Trump, Haley & the latest SNAFU, orchestrated by the President.

"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Too funny, it's Trump's "fault" that Hamas is orchestrating the violence. You people re very sick in the head.

Do you also get coffee and donuts when you visit the echo chamber to get your talking point?

"Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members
At least 60 Palestinians were killed Monday and 2,200 were injured by gunfire or tear gas.

Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members

You aren't even in MY league son and I'm just some schmoe on the internet.

f. u. I'm not your son asshole, and if members of Hamas or not, Trump is still culpable for putting the gunfire v. rocks in motion. One would think - not you of course - that with the resources of Hamas, those 50 would have had more weapons than slings and rocks.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Too funny, it's Trump's "fault" that Hamas is orchestrating the violence. You people re very sick in the head.

Do you also get coffee and donuts when you visit the echo chamber to get your talking point?

"Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members
At least 60 Palestinians were killed Monday and 2,200 were injured by gunfire or tear gas.

Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members

You aren't even in MY league son and I'm just some schmoe on the internet.

f. u. I'm not your son asshole, and if members of Hamas or not, Trump is still culpable for putting the gunfire v. rocks in motion. One would think - not you of course - that with the resources of Hamas, those 50 would have had more weapons than slings and rocks.
Wrong. Hamas is solely responsible. You snowflakes all sound like a wife beater who says "she made me hit her."
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Too funny, it's Trump's "fault" that Hamas is orchestrating the violence. You people re very sick in the head.

Do you also get coffee and donuts when you visit the echo chamber to get your talking point?

"Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members
At least 60 Palestinians were killed Monday and 2,200 were injured by gunfire or tear gas.

Hamas official: 50 of those killed in Gaza Monday were members

You aren't even in MY league son and I'm just some schmoe on the internet.

f. u. I'm not your son asshole, and if members of Hamas or not, Trump is still culpable for putting the gunfire v. rocks in motion. One would think - not you of course - that with the resources of Hamas, those 50 would have had more weapons than slings and rocks.

Well son, at least you can learn. Just thank me and move on, I'm just glad I could help.

Son. One would think that you (who holds himself out to be the smartest guy in he room) Wouldn't have needed me to show him Hamas was doing it.
And clearly Haley is stupid enough to think anyone would believe her ridiculous lies.

Just as Hillary knew you parrots would talk about the video sparking the violence in Benghazi.


Stop being an ignorant ass.

LOL News Corp, The NY POST owned by R. Murdoch, reporting on one of many Witch Hunts under the (LOL) leadership of Darryll Issaa you consider as evidence? I have this bridge, it reaches across the GG Straits from SF to Marin Counties in CA. for sale. Are you interested:?"

So, you can't refute the story so you fall on the disgraced "attack the source" ploy? You should be ashamed.

Here's a different source. Keep your lies going and I'll keep laughing at you. Video: Clinton and Benghazi -
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Jared earned that $30MILLION bribe and now they can stop pretending they want peace.

Its a shame we can't find some way to get trump to keep his big yap shut cuz, damn, he screws up everything he gets close to. Give him a "deal" and he'll wreck it.
We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Following the "Cheney-rule," when things are falling apart domestically, the very "best"thing to do is to start a redirect attention of slow-witted voters and label all those who would object, "un-patriotic."
The Palestinians have fired over 25,000 rockets into Israel killing women and children. Was there an emergency meeting of the UN security council? /sarcasm


There's plenty of blame to go around. So much so that there is no longer a "side" to take.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.

Oh and he's just getting warmed up.

By the time he's finished with The Deal he bragged about with N and S Korea, the entire peninsula will be in ruins.

Then he'll get back to wrecking GB and Europe.

All the handiwork of The Apprentice.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.
You must not be paying attention, the rioters in Gaza said they were rioting to demand their imagined "right of return", not about the embassy. It is the PA that is miffed about the embassy move but they are not violent. Try to pay attention.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.

Oh and he's just getting warmed up.

By the time he's finished with The Deal he bragged about with N and S Korea, the entire peninsula will be in ruins.

Then he'll get back to wrecking GB and Europe.

All the handiwork of The Apprentice.
lol So you are so anti Trump that you are now rooting for NK.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.

Oh and he's just getting warmed up.

By the time he's finished with The Deal he bragged about with N and S Korea, the entire peninsula will be in ruins.

Then he'll get back to wrecking GB and Europe.

All the handiwork of The Apprentice.
lol So you are so anti Trump that you are now rooting for NK.

Actually, its trump who was on his knees to Kim. He went on and on about what a great guy Kim is. Imagine how those poor guys felt hearing their "president" say Kim had treated them well.

Its trump who fell all over himself, sucking on Kim. And, he's already Putin's Puppy.

Shameful. Indefensible. Treasonous.

If you support and defend his traitorous behavior with America's enemies, that makes YOU a traitor as well. Think about that.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.

Oh and he's just getting warmed up.

By the time he's finished with The Deal he bragged about with N and S Korea, the entire peninsula will be in ruins.

Then he'll get back to wrecking GB and Europe.

All the handiwork of The Apprentice.
lol So you are so anti Trump that you are now rooting for NK.

Actually, its trump who was on his knees to Kim. He went on and on about what a great guy Kim is. Imagine how those poor guys felt hearing their "president" say Kim had treated them well.

Its trump who fell all over himself, sucking on Kim. And, he's already Putin's Puppy.

Shameful. Indefensible. Treasonous.

If you support and defend his traitorous behavior with America's enemies, that makes YOU a traitor as well. Think about that.
I'm thinking about your post and I can't decide if it means you're gay or a homophobe.
"At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denied the violence in Gaza Monday had anything to do with the U.S. opening up its new embassy in Jerusalem."

“Rather, the violence comes from those who reject the existence of the state of Israel in any location,” Haley said. “The location of the embassy has no bearing on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. … It does not undermine the prospects for peace in any way.”

We have seen the first volley from the Trump apologists, defending and denying what was self evident. Trump lighted the powder keg's fuse, which everyone knew was waiting to explode; now denial and spin have become the latest effort by the Trump Regime to change the discussion and create a narrative blaming others for the deaths and destruction which has occurred and will continue.

Make no mistake, THIS will be Trump's legacy. Another 30+ years of nonstop death and killing between Israel and Palestine. Conservatives have no concept of what foregin policy is, in their minds it is "we have more guns so shut up".

Human beings aren't freightened into silence from such threats. They find a way to make you pay for your bullshit.

Oh and he's just getting warmed up.

By the time he's finished with The Deal he bragged about with N and S Korea, the entire peninsula will be in ruins.

Then he'll get back to wrecking GB and Europe.

All the handiwork of The Apprentice.
lol So you are so anti Trump that you are now rooting for NK.

Actually, its trump who was on his knees to Kim. He went on and on about what a great guy Kim is. Imagine how those poor guys felt hearing their "president" say Kim had treated them well.

Its trump who fell all over himself, sucking on Kim. And, he's already Putin's Puppy.

Shameful. Indefensible. Treasonous.

If you support and defend his traitorous behavior with America's enemies, that makes YOU a traitor as well. Think about that.

Seriously, get help. You are broken.

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