Trump has finished 300 new miles of wall

300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
Congress declared that some materials couldn't be used in building the wall.
One of them was concrete.
I couldn't find this anywhere. Got a link?
You probably didn't look very hard.
The Dems threatened him with a resolution putting a requirement on $5.7 billion in funding for that wall that concrete could not be used in the wall itself. They wanted to redefine what it was and how it would be built. They wanted to be able to call it a fence instead of a wall. Trump has been using emergency funds to build the wall because the Democrat House wouldn't fund it.
It's no small wonder that this fact has been covered up. Politifact tried to cover it up by claiming it never happened..or that Democrats didn't demand steel..even though the discussion took place and was an attempt by the Democrats to call the wall a fence.

The problem is Politicfact lied...and later admitted in the story that Democrats wanted the wall built only with "Existing Technology" which means they tried to define how it was built and refused to allow a concrete wall.

The claim was that Congress declared that cement could not be used. You are saying that the Democrats in the House threatened a resolution that would say that. (which also wouldn't actually do anything).

So I suppose Congress never declared that cement could not be used.
Yes they did...they wouldn't release the funds.
So call it what you want.
They wanted to be able to say it was a fence.
They wouldn't even admit later that they wanted the "Fence" to be made of any solid material.
They just told everyone later that existing technology must be used.
That sounds like they were making demands on what it could be made of.
But most Democrat apologists like yourself can never admit the truth unless your masters say you can say it first.

Why need funds from congress when Mexico was paying for it
Military has received way too much $$$
They’re paying For it
It won’t stop the drugs but will stop many Criminals from waking in
The bigger issue is chain migration
Democrats love chain migration. It's how they took over California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and are currently trying to take over Texas.

Another nice thing about chain migration for Democrats is it makes it easier to bring drugs and diseases into the country while helping them increase sex-trafficking. The Pedophiles in Hollywood love the fact that Democrats are fighting to keep our borders open so they can continue bringing in lots of Central American child prostitutes. This is a fact that everyone on Hollywood wants to ignore.

And both parties love the low wages illegals provide and the ability for a business to avoid the taxes they would have to pay to hire a citizen.
Illegals drive down wages wherever they move. They steal work from Americans and hold down wages. Illegals often move several families into a rental unit and they combine their incomes to pay the rent.

LOL, you claim B.S. and then agree with me? LOL This seems to be happening more and more often.
Clearly you have a problem with the English language.
I wasn't agreeing with you, dumbass.

LOL, yes you were.
You said both parties love lower wages.....the fact is....Democrats constantly bitch about low wages and Republicans believe in lower taxes which helps businesses create more jobs and individuals afford a better life.
Illegals drive down wages while raising taxes and thus raising the cost of living.
So in fact I am not agreeing with you.

Yes Democrats bitch about lower wages but arent going to do anything about it. LOL, on lower wages creating a better life. OMG............that may be the lamest thing I have ever read in my entire life.

Living four families to a house is a wonderful thing isn't it?

I don't disagree that illegal workers do all of that. I never said anything different. You agreed with me that both parties support lower wages. What is said and what is actually done are two very different things.
I didn't agree with you.

Is English you second language, bud, because I never agreed with you?

LOL, you did. I said illegals drive down wages. You said illegals drive down wages.
Well you're a damned liar. You said both parties like lower wages. I disagreed because Republicans like to make sure wages are held in check while Democrats are busy raising the cost of living. Lowering taxes takes money away from government and puts it in your pocket. That's what Democrats hate more than anything.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
Congress declared that some materials couldn't be used in building the wall.
One of them was concrete.
I couldn't find this anywhere. Got a link?
You probably didn't look very hard.
The Dems threatened him with a resolution putting a requirement on $5.7 billion in funding for that wall that concrete could not be used in the wall itself. They wanted to redefine what it was and how it would be built. They wanted to be able to call it a fence instead of a wall. Trump has been using emergency funds to build the wall because the Democrat House wouldn't fund it.
It's no small wonder that this fact has been covered up. Politifact tried to cover it up by claiming it never happened..or that Democrats didn't demand steel..even though the discussion took place and was an attempt by the Democrats to call the wall a fence.

The problem is Politicfact lied...and later admitted in the story that Democrats wanted the wall built only with "Existing Technology" which means they tried to define how it was built and refused to allow a concrete wall.

The claim was that Congress declared that cement could not be used. You are saying that the Democrats in the House threatened a resolution that would say that. (which also wouldn't actually do anything).

