Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

nf.21.02.26 seven wks after Ashley Babbitt tried to stop Biden’s inauguration.
DJTQ’s 1/6 Riot was an attempt to force Congess to reject the certified election only in certain states that Trump lost. The rioters intent was to get the members and Senators to reject those electors and send them back to the states to have a revote.
Thus creating chaos by the necessity of delaying the inauguration on the date required by the Constitution.
Can you imagine the chaos resulting in rejection of millions of black votes in Milwaukee Detroit Philadelphia etc.

Wrong again.
Was I?
Nope. When Congress voted not to investigate they stole the election. That made it final. Illegally.

Liar. There was nothing to investigate. Trump was lying about election fraud. To this day, there's been very little fraud found. Nowhere near enough to change the outcome of the election.
lstmndr.23.09.04 #439
Nope. When Congress voted not to investigate they stole the election. That made it final. Illegally.

fvvn.23.09.04 #443
Liar. There was nothing to investigate. Trump was lying about election fraud. To this day, there's been very little fraud found. Nowhere near enough to change the outcome of the election.

Saint Lastamender could be one who sent Trump donations for The Great White “Q/?” to investigate the theft of the 2020 election from him by sleepy Joe Biden and “His not so smart People”

So why didn’t DJT use that quarter billion from Lastamender et al to put his “Smartest People” and his “money 💰” on the Stolen Election Caper just like he says he did in 2011 when he says he had people in Hawaii and Kenya “that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding” about the Obama scam to become President from the moment he was born a Muslim on the Dark African Continent in some shithole like Kenya.

Blast from The Past 2011 Birther Debut

>> recently you spent a lot of time talking about president obama’s birth certificate or lack thereof. you’re convinced he doesn’t have one.​
<< no, he doesn’t have one. i’ve had very smart people say, donald, stay on the china issue, saudi arabia issue, stay on india taking our jobs and mexico, nafta, get off the birth certificate issue.​
>> why don’t you?​
<< because you know what? three weeks before he started i thought he was born in the country and now i have a much bigger doubt. his grandmother in kenya says he was born in kenya and witnessed the birth, okay? he doesn’t have a birth certificate or he hasn’t shone it. he has what’s called certificate of live birth. that’s something that’s easy to get.​
>> consider the equivalent.​
<< it’s not the equivalent.​
>> in the state of hawaii they say they have seen this document, he was born in the united states, that’s good enough for them.​
<< a birth certificate is not even close. a certificate of live birth is not even signed by anybody. i saw his. i read it very carefully. it doesn’t have a serial number, doesn’t have a signature. there’s not even a signature.​
>> do you think he was lying? come on, just answer.​
<< meredith, he spent $2 million in legal fees trying on to get away from this issue, and if he weren’t issue, why would he just solve it? i wish he would because if he doesn’t, it’s one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in the history, period. you are not allowed to be a president if you’re not born in this country. right now i have real doubts. i have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding.​
>> you have people down there — i mean >> meredith, he spent $2 million in legal fees trying on to get away from this issue, and if he weren’t issue, why would j he just solve it? i wish he would because if he doesn’t, it’s one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in the history, period. you are not allowed to be a president if you’re not born in this country. right now i have real doubts. i have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding.>> you have people down there — i mean searching in hawaii? absolutely. they can’t believe what they’re finding. i’d like him to show his birth certificate. can i be honest with you? i hope he can. if he can’t, if he can’t, if he wasn’t born in this country, and i’m not saying it’s a real possibility. but it’s much greater than two or three weeks ago, then he’s pulled one of the greatest cons in the history of politics and beyond.​

nf.23.09.04 #444
Last edited:
Liar. There was nothing to investigate. Trump was lying about election fraud. To this day, there's been very little fraud found. Nowhere near enough to change the outcome of the election.
All kinds of things to investigate. You are the liar.
lstmndr.23.09.04 #439

fvvn.23.09.04 #443

Saint Lastamender could be one who sent Trump donations for The Great White “Q/?” to investigate the theft of the 2020 election from him by sleepy Joe Biden and “His not so smart People”

So why didn’t DJT use that quarter billion from Lastamender et al to put his “Smartest People” and his “money 💰” on the Stolen Election Caper just like he says he did in 2011 when he says he had people in Hawaii and Kenya “that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding” about the Obama scam to become President from the moment he was born a Muslim on the Dark African Continent in some shithole like Kenya.

