Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States​

Let's get one thing right. The federal election system has in place a system for disputing elections and sending back a state's electors to the state for resolution if someone feels there is a dispute. Those are not "fake" electors, they are alternate electors--- they've been used before and it isn't a crime.

So what do you do instead? You use a source article written by two 20-something year old kids fresh out of school, neither of which are constitutional scholars who have argued before the Supreme Court or anything, instead, you use an article written by one guy whose specialty is climate, energy development, public lands and infrastructure and a girl whose areas of expertise are in health care, unemployment, housing and aid to families! For their opinions on Trump's guilt!

And you want us to actually buy that? :laughing0301:

The least you could have done is use a source who actually has knowledge and experience in the area of elections and their disputes.
Let's get one thing right. The federal election system has in place a system for disputing elections and sending back a state's electors to the state for resolution if someone feels there is a dispute. Those are not "fake" electors, they are alternate electors--- they've been used before and it isn't a crime.
Trump and his criminal organization solicited the Georgia legislature to appoint alternate electors.

They committed perjury during their attempt.

They were refused. The legislature told the losers to fuck off.

So Trump and his criminal organization just made up their own illegal fake electors and sent their fake certification to the US Senate.

That's a crime.

The end.

You would know all this if you READ THE INDICTMENT!!!
This is completely false.

No, he's partly right that electors for candidates are decided prior to the election. However, the state only certifies one slate, appointing the electors for the winner of the popular vote within the state, to send to Congress to be counted on January 6th...

Who selects the electors?

Choosing each State's electors is a two-part process. First, the political parties in each State choose slates of potential electors sometime before the general election. Second, during the general election, the voters in each State select their State's electors by casting their ballots.
Yet, on the appointed day, Trump left office peacefully. You folks are full of shit. There was no coup. You folks are being idiotic drama queens trying, unsuccessfully, to demonize Trump. Quit while you're ahead. You only make fools of yourselves.

Yes, he left office on Inauguration Day because his coup failed.
Al Gore went to court to challenge the vote count. That is the only similarity to Trump.

Al Gore accepted his loss in court. That is a HUGE difference from Trump.

Trump has not been arrested for challenging the results in court. Trump got into trouble after he refused to accept his loss. He never conceded and embarked on an illegal course.

Al Gore ultimately conceded and as Vice President he certified the election.

Just how deep is your ignorance of recent history, man?
The disenfranchised Trump voters never got a day in court!
Trump and his criminal organization
What criminal organization? You are talking about a president, one of America's greatest mayors, and a bunch of attorney's and other highly trained people, etc. Doesn't sound like any "criminal organization" I ever heard of! Is Hillary a criminal organization, too? I mean, both parties have been accused of much but neither have ever actually been FOUND GUILTY in a court of law of any crime. Their (Trump's) only crime AFAIK is their rightly questioning and disputing a highly irregular and suspect election where several states broke their own laws in counting ballots.

solicited the Georgia legislature to appoint alternate electors.
That is their right. All the state had to say is NO, or at least investigate the matter then say NO.

They committed perjury during their attempt.
You can only commit perjury in a court of law.
So I made a mistake about the date.

Sue me.
It was more than about the date. You tried to negate the pardon request by claiming Trump was unable to pardon Eastman.

You have acquired way too many stupidity points in this topic.
If you leave it up to me to choose the text you're talking about, you won't like my choice.
I told what pages to read. The crime is laid out very clearly there.

I understand your desperation not to read the indictment. Your delusions might implode and all the lies you have been told will be undone and your mind just might break.

So, yeah. Just remain willfully ignorant. Your choice.
No, he's partly right that electors for candidates are decided prior to the election. However, the state only certifies one slate, appointing the electors for the winner of the popular vote within the state, to send to Congress to be counted on January 6th...

Who selects the electors?
Choosing each State's electors is a two-part process. First, the political parties in each State choose slates of potential electors sometime before the general election. Second, during the general election, the voters in each State select their State's electors by casting their ballots.
The fake illegal electors Trump and his criminal organization put together were not the ones chosen by any party or the legislature.

They were traitors chosen by the criminals.

That's why they are also charged along with Trump.
The disenfranchised Trump voters never got a day in court!
They got their day at the ballot box, and they lost.

Trump took his lies to over 60 courts, and was rebuked each and every time, including by his own appointees.

Trump abused every possible avenue of redress, and was only stopped because there were a handful of brave souls who stood up to him. And all of them were threatened and abused for it.

Worst. Sore. Loser. EVAH!

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