So I suppose Congress never declared that cement could not be used.
Yes they did...they wouldn't release the funds.
So call it what you want.
They wanted to be able to say it was a fence.
They wouldn't even admit later that they wanted the "Fence" to be made of any solid material.
They just told everyone later that existing technology must be used.
That sounds like they were making demands on what it could be made of.
But most Democrat apologists like yourself can never admit the truth unless your masters say you can say it first.

Why need funds from congress when Mexico was paying for it
Military has received way too much $$$
They’re paying For it
It won’t stop the drugs but will stop many Criminals from waking in
The bigger issue is chain migration
Democrats love chain migration. It's how they took over California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and are currently trying to take over Texas.

Another nice thing about chain migration for Democrats is it makes it easier to bring drugs and diseases into the country while helping them increase sex-trafficking. The Pedophiles in Hollywood love the fact that Democrats are fighting to keep our borders open so they can continue bringing in lots of Central American child prostitutes. This is a fact that everyone on Hollywood wants to ignore.

And both parties love the low wages illegals provide and the ability for a business to avoid the taxes they would have to pay to hire a citizen.
Illegals drive down wages wherever they move. They steal work from Americans and hold down wages. Illegals often move several families into a rental unit and they combine their incomes to pay the rent.

LOL, you claim B.S. and then agree with me? LOL This seems to be happening more and more often.
Clearly you have a problem with the English language.
I wasn't agreeing with you, dumbass.

LOL, yes you were.
You said both parties love lower wages.....the fact is....Democrats constantly bitch about low wages and Republicans believe in lower taxes which helps businesses create more jobs and individuals afford a better life.
Illegals drive down wages while raising taxes and thus raising the cost of living.
So in fact I am not agreeing with you.

Yes Democrats bitch about lower wages but arent going to do anything about it. LOL, on lower wages creating a better life. OMG............that may be the lamest thing I have ever read in my entire life.

Living four families to a house is a wonderful thing isn't it?

I don't disagree that illegal workers do all of that. I never said anything different. You agreed with me that both parties support lower wages. What is said and what is actually done are two very different things.
I didn't agree with you.

Is English you second language, bud, because I never agreed with you?

LOL, you did. I said illegals drive down wages. You said illegals drive down wages.

Right. Democrats import millions of illegals who keep the poor poor and voting for Democrats where you want them. And blacks suffer most of all since they have the highest portion of poor.

Another Democrat hate program
Only another 1700 miles to go!

Maybe, but 300 miles of more wall than we would have had under Hillary.

Democrats did nothing but go into hyperbolic meltdowns and impeded in every possible way Trump building the wall, then they brag that he failed to do something where they kept trying to trip and stop him at all costs. Mr. Clean is Mr. Lame
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
Congress declared that some materials couldn't be used in building the wall.
One of them was concrete.
I couldn't find this anywhere. Got a link?
You probably didn't look very hard.
The Dems threatened him with a resolution putting a requirement on $5.7 billion in funding for that wall that concrete could not be used in the wall itself. They wanted to redefine what it was and how it would be built. They wanted to be able to call it a fence instead of a wall. Trump has been using emergency funds to build the wall because the Democrat House wouldn't fund it.
It's no small wonder that this fact has been covered up. Politifact tried to cover it up by claiming it never happened..or that Democrats didn't demand steel..even though the discussion took place and was an attempt by the Democrats to call the wall a fence.

The problem is Politicfact lied...and later admitted in the story that Democrats wanted the wall built only with "Existing Technology" which means they tried to define how it was built and refused to allow a concrete wall.

The claim was that Congress declared that cement could not be used. You are saying that the Democrats in the House threatened a resolution that would say that. (which also wouldn't actually do anything).

So I suppose Congress never declared that cement could not be used.
Yes they did...they wouldn't release the funds.
So call it what you want.
They wanted to be able to say it was a fence.
They wouldn't even admit later that they wanted the "Fence" to be made of any solid material.
They just told everyone later that existing technology must be used.
That sounds like they were making demands on what it could be made of.
But most Democrat apologists like yourself can never admit the truth unless your masters say you can say it first.

Why need funds from congress when Mexico was paying for it
Military has received way too much $$$
They’re paying For it
It won’t stop the drugs but will stop many Criminals from waking in
The bigger issue is chain migration
Democrats love chain migration. It's how they took over California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and are currently trying to take over Texas.

Another nice thing about chain migration for Democrats is it makes it easier to bring drugs and diseases into the country while helping them increase sex-trafficking. The Pedophiles in Hollywood love the fact that Democrats are fighting to keep our borders open so they can continue bringing in lots of Central American child prostitutes. This is a fact that everyone on Hollywood wants to ignore.

And both parties love the low wages illegals provide and the ability for a business to avoid the taxes they would have to pay to hire a citizen.
Illegals drive down wages wherever they move. They steal work from Americans and hold down wages. Illegals often move several families into a rental unit and they combine their incomes to pay the rent.

