Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

So he should just let the other side steal the election?
Absolutely not.

IF that is what happened.

His trouble - and yours, apparently - is that no such thing happened... you know that as well as I do... it's just that you can't openly admit it.

It is the American Big Lie of the early 21st Century and will down in the history books just that way.

To his eternal shame - and yours, apparently... backing someone who is going to go down in history as another (orange-colored) Benedict Arnold.

Rump's goal is personal power - he doesn't give two $hits about me
OR you.

And he is willing to fracture the Republic and ignore a centuries -old sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power and to lie his fat a$$ off.

The sooner that you-and-yours come to grips with that Reality the sooner the Republican party can begin to heal and move forward to do good things.

The goddamned Democrats are every bit as bad as the idiot Republicans... the country NEEDS a strong, visionary, confident, healed GOP to offset them.

Much of the Rumpian Agenda is actually and exactly what the Republic needs.

It's just that your standard bearer is such a self-serving a$$hole and so terribly morally bankrupt and unfit for office that the Agenda suffers because of him.

The Wall... the return of Manufacturing... taking care of the Illegals problem... reversing various social engineering... all worthwhile long-term political goals.

Want to see any of that actually accomplished?

Then begin thinking of recent history in terms of: Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

Choose somebody OTHER THAN your Orange Baboon-God and you might actually take back the White House.

Run him again and you're going to get your a$$e$ kicked on that level... even if you take back both House and Senate.

Rump has become a liability and an albatross around your necks... you're (collectively) simply too vested in him and to close to the problem to see it clearly.

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Bernie called for a "revolution" at the ballot box. The guy who shot up the Republican softball game, was your garden variety white mass shooter - history of domestic violence, history of business failures, history of mental illness, blames others for his own problems.

Trump has deliberately stoked and promoted violence on the part of his supporters, starting with his exhortation not to be so "gentle" with the protestors who came to his rallies, offering to pay the legal fees of his rally goers if they were arrested for beating up the protestors.

He told the Proud Boys to "Stand back and stand by" before the election. There is a long and sad history of Trump promoting hatred, racism, and violence, and January 6th was the natural result of Trump's behaviour.
You say these things without acknowledgment that the very thing you alledged is going on, has been prevalent in the Democrat party, where as the very thing in which you speak has caused a public reaction by the Republican's of course, yet it's only in defense of their members being made target's by the Democrat's over these year's. Always make sure that you know that we know who started the bull crap first, and it wasn't us. Now stop with your propaganda and lie's, because you aren't dealing with anyone here who would be as dumb as a leftist has proven to be on these forums.
So he should just let the other side steal the election?
That's what was hoped for undoubtedly, so they hate it that he's fighting back, and hate it that he's not just laying down like so many POC rhino's have done in the past.
Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
Funny thread – everyone agrees that Trump has the First Amendment right to lie about the 2020 election being ‘stolen’ and conservatives are still angry and upset.
You say these things without acknowledgment that the very thing you alledged is going on, has been prevalent in the Democrat party, where as the very thing in which you speak has caused a public reaction by the Republican's of course, yet it's only in defense of their members being made target's by the Democrat's over these year's. Always make sure that you know that we know who started the bull crap first, and it wasn't us. Now stop with your propaganda and lie's, because you aren't dealing with anyone here who would be as dumb as a leftist has proven to be on these forums.
The tit for tat game is old, childish, and ineffective. "They did it first" Sounds like a grade school fight. Grow up. It isn't an excuse for bad behavior... Own it or condemn it. Do whats right. When you defend and deflect you are no better than those who you criticize and you become a hypocrite.
That's what was hoped for undoubtedly, so they hate it that he's fighting back, and hate it that he's not just laying down like so many POC rhino's have done in the past.
When the "fighting back" is through lies and public manipulation then everybody should be upset about that. Even his supporters. It amazes me how you just allow a person that you support to get away with that stuff. Y'all are like battered wives sticking up for the abusive husband. Seek help.
CNBC reports, "The Jan. 6 select committee’s eighth public hearing Thursday will go inside the White House to detail then-President Donald Trump’s hourslong refusal to call for an end to the Capitol riot.

"The hearing marks the final scheduled presentation of the committee’s initial findings from its investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, when throngs of Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol and temporarily stopped Congress from confirming President Joe Biden’s victory.

"The nine-member committee, which is comprised of seven Democrats and two Republicans, has accused Trump of being at the center of a multi-pronged conspiracy to overturn his loss to Biden in the 2020 contest.

"The panel is expected to present audio and video evidence, as well as live testimony from two former White House officials, to drill down on Trump’s inaction during a crucial 187-minute gap between the end of his pre-riot rally near the White House and his eventual Twitter call for the mob to go home.

Trump was watching television in a White House dining room while rioters were raging at the Capitol, multiple witnesses told the select committee.

