Trump has Finally Admitted that Russia Meddled in the 2016 Election, So...

radical right, because he got the corrupt Uranium deal with Obama and Crooked Hillary and felt Obama and Crooked Hillary were no longer useful idiots and preferred a real man to negotiate with going forward? :p

I see...a master KGB manipulator like Putin wants a real man like Trump to put up a "fight". Which Trump has miserably failed to do up to this point.

LOL, what a fucking unsophisticated idiot you are.
radical right, because he got the corrupt Uranium deal with Obama and Crooked Hillary and felt Obama and Crooked Hillary were no longer useful idiots and preferred a real man to negotiate with going forward? :p

Is that like Tonya Harding wanting to compete against Nancy Kerrigan in the Olympics?

No. It is like a dude (Putin) who fucked a hoe (Hussaine and Crooked Hillary) he met at a bar last Saturday and met a dude (The Donald) during the week who can be a business partner to help both America and Russia.
radical right, please use spell check, but the point is Trump The Mad King is clearly dishonest and a douchebag for being ashamed to discuss his educational background.

Anyone who whines about spell checking on a fucking message board is an insecure little man. And to answer your question, I have a Master's degree. Not that it matters. What matters is the quality of a person's mind and intellectual honesty. The ability to look at the facts and make an honest assessment of those facts. Something that you severely lack, based on your juvenile post about "Crooked Hillary".
radical right, please use spell check, but the point is Trump The Mad King is clearly dishonest and a douchebag for being ashamed to discuss his educational background.

Fascinating, I don't see that in the OP.
It's irrelevant, and off topic.
Just like your spell check attack.
It's your way of avoiding the question of why did Putin want Trump to win?
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radical right, who cares what any other country's president wants to win our elections in the USA? Should we crack down on the Jewish Lobby and their country's (AIPAC) influence in the USA election process?
radical right, who cares what any other country's president wants to win our elections in the USA?

Russia and the USA are competing super powers. Putin wants to return Russia back to the power and glory it had when he was a young KGB agent. The only thing standing in his way is the USA.

Putin did not want somebody in the white house that would stand up to his plan to Make Russia Great Again.
radical right, who cares what any other country's president wants to win our elections in the USA? Should we crack down on the Jewish Lobby and their country's (AIPAC) influence in the USA election process?

Robert Mueller cares. 13 Russians were just indicted, genius. Most Americans care, judging by the polls. Especially when a country like Russia takes active steps to interfere in our election.

And by the way, what the 13 Russians did was illegal. Lobbying is not illegal. Understand that slight difference? Guess that doesn't matter to you either.

Some patriot you are. You obviously don't have too much going on upstairs, either. Lightweight.
Trump The Mad King, I will take that as you are a high school drop out since you are to ashamed to discuss your educational background. No big deal. Just a reminder to everyone not to take you seriously in case anyone accidentally had. :p

What difference does his education make. What counts is what he has leanred, not where he has learned it. After all, the richest man in america is a mere high school graduate.

Richest man graduated from Princeton.
Trump The Mad King, I will take that as you are a high school drop out since you are to ashamed to discuss your educational background. No big deal. Just a reminder to everyone not to take you seriously in case anyone accidentally had. :p

What difference does his education make. What counts is what he has leanred, not where he has learned it. After all, the richest man in america is a mere high school graduate.

Richest man graduated from Princeton.

Richer than Bill Gates?

Forbes 400
Trump The Mad King, I will take that as you are a high school drop out since you are to ashamed to discuss your educational background. No big deal. Just a reminder to everyone not to take you seriously in case anyone accidentally had. :p

What difference does his education make. What counts is what he has leanred, not where he has learned it. After all, the richest man in america is a mere high school graduate.

Richest man graduated from Princeton.

Richer than Bill Gates?

Trump The Mad King, I will take that as you are a high school drop out since you are to ashamed to discuss your educational background. No big deal. Just a reminder to everyone not to take you seriously in case anyone accidentally had. :p

What difference does his education make. What counts is what he has leanred, not where he has learned it. After all, the richest man in america is a mere high school graduate.

Richest man graduated from Princeton.

Richer than Bill Gates?