LOL, you claim B.S. and then agree with me? LOL This seems to be happening more and more often.
Clearly you have a problem with the English language.
I wasn't agreeing with you, dumbass.

LOL, yes you were.
You said both parties love lower wages.....the fact is....Democrats constantly bitch about low wages and Republicans believe in lower taxes which helps businesses create more jobs and individuals afford a better life.
Illegals drive down wages while raising taxes and thus raising the cost of living.
So in fact I am not agreeing with you.

Yes Democrats bitch about lower wages but arent going to do anything about it. LOL, on lower wages creating a better life. OMG............that may be the lamest thing I have ever read in my entire life.

Living four families to a house is a wonderful thing isn't it?

I don't disagree that illegal workers do all of that. I never said anything different. You agreed with me that both parties support lower wages. What is said and what is actually done are two very different things.
I didn't agree with you.

Is English you second language, bud, because I never agreed with you?

LOL, you did. I said illegals drive down wages. You said illegals drive down wages.
Well you're a damned liar. You said both parties like lower wages. I disagreed because Republicans like to make sure wages are held in check while Democrats are busy raising the cost of living. Lowering taxes takes money away from government and puts it in your pocket. That's what Democrats hate more than anything.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. Even when you say you disagree you are really only changing the subject. Both parties are also supporting the things that are raising the cost of living. Wall Street isn't going to accept anything that would slow that down.
Only another 1700 miles to go!

Maybe, but 300 miles of more wall than we would have had under Hillary.

Democrats did nothing but go into hyperbolic meltdowns and impeded in every possible way Trump building the wall, then they brag that he failed to do something where they kept trying to trip and stop him at all costs. Mr. Clean is Mr. Lame

They have a tough time defending the longest government shutdown in our history to stop Trump's wall. Trump only wanted 3 billion which is about what we spend on a half of a month in food stamps. While 3 billion is a lot of money, it's pocket change when you consider our 4 trillion dollar budget every year.
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Only another 1700 miles to go!

Maybe, but 300 miles of more wall than we would have had under Hillary.

Democrats did nothing but go into hyperbolic meltdowns and impeded in every possible way Trump building the wall, then they brag that he failed to do something where they kept trying to trip and stop him at all costs. Mr. Clean is Mr. Lame

They have a tough time defending the longest government shutdown in our history to stop Trump's wall. Trump only wanted 3 billion which is about what we spend on a half of a month in food stamps. While 3 billion is a lot of money, it's pocket change when you consider our 4 trillion dollar budget every year.

Yep. And $3 billion or even $25 billion is chicken feed for what illegal aliens cost us in free medical care, educations, welfare and crime and prisions
Visa overstays have outnumbered people who enter the country illegally at the Southern border every year since 2007, according to a report by the Center for Migration Studies. The report's authors estimate that the number of total visa overstays was 600,000 more than the total number of border crossers and that in 2014, visa overstays accounted for two-thirds of all new undocumented immigrants.

The Southern border

Immigrants traveling through Mexico, of course, take up much of the public's attention on the issue of illegal immigration. And they do account for almost all people apprehended by CBP

Last I checked nobody has every counted the number of illegal aliens in this country. I have hear the number of, 11 million stated for over a decade. I hear the same number of 17 million quoted year after year. Most likely the number is well over 30 million.

Until a law states that all in the country illegally must be registered and counted, or risk jail, deportation, and financial fines that impose a hardship, we will never know the true number of illegal aliens.

Most people requesting to come the United States from the third world countries are denied a visa.

Most that are here did not have the money to pay for a visa.

Most that are here can not read or write in their own language.

Either way, these are problems created by Biden and any other politician other than Trump and we can only trust Trump to fix the problem!

Trumpybear represents the Business side of the equation. Businesses love cheap labor and avoiding taxes. Poor people love money. They will find a way to combine, wall or no wall.
Only another 1700 miles to go!

Maybe, but 300 miles of more wall than we would have had under Hillary.

Democrats did nothing but go into hyperbolic meltdowns and impeded in every possible way Trump building the wall, then they brag that he failed to do something where they kept trying to trip and stop him at all costs. Mr. Clean is Mr. Lame

They have a tough time defending the longest government shutdown in our history to stop Trump's wall. Trump only wanted 3 billion which is about what we spend on a half of a month in food stamps. While 3 billion is a lot of money, it's pocket change when you consider our 4 trillion dollar budget every year.