“To the best of my recollection, he was always in the dining room,” former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told investigators.

"Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg said he recalled, “everyone was watching the TV.”

"Trump’s former executive assistant Molly Michael told the committee that when she talked to Trump on Jan. 6, “It’s my understanding he was watching television.”

"Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone, a highly sought-after witness who spoke with the investigation under subpoena in recent weeks, confirmed that the violence occurring at the Capitol was visible on the television screen when he was in the dining room with Trump."

The testimony speaks for itself, and no one, including Trump, disputes what he was doing -- better yet, what he was not doing -- while the attack on the capitol was going on.
None of this hearing is complete without the proper committee members being present from both sides of the isle, otherwise in order to give fairness and professionalism or order to such a thing.

Listen - Also the Democrat's have blown it with it's radicalism, and they've damned sure blown their chances at an alledged cheat again, because this coming election will be monitored or watched like no election has ever been monitored or watched before.
The tit for tat game is old, childish, and ineffective. "They did it first" Sounds like a grade school fight. Grow up. It isn't an excuse for bad behavior... Own it or condemn it. Do whats right. When you defend and deflect you are no better than those who you criticize and you become a hypocrite.
Tell your bull crap to your childish acting democrat's, because republican's have had enough of the petulant bull crap coming from the left. Yeah first is absolutely right in which makes the democrat's the pure hypocrites, and the republican's are on the offense now.
Absolutely not.

IF that is what happened.

His trouble - and yours, apparently - is that no such thing happened... you know that as well as I do... it's just that you can't openly admit it.

It is the American Big Lie of the early 21st Century and will down in the history books just that way.

To his eternal shame - and yours, apparently... backing someone who is going to go down in history as another (orange-colored) Benedict Arnold.

Rump's goal is personal power - he doesn't give two $hits about me
OR you.

And he is willing to fracture the Republic and ignore a centuries -old sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power and to lie his fat a$$ off.

The sooner that you-and-yours come to grips with that Reality the sooner the Republican party can begin to heal and move forward to do good things.

The goddamned Democrats are every bit as bad as the idiot Republicans... the country NEEDS a strong, visionary, confident, healed GOP to offset them.

Much of the Rumpian Agenda is actually and exactly what the Republic needs.

It's just that your standard bearer is such a self-serving a$$hole and so terribly morally bankrupt and unfit for office that the Agenda suffers because of him.

The Wall... the return of Manufacturing... taking care of the Illegals problem... reversing various social engineering... all worthwhile long-term political goals.

Want to see any of that actually accomplished?

Then begin thinking of recent history in terms of: Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

Choose somebody OTHER THAN your Orange Baboon-God and you might actually take back the White House.

Run him again and you're going to get your a$$e$ kicked on that level... even if you take back both House and Senate.

Rump has become a liability and an albatross around your necks... you're (collectively) simply too vested in him and to close to the problem to see it clearly.

Admit something that hasn't been cleared through a fair and just hearing, and then a public trial in the court system with impartial jurist ??

Don't see how any American could go there or be that stupid.
Tell your bull crap to your childish acting democrat's, because republican's have had enough of the petulant bull crap coming from the left. Yeah first is absolutely right in which makes the democrat's the pure hypocrites, and the republican's are on the offense now.
I'm not talking to the Democrats right now I'm talking to you... Stop deflecting. I don't care what you think the "Left" has done. It doesn't justify acting the same way or worse. Thats how children try and justify their poor behavior. You should have learned these lessons in grade school.
Every time I read about these Jan 6th hearings, all I ever hear is that they are building a case that the so-called insurrection happened because Trump kept on saying that the election was stolen, his supporters believed him, and then some of them rioted, attacking the Capitol. They are finding evidence after evidence after evidence to prove that Trump claimed the election was stolen (not that we didn't know that in the first place) but the kangaroo hearing has to prove Trump repeatedly said the election was stolen even though everyone already knows he's said that many times. What a farce!

So what? Trump has a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, as many times as he wants to say it. That doesn't make him legally responsible if others believe the so called "big lie" and then riot and attack the Capitol. That's on them, not on Trump. Democrats called the 2016 election stolen for years and took steps to overthrow Trump. Where are the investigations of them? Oh, wait a minute. I spoke too soon. Those investigations are coming when Republicans take over the House after the midterms.
Interesting, this tops the list of stupid. You can't prove any point that was ever made with lies. ,Quote from Scum Bag "Romney was “slaughtered” by President Barack Obama in 2012, according to Trump, losing the popular vote by 5 million votes and losing the national vote overall by a bit less than four percentage points." And Scum Bag got hammered by 7 million votes. What a hoot! These people are idiots because they are controlled by an idiot.
brothers and sisters: the terrorist attack on DC on Jan 6 (as Ted Cruz called it) was the worst global terrorist attack on America since 9/11 and the worst domestic terrorist attack on America since Tim McVeigh

