Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

What Trump needs to realize more than anything, is that the never Trumpers that hated his brass tax way's of doing things for the Americans who needed a bull in the China shop, and his going after the status quo that weakend or just about destroyed this country over time, were actually working with the Democrat's to undermine him and the country for their political careers that they felt were threatened in the fall out of it all. He needs to find out just how bad it got with these two faced fence rider's, and hopefully the American voter's will realize it also come these on going elections.

Liz Cheney is about to get voted out, and it needs to keep on going because these people are bad for this country.
How specifically is Liz Cheney bad for the country…. Specifically
You talk from a weakened position under a Biden administration, and that makes you look like a complete fool at this point.
If I thought about it I could probably and eventually make some sense out of this sentence but I don't think I'll bother...
The tit for tat game is old, childish, and ineffective. "They did it first" Sounds like a grade school fight. Grow up. It isn't an excuse for bad behavior... Own it or condemn it. Do whats right. When you defend and deflect you are no better than those who you criticize and you become a hypocrite.
We're trying to do what's right. We're trying to secure elections.

Democrats oppose our efforts.
We're trying to do what's right. We're trying to secure elections.

Democrats oppose our efforts.
Nothing about what you’re doing is right. Since y’all always try and divert to the summer riots, let me ask… if I said the summer rioters were just trying to do what’s right and fight for racial equality, I’m sure you would laugh and shake your head. That’s what you sound like
None of this hearing is complete without the proper committee members being present from both sides of the isle
The Republican leader in the House, Kevin McCarthy, refused to do that.

The best idea was a bipartisan commission without members of Congress on the panel. That was shot down by Senate Republicans on orders from Trump.

So, the reason the other side is not presenting a case is the fault of Republicans.

I suspect that is because Republicans don't have a case.
Nothing about what you’re doing is right. Since y’all always try and divert to the summer riots, let me ask… if I said the summer rioters were just trying to do what’s right and fight for racial equality, I’m sure you would laugh and shake your head. That’s what you sound like
Democrats oppose securing elections. Your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.
In a related case, Bannon presented no defense and he was convicted.
Bannon was prevented from presenting a defense. The Soviet judge in the case forbid his team from defending him.

This may be justice to you, but to normal people, it's bullshit.
What Trump needs to realize more than anything, is that the never Trumpers that hated his brass tax way's of doing things for the Americans who needed a bull in the China shop, and his going after the status quo that weakend or just about destroyed this country over time, were actually working with the Democrat's to undermine him and the country for their political careers that they felt were threatened in the fall out of it all. He needs to find out just how bad it got with these two faced fence rider's, and hopefully the American voter's will realize it also come these on going elections.

Liz Cheney is about to get voted out, and it needs to keep on going because these people are bad for this country.

Nothing you posted bears any semblance to reality.

Donald Trump is an incompetent and criminal conman who nearly destroyed the nation, and is still trying to overthrow the government.

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