Yep. And $3 billion or even $25 billion is chicken feed for what illegal aliens cost us in free medical care, educations, welfare and crime and prisions

Negative Nellie ^^^: The reader might want to see the rest of the story:

I know that the real facts presented above will not change the opinion of many Trump supporters. Facts supported by primary sources and Wiki are rejected unless they support Trump's narrative.
Only another 1700 miles to go!

Maybe, but 300 miles of more wall than we would have had under Hillary.

Democrats did nothing but go into hyperbolic meltdowns and impeded in every possible way Trump building the wall, then they brag that he failed to do something where they kept trying to trip and stop him at all costs. Mr. Clean is Mr. Lame

They have a tough time defending the longest government shutdown in our history to stop Trump's wall. Trump only wanted 3 billion which is about what we spend on a half of a month in food stamps. While 3 billion is a lot of money, it's pocket change when you consider our 4 trillion dollar budget every year.

Yep. And $3 billion or even $25 billion is chicken feed for what illegal aliens cost us in free medical care, educations, welfare and crime and prisions

Negative Nellie ^^^: The reader might want to see the rest of the story:

I know that the real facts presented above will not change the opinion of many Trump supporters. Facts supported by primary sources and Wiki are rejected unless they support Trump's narrative.

We're talking illegal aliens, not immigrants. I won't debate you when you lie and conflate them. I'm for immigration and are virtually all conservatives and libertarians. I'm against illegal immigration. They are entirely different subjects
Only another 1700 miles to go!

Maybe, but 300 miles of more wall than we would have had under Hillary.

Democrats did nothing but go into hyperbolic meltdowns and impeded in every possible way Trump building the wall, then they brag that he failed to do something where they kept trying to trip and stop him at all costs. Mr. Clean is Mr. Lame

They have a tough time defending the longest government shutdown in our history to stop Trump's wall. Trump only wanted 3 billion which is about what we spend on a half of a month in food stamps. While 3 billion is a lot of money, it's pocket change when you consider our 4 trillion dollar budget every year.

Yep. And $3 billion or even $25 billion is chicken feed for what illegal aliens cost us in free medical care, educations, welfare and crime and prisions

Negative Nellie ^^^: The reader might want to see the rest of the story:

I know that the real facts presented above will not change the opinion of many Trump supporters. Facts supported by primary sources and Wiki are rejected unless they support Trump's narrative.

Murderers, rapists and armed robbers in prison hurt the economy too, but that's no reason to let them out.
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California and Arizona are completed
Texas is only 1/3 done

Have you measured New Mexico's border? How many have fallen down and other sections breached?

Oh please. The wall fell down on an unexpected windy day before it could be properly secured to the ground. No barrier will stop each and every person, but they do stop 98% of them, and that's what makes a barrier such a good investment for our country.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
Where do you get your fake news from?
Trumpybear represents the Business side of the equation. Businesses love cheap labor and avoiding taxes. Poor people love money. They will find a way to combine, wall or no wall.
Seems the Democrats love money more than getting money to the poor.
Who does not love avoiding taxes? It is our money, not yours.
Some jobs, certainly require cheap labor.
Cheap labor, is that why the Democrats make all the deals with the Chinese?
Trumpybear represents the Business side of the equation. Businesses love cheap labor and avoiding taxes. Poor people love money. They will find a way to combine, wall or no wall.
Seems the Democrats love money more than getting money to the poor.
Who does not love avoiding taxes? It is our money, not yours.
Some jobs, certainly require cheap labor.
Cheap labor, is that why the Democrats make all the deals with the Chinese?

How many of Trumpybears products, that were branded under the family name, were manufactured in China?
Trumpybear represents the Business side of the equation. Businesses love cheap labor and avoiding taxes. Poor people love money. They will find a way to combine, wall or no wall.
Seems the Democrats love money more than getting money to the poor.
Who does not love avoiding taxes? It is our money, not yours.
Some jobs, certainly require cheap labor.
Cheap labor, is that why the Democrats make all the deals with the Chinese?

How many of Trumpybears products, that were branded under the family name, were manufactured in China?

A lot of them. The American consumer quit showing support for American made products starting in the early 80's. When it comes to purchases, price is paramount. We no longer care where it's made, how good of quality it is, as long as it's as cheap as we can buy it. So industry leaders, like Donald Trump, know that they can't sell anything but cheap Chinese goods.
The American consumer quit showing support for American made products starting in the early 80's. When it comes to purchases, price is paramount. We no longer care where it's made, how good of quality it is, as long as it's as cheap as we can buy it.

The free trade agreements are a big part of the exodus or outsourcing of manufacturing, both parties support them. They increased profits.

So industry leaders, like Donald Trump

He was never a leader in manufacturing any of those products. He was just trying to cash in on his name. Nothing wrong with that though......

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