Forbes 400
The Whitehouse mean girls sleepover will not end soon.

Was it just yesterday the Frothing Filthy Don was spouting this:


My god, do leftwingnuts not realize the fake "Russian dossier" was among the multiple counts of MEDDLING by the democrats financed by Crooked Hillary to help her win and to cause turmoil with the help of scumbag democrat senators and the MSM (the Insurance Policy) if she lost. Why are leftwingnuts so damn stupid! :p

Heaven forbid their ever be a Fake President making his own news. Oh, never mind, there is. :113:

Trump The Mad King, I will take that as you are a high school drop out since you are to ashamed to discuss your educational background. No big deal. Just a reminder to everyone not to take you seriously in case anyone accidentally had. :p

What difference does his education make. What counts is what he has leanred, not where he has learned it. After all, the richest man in america is a mere high school graduate.

Richest man graduated from Princeton.

Richer than Bill Gates?



Forbes 400




He acknowledged it a loooonnnnnggggg time ago. You just chose not to hear him.

Incorrect, he has said repeatedly that it was "fake news". Trump said that he believed Putin when Putin told him that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election:

Trump says he believes Putin's election meddling denials - CNNPolitics

You hear what you want to hear and believe what you want to believe, like all Trump voters.

And why isn't Trump trying to stop it? That's what you should really be concerned about.

What Trump has labeled "fake news" is the narrative that his campaign colluded with Russians to affect the election. As Rosenstein just pointed out quite clearly there is ZERO evidence that any American was colluding with any of the 15 Russians that were just indicted!

So now that we've established THAT...are you ready to investigate the Americans who DID collude with foreign nationals to affect the election? Hillary Clinton? The DNC? Barack Obama? James Comey?

Funny. Duh, that only applies to the social media phase of the indictments on Friday.

It's going to be amusing watching you try to spin this when the Mueller investigation finds ZERO collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Lakhota! As usual you've walked yourself WAY out on a limb here and it's being sawed off even as we speak!

That may be true - WHEN Mueller announces that phase of his investigation - which he hasn't yet. The big stuff is yet to come. Pay attention...
That "phase" of the investigation has been going on for over a year. So what evidence of collusion has Mueller found? A great big zero!
What's Trump going to do about it? Is he going to keep whining about how his campaign didn't collude with Russia, or is he going to actually perform his Constitutional responsibility and try to protect this country from Russian interference in the 2018 election?

Do you idiot Trump voters ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump to win? Does that thought ever cross your little minds? You're not even a little curious? Really??? Either Putin has something very damaging or embarrassing on Trump or Trump is just Putin's useful idiot or both.

Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave to see what the Repug Party has become...Russia's band of useful idiots. Trump and the Repug Party are a bunch of traitors to their country. Sadly, so are the vast majority of Repug voters. Repug voters are members of an insane cult....the Trump cult. Their first loyalty is to Trump, not their country.
except trump never said they never meddled at all - he said they were not a part of it, at all.

funny how people hear what they want to hear as long as it supports their pre-existing views.
radical right, who cares what any other country's president wants to win our elections in the USA? Should we crack down on the Jewish Lobby and their country's (AIPAC) influence in the USA election process?

Robert Mueller cares. 13 Russians were just indicted, genius. Most Americans care, judging by the polls. Especially when a country like Russia takes active steps to interfere in our election.

And by the way, what the 13 Russians did was illegal. Lobbying is not illegal. Understand that slight difference? Guess that doesn't matter to you either.

Some patriot you are. You obviously don't have too much going on upstairs, either. Lightweight.

you should read up on who was indicted. many not even working at "the troll factory" anymore.

"The other staff mentioned are very incidental. I mean, it seems like they put down all the names they could get. Some were people who worked there in 2014 — but most of these guys didn’t work for the troll factory for a long time. They didn’t even work there during the elections. Like Krylova, she didn’t work there then. [Aleksandra Krylova is one of the two named Internet Research Agency employees the indictment said traveled to the United States in 2014.]"

so did mueller just pick names out of a hat then? amazing to me we're so quick and eager to believe what supports our beliefs we don't question them.

then we bitch and whine about fake news.

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