Trump has DIRECTLY disavowed the "alt-right &/or white nationalists &/or the KKK

Lol, sorry you can't seem to cope.

(Hope the fires are not a worry any longer for you, by the way)
Point me to where he disavowed Wright after attending 20 years of his sermons
Yeah of course he's "disavowed" them ---- he doesn't need their votes any more, moron.

Association fallacies are still association fallacies. That doesn't change. But as we're still hearing about Jeremiah Freaking Wright, better get used to it, snowflakes.

:::::::: wwwwwhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooosssssshhhhhhhhh:::::

And btw that's all the response yer gonna get until you quit playing these moronic games with the reply button.

Look clown, I know exactly what you're doing, you're deliberately arranging posts out of order just to be a PITA to respond to in any way that can be read coherently so that you can have a monologue, because you can't handle the heat. Just fucking QUIT THAT SHIT. You ain't worth the extra editing work, Jack. Your posts are worth no more than anybody else's -- got it?

And yes thanks, finally late this afternoon the winds changed and blew the smoke to menace somewhere else.
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So Trump is disavowing racist groups?


So Trump is firing Bannon?

He's not?

That means he's still proudly sucking the ass of white supremicist anti-semites. And all his fans on this thread are proudly sucking that white supremicist anti-semite ass along with him.

At a certain point, you just have to say "STFU, racists". Since the media and the Republicans won't say it, it's up to decent people to make that stand.
I suggest you read your own asinine postings for the months leading up to the election.

Why is that? What will I see?
How many times you clicked the "funny" for Trump supporters and claimed we were uneducated racists.

I've never called anyone here a racist unless they admitted to being a racist.

Please check your messages.
You were constantly complaining we were anti-Immigrant and anti-Brown.

Are you OK? You have just backtracked on your claim and are now accusing me of something else.

I don't believe I ever said anyone was anti-immigrant or anti-brown. Maybe you should cite a specific post. This could go on forever with you proving nothing.

Now....I know that you are pro-immigrant and, as a good Christian, you welcome as many Syrian war refugees as we can invite and process. So...thinking that you have any objection to immigrants would be silly.
I have no problem with Legal Immigration from pro-Western nations.
It's the 3rd generation children of Trespassers that are still mowing lawns that breaks my heart.
What ever happened to the Land of Opportunity?
It went down the drain with ever increasing Trespassers and Business Visas.
It is time to accept him at his word and move the fuck on.
You on the left, along with the media, who continually bring this shit up are much loved by the racists because YOU are helping them spread their message of hate. Without YOU they would get no press, no radio or TV time or any attention from mainstream America. YOU are helping them grow. YOU are helping them recruit. YOU are helping them raise money. YOU are a complete idiot.

I would also like to suggest to those of you on the right who aren't wackjobs that you should stop responding to the dog whistle.

That is all.

Obama had to disavow reverend Wright every day for 1.5 years, and none of his denunciations were accepted.

Reverend Wright said GDamn America purely in the context of slavery, not as a general statement, but your entire message system twisted it into an endless partisan scandal.

Your candidate is being openly supported by people who want to reproduce the social and political conditions for an American Holocaust, and you think a private, non-Televised denunciation is sufficient?

If Hillary Clinton had ever been in cahoots with Nazis and the Russians, you would have destroyed her. In fact, you did destroy her, and you destroyed Obama's presidency over manufactured scandals. If the Left had any courage, they would fight fire with fire, but they're weak - and Trump will get a pass.
It is time to accept him at his word and move the fuck on.
You on the left, along with the media, who continually bring this shit up are much loved by the racists because YOU are helping them spread their message of hate. Without YOU they would get no press, no radio or TV time or any attention from mainstream America. YOU are helping them grow. YOU are helping them recruit. YOU are helping them raise money. YOU are a complete idiot.

I would also like to suggest to those of you on the right who aren't wackjobs that you should stop responding to the dog whistle.

That is all.

Obama had to disavow reverend Wright every day for 1.5 years, and none of his denunciations were accepted.

Reverend Wright said GDamn America purely in the context of slavery, not as a general statement, but your entire message system twisted it into an endless partisan scandal.

Your candidate is being openly supported by people who want to reproduce the social and political conditions for an American Holocaust, and you think a private, non-Televised denunciation is sufficient?

If Hillary Clinton had ever been in cahoots with Nazis and the Russians, you would have destroyed her. In fact, you did destroy her, and you destroyed Obama's presidency over manufactured scandals. If the Left had any courage, they would fight fire with fire, but they're weak - and Trump will get a pass.

Zee Left are veeeeeak!

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