned by R. Murdoch, reporting on one of many Witch Hunts under the (LOL) leadership of Darryll Issaa you consider as evidence? I have this bridge, it reaches across the GG Straits from SF to Marin Counties in CA. for sale. Are you interested:?"
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Too funny, it's Trump's "fault" that Hamas is orchestrating the violence. You people re very sick in the head.

Do you also get coffee and donuts when you visit the echo chamber to get your talking point?
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.
Lol, yeah since there has never been violence there before this. Lol, even your queer, transvestite president promised to do the same. Another Obama lie.

Your queer orange tranvestite resident enjoys seeing dead bodies.
I enjoy seeing the bodies of dead Palestinians. I like to see them stacked up like cordwood.

"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Too funny, it's Trump's "fault" that Hamas is orchestrating the violence. You people re very sick in the head.

Do you also get coffee and donuts when you visit the echo chamber to get your talking point?

"Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members
At least 60 Palestinians were killed Monday and 2,200 were injured by gunfire or tear gas.

Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members

You aren't even in MY league son and I'm just some schmoe on the internet.

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