Trump has been 100% EXONERATED again!

Get ready to see my guy and a true LEADER who loves America roll out those rallies AGAIN!!!

So innocent they acquitted him TWICE!!!!!!!

What a waste of time and money.
Next move for the shit stains...

Impeach Donald Trump


2022: "Impeach Donald Trump!"

2024: "Impeach President Donald Trump!"

2028: "Impeach President Donald Trump!"

2032: "Impeach President Donald Trump Jr.!"

2036: "Impeach President Donald Trump Jr.!"

2040: "Impeach President Ivanka Trump."

2044: "Impeach President Ivanka Trump."

2048: "Impeach President Zorg Trump from the planet Nebulae!"
What a waste of time and money.
He was not exonerated then or now. They were political trials and he was given a pass by those who are blindly loyal or just fearful of his rath and that of his moronic minions.

Wait until the DOJ and the State of Georgia pick up the ball with the damaging evidence that the impeachment managers laid out so skillfully. They laid the groundwork fo criminal prosec. Listen to utions.

And think about the damage that he has done to our Democracy. You should listen to what Schumer had to say about that, but I don't think that you will because you are afraid to. People like you are fearful of leaving their bubble of lies and conspracies and facing reality because it will undermine all that you believe.Read /Listen to this:

(5) Schumer blasts Trump's acquittal as "un-American" (
What a waste of time and money.
Next move for the shit stains...

Impeach Donald Trump


2022: "Impeach Donald Trump!"

2024: "Impeach President Donald Trump!"

2028: "Impeach President Donald Trump!"

2032: "Impeach President Donald Trump Jr.!"

2036: "Impeach President Donald Trump Jr.!"

2040: "Impeach President Ivanka Trump."

2044: "Impeach President Ivanka Trump."

2048: "Impeach President Zorg Trump from the planet Nebulae!"

Now this is truly sick.
Don Trump Jr?? Lol.
Did ANY Democrats vote to acquit?
As someone else said nope, which is no surprise,the days where the democrat party was respectable under kennedy and carter are long gone,they have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the of course not one voted for them,kennedy is rolling over in his grave now how corrupt they have become,thank god trump got elected ot the gop would have been infiltrated by terrorists as well.
Once again, Trump escapes responsibility

But a majority of the House found him guilty
A majority of the Senate found him guilty. Just not 2/3

But it is hardly a victory of the former President

History will take note
History will indeed take note. It is a brave new world in which the people will take power over the elites.
Politically, short term loss, long term gain for the Democrats.

Dork. Even when you Democrats win, you lose. As does the American people.

You have no plan, no solution, and no new ideas. Just the same old regurgitated crap over and over, ad infinitum.
Dude:trolls: nobody should ever feed these trolls candyass and wrongwinger,they are bothshills from Langley that have penetrated this site so I can only say this so many times on relplying to those two.:trolls:
What a waste of time and money.
He was not exonerated then or now. They were political trials and he was given a pass by those who are blindly loyal or just fearful of his rath and that of his moronic minions.

Wait until the DOJ and the State of Georgia pick up the ball with the damaging evidence that the impeachment managers laid out so skillfully. They laid the groundwork fo criminal prosec. Listen to utions.

And think about the damage that he has done to our Democracy. You should listen to what Schumer had to say about that, but I don't think that you will because you are afraid to. People like you are fearful of leaving their bubble of lies and conspracies and facing reality because it will undermine all that you believe.Read /Listen to this:

(5) Schumer blasts Trump's acquittal as "un-American" (
As you do not have an affinity for Repubs, we know that there are many Prog corrupted politicians. It is now constant. Our government is now perma slander, with the media and the entertainers greasing the wheels.
What a waste of time and money.

He was not exonerated. The Republican Party decided to let him off the hook and they own this seditious action. Voters may very well show their disapproval of the Republican Party in 2022. Democrats should ask voters if you want Republicans who approve of sedition running Congress.
Time for Trump to announce his 2024 presidential bid.
I hope so. Complete the destruction of the GOPQAnon party!
It will strengthen the party. The RINO's will be challenged and beaten in their primaries.
It will split that party between the TrumpPublicans/ QAnon Crazies and the rational, fiscally responsable Republicans of which there still are some. The result: A Democratic majority for decades to come. Deal with ti.
Last edited:
Time for Trump to announce his 2024 presidential bid.
I hope so. Complete the destruction of the GOPQAnon party!
It will strengthen the party. The RINO's will be challenged and beaten in their primaries.
It will spit that party between the TrumpPulicans/ QAnon Crazies and the rational, fiscally responsable Republicans of which there still are some. The result: A Democratic majority for decades to come. Deal with ti.
The Democrats will lose the House and the Senate in 2022 unless they can get away with massive fraud again. 2 years is not a decade.

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