Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

And Bernie repeatedly called for a revolution and one of his followers went to DC to attack our democracy (IE an "insurrection") by shooting up Republican Congressmen. Where was the investigation of Bernie for inciting an insurrection to overthrow our government?

Bernie called for a "revolution" at the ballot box. The guy who shot up the Republican softball game, was your garden variety white mass shooter - history of domestic violence, history of business failures, history of mental illness, blames others for his own problems.

Trump has deliberately stoked and promoted violence on the part of his supporters, starting with his exhortation not to be so "gentle" with the protestors who came to his rallies, offering to pay the legal fees of his rally goers if they were arrested for beating up the protestors.

He told the Proud Boys to "Stand back and stand by" before the election. There is a long and sad history of Trump promoting hatred, racism, and violence, and January 6th was the natural result of Trump's behaviour.
At the behest of the Democratic Party. You left that part out. I'm sure that was an oversight on your part.


Republicans controlled the Senate. They're not in charge when they're in control??

Regardless, they had a committee look into the matter and that Republican-led committee found evidence that Russia did in fact interfere with that election.
Spin it boy spin it...... He didn't claim anything before the election, he predicted that the Democrat's had some dirty tricks up their sleeve's, and he was right. Everything has been proven that his predictions were real, and it's still on going.

He says that about every election regardless of who he is up against. This way if he wins, all was fair. But if he loses, it's only because he was cheated.

It's bizarre how you Trumptards can't see that.
Bernie called for a "revolution" at the ballot box. The guy who shot up the Republican softball game, was your garden variety white mass shooter - history of domestic violence, history of business failures, history of mental illness, blames others for his own problems.

Trump has deliberately stoked and promoted violence on the part of his supporters, starting with his exhortation not to be so "gentle" with the protestors who came to his rallies, offering to pay the legal fees of his rally goers if they were arrested for beating up the protestors.

He told the Proud Boys to "Stand back and stand by" before the election. There is a long and sad history of Trump promoting hatred, racism, and violence, and January 6th was the natural result of Trump's behaviour.
Please post proof that Bernie called for a revolution "at the ballot box".
Wrong as usual. Trump could not be charged while in office, and the Republican Party refused to convict him in the Senate, saying the "American people elected him, and they should decide if they want him to continue as President".

When the American people overwhelmingly voted him out of office, Trump tried to overthrow the government and still Republicans were so afraid of him that they refused to vote to convict. Now the American people are DEMANDING accountability and they want Trump prosecuted and jailed.

Why are YOU continuing to defend this criminal.
I am not defending him or anything. In fact, I will tell you to go to your local dems' office if you have any evidence of his crime. They want to hear it.
It's also "common sense" that deliberately lying to people for your own gain is not protected speech either.
You are wrong, and you completely misunderstand the free speech issue (1st adm). Gov't cannot stop you from speaking anything (even saying nazi is a better version of the saint or the sun rises in the west or Human causes climate changes), but You need to pay for the consequences of your free speech. Back to your example, you can go to jail if you are lying for personal gain. You go to jail has nothing to do with free speech.
Trump knew his terrorist supporters were armed and demanded that they no longer be searched for weapons.

Trump then sent his armed terrorist supporters to the Capitol Building in a failed coup attempt.

Such is Trump’s criminality and treason.

And you and others on the right want Trump to be president again.
Trump worked for the American people. Biden works for the Chinese Communist Party.

I know you don't see a problem with that, but rational people do.
Trump has "settled" all of his criminal cases without an admission of guilt, but he has paid numerous fines and millions of dollars in settlement. His charity faced numerous charges and fines and he was stripped of his charity license.

Why do YOU keep defending such a disgusting excuse for a human being? Other than "sticking it to the libs", you got NOTHING out of the Trump Presidency but unemployment and poverty.
We get it. You can't control your emotions. But your personal failure to be a mature human being does not obligate anyone else to alter their behavior to assuage your scorching butthurt.

Republicans controlled the Senate. They're not in charge when they're in control??

Regardless, they had a committee look into the matter and that Republican-led committee found evidence that Russia did in fact interfere with that election.
Because the Democratic Party paid them to.

You guys keep forgetting that part.
Because the Democrats paid them to. You can pretend that doesn't mean anything, but you have to make a special effort.
Because? What??!

You fuckers will say anything and believe anything


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