while some of the folks on Jan 6 were wannabee militiamen, the vast majority of them...were domestic terrorists

there is no 1st Amendment right to Jan 6 just like there's no 1st Amendment right to 9/11 and what Tim McVeigh did too, folks!
Funny thread – everyone agrees that Trump has the First Amendment right to lie about the 2020 election being ‘stolen’ and conservatives are still angry and upset.
There is no legal basis for the hearings if you believe Trump has a first amendment right to say the election is stolen. Just about all of the so called "evidence" the committee has come up with is various ways Trump said the election was stolen. That makes it nothing but sham hearings for political gain.
brothers and sisters: the terrorist attack on DC on Jan 6 (as Ted Cruz called it) was the worst global terrorist attack on America since 9/11 and the worst domestic terrorist attack on America since Tim McVeigh

while some of the folks on Jan 6 were wannabee militiamen, the vast majority of them...were domestic terrorists

there is no 1st Amendment right to Jan 6 just like there's no 1st Amendment right to 9/11 and what Tim McVeigh did too, folks!
No mention of the riot's, statue destruction, treason by Democrat's calling for anarchy in the streets, mobs taking over city block's, attacking government buildings, police officers ambushed and killed, so on and so forth eh ? You are nothing but a Democrat ace kisser from hell boy, and that's right I said boy.
No mention of the riot's, statue destruction, treason by Democrat's calling for anarchy in the streets, mobs taking over city block's, attacking government buildings, police officers ambushed and killed, so on and so forth eh ? You are nothing but a Democrat ace kisser from hell boy, and that's right I said boy.
i've been called worse than that, and don't care, and yes, i do believe there are good people on both sides, and bad people on both sides

just because a couple of Democrats did some stuff doesn't give the right for the GOP to act like domestic terrorists. DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!
Admit something that hasn't been cleared through a fair and just hearing, and then a public trial in the court system with impartial jurist ??
If you are referring to the election itself, then... you had sixty-two chances in court, and even Republican judges laughed you out of court (lack of merit or standing)...

If you are referring to the Insurrection of January 6, 2021 and the Congressional Special Committee investigating it...

You had your chance to nominate two replacements for the rejected ones; instead, you pulled all five nominees...

Even Rump said that was stupid... which is rather like the pot calling the kettle black... but it's both noteworthy and accurate...

Not to worry... you'll get your day in court, if-and-when a Grand Jury issues indictments, and it goes to trial...

Don't see how any American could go there or be that stupid.
All you have to do is to look at how many gullible sheeple that Rump still has in his corner to learn the answer to that one...

P.T. Barnum described you characters best... "There's a sucker born every minute."

Rump doesn't give two $hits about you... you need to stop giving two $hits about him...
If you are referring to the election itself, then... you had sixty-two chances in court, and even Republican judges laughed you out of court (lack of merit or standing)...

If you are referring to the Insurrection of January 6, 2021 and the Congressional Special Committee investigating it...

You had your chance to nominate two replacements for the rejected ones; instead, you pulled all five nominees...

Even Rump said that was stupid... which is rather like the pot calling the kettle black... but it's both noteworthy and accurate...

Not to worry... you'll get your day in court, if-and-when a Grand Jury issues indictments, and it goes to trial...

All you have to do is to look at how many gullible sheeple that Rump still has in his corner to learn the answer to that one...

P.T. Barnum described you characters best... "There's a sucker born every minute."

Rump doesn't give two $hits about you... you need to stop giving two $hits about him...
What Trump needs to realize more than anything, is that the never Trumpers that hated his brass tax way's of doing things for the Americans who needed a bull in the China shop, and his going after the status quo that weakend or just about destroyed this country over time, were actually working with the Democrat's to undermine him and the country for their political careers that they felt were threatened in the fall out of it all. He needs to find out just how bad it got with these two faced fence rider's, and hopefully the American voter's will realize it also come these on going elections.

Liz Cheney is about to get voted out, and it needs to keep on going because these people are bad for this country.
If you are referring to the election itself, then... you had sixty-two chances in court, and even Republican judges laughed you out of court (lack of merit or standing)...

If you are referring to the Insurrection of January 6, 2021 and the Congressional Special Committee investigating it...

You had your chance to nominate two replacements for the rejected ones; instead, you pulled all five nominees...

Even Rump said that was stupid... which is rather like the pot calling the kettle black... but it's both noteworthy and accurate...

Not to worry... you'll get your day in court, if-and-when a Grand Jury issues indictments, and it goes to trial...

All you have to do is to look at how many gullible sheeple that Rump still has in his corner to learn the answer to that one...

P.T. Barnum described you characters best... "There's a sucker born every minute."

Rump doesn't give two $hits about you... you need to stop giving two $hits about him...
You talk from a weakened position under a Biden administration, and that makes you look like a complete fool at this point.

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