Blast from The Past 2011 Birther Debut

>> recently you spent a lot of time talking about president obama’s birth certificate or lack thereof. you’re convinced he doesn’t have one.​
<< no, he doesn’t have one. i’ve had very smart people say, donald, stay on the china issue, saudi arabia issue, stay on india taking our jobs and mexico, nafta, get off the birth certificate issue.​
>> why don’t you?​
<< because you know what? three weeks before he started i thought he was born in the country and now i have a much bigger doubt. his grandmother in kenya says he was born in kenya and witnessed the birth, okay? he doesn’t have a birth certificate or he hasn’t shone it. he has what’s called certificate of live birth. that’s something that’s easy to get.​
>> consider the equivalent.​
<< it’s not the equivalent.​
>> in the state of hawaii they say they have seen this document, he was born in the united states, that’s good enough for them.​
<< a birth certificate is not even close. a certificate of live birth is not even signed by anybody. i saw his. i read it very carefully. it doesn’t have a serial number, doesn’t have a signature. there’s not even a signature.​
>> do you think he was lying? come on, just answer.​
<< meredith, he spent $2 million in legal fees trying on to get away from this issue, and if he weren’t issue, why would he just solve it? i wish he would because if he doesn’t, it’s one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in the history, period. you are not allowed to be a president if you’re not born in this country. right now i have real doubts. i have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding.​
>> you have people down there — i mean >> meredith, he spent $2 million in legal fees trying on to get away from this issue, and if he weren’t issue, why would j he just solve it? i wish he would because if he doesn’t, it’s one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in the history, period. you are not allowed to be a president if you’re not born in this country. right now i have real doubts. i have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding.>> you have people down there — i mean searching in hawaii? absolutely. they can’t believe what they’re finding. i’d like him to show his birth certificate. can i be honest with you? i hope he can. if he can’t, if he can’t, if he wasn’t born in this country, and i’m not saying it’s a real possibility. but it’s much greater than two or three weeks ago, then he’s pulled one of the greatest cons in the history of politics and beyond.​

nf.23.09.04 #444
That has nothing to do with the massive unless you want to give Obama credit for organizing the fraud for years while he was in office.
All kinds of things to investigate. You are the liar.

Nope, nothing to investigate; as evidenced by nearly after 3 years, there still isn't anything to investigate.

There never was. There never will be.
And in your Bidenfluffing world all an DA has to say is "unlawful" and you swallow it whole.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

How about the fraud uncovered in MI? How about the voter rolls in NY?

What about them, Liemender?

The fake Michigan registration forms weren't used...

And what about the NY voter rolls? You talkin' about the guy who used them to get absentee ballots?
What about them, Liemender?

The fake Michigan registration forms weren't used...

And what about the NY voter rolls? You talkin' about the guy who used them to get absentee ballots?
I am talking about cloned voters. I posted an article that proves it with NY's own data.
That has nothing to do with the massive unless you want to give Obama credit for organizing the fraud for years while he was in office.
Why aren’t you addressing the questions asked about why didn’t DJT use that quarter billion MAGA stupids sent him to put his smart people into investigating the theft of the election from him.

After all it looks to me that Trump is doing nothing to prevent the thieves from stealing it again, which makes it look like to me that the thieves are a lot smarter than Trump. And you are wasting all your time even bothering to vote.
Why aren’t you addressing the questions asked about why didn’t DJT use that quarter billion MAGA stupids sent him to put his smart people into investigating the theft of the election from him.

After all it looks to me that Trump is doing nothing to prevent the thieves from stealing it again, which makes it look like to me that the thieves are a lot smarter than Trump. And you are wasting all your time even bothering to vote.
You cannot investigate when the states in question went to court to hide what should have been transparent. Again, it will get done. The damage done already is close to destroying this country and you support it. You suck!
Again, it will get done.
How will anything get done if the victim only pisses and moans but never put his people and his money on it.

DJT didn’t pay for the Arizona recount, but cyber ninjas found more votes for Biden anyway.

Can we at least take Arizona off the table and arrest their fake electors for trying to steal an election
You cannot investigate when the states in question went to court to hide what should have been transparent.
Why can’t Trump investigate the states if he has evidence of criminal conduct by government officials in each of those seven states he says that screwed him over?

Surely his people can get to the bottom of that and pull Republicans in the house off of Biden laptop to get errrr done.
How will anything get done if the victim only pisses and moans but never put his people and his money on it.

DJT didn’t pay for the Arizona recount, but cyber ninjas found more votes for Biden anyway.

Can we at least take Arizona off the table and arrest their fake electors for trying to steal an election
You can count illegal ballots as msany times as you want. Recounts only prove the cheaters got the job done.
Why can’t Trump investigate the states if he has evidence of criminal conduct by government officials in each of those seven states he says that screwed him over?

Surely his people can get to the bottom of that and pull Republicans in the house off of Biden laptop to get errrr done.
I just told you those states refuse to cooperate with any investigations. What part of that don't you understand?
A pity they didn't show illegal votes were cast with those registrations.
They can find them on the voter rolls. Will the voter rolls be examined as they should be? Surely the states should cooperate, right?

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