Trump has finished 300 new miles of wall

The free trade agreements are a big part of the exodus or outsourcing of manufacturing, both parties support them. They increased profits.

It's more than that, companies needed to compete with each other.

I'm a retired truck driver. At my last company, one of our customers was a crate manufacturer. They made crates the size of suitcases to the size of a full sized trailer. I delivered these crates to companies that were getting out of state or out of the country.

Talking with supervisors, and on a few occasions, the owners themselves, nobody wanted to leave. They had no choice. Many times it was the unions that drove them out, and other times it was simply the cost of doing business in America.

We can talk about parties, politicians, trade agreements all day long. In the end, it's the American consumer that has control over everything. When we collectively decide to support our fellow American workers, that's when you'll see huge changes in this country.

He was never a leader in manufacturing any of those products. He was just trying to cash in on his name. Nothing wrong with that though......

Even with his name, he wouldn't sell many products when his competition is selling similar items for half the price.
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How many of Trumpybears products, that were branded under the family name, were manufactured in China?
Yes, since 1992, the USA lost more than 90% of our garment manufacturing.

Democrats have done nothing to stop the list of jobs.

Democrats have wrote rules, regulations, laws, and trade deals that resulted in millions of manufacturing jobs disappearing.
How many of Trumpybears products, that were branded under the family name, were manufactured in China?
Yes, since 1992, the USA lost more than 90% of our garment manufacturing.

Democrats have done nothing to stop the list of jobs.

Democrats have wrote rules, regulations, laws, and trade deals that resulted in millions of manufacturing jobs disappearing.

Actually all began with Ronnie Raygun

Started the great redistribution of wealth upwards.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.

Talk about gaslighting. Why do you people continue parroting the narrative that the current bollard wall construction is merely "replacement" for existing human barriers when it has been repeatedly been show to be utterly false and ridiculous?

I know this is a challenging request, but can you try just this once to be intellectually honest and acknowledge the difference between vehicle barrier fencing and a bollard wall? That requires you to acknowledge things like the context of the bollard wall construction--i.e., impeding human border crossing as opposed to just vehicles--which is conveniently ignored when you people parrot this talking point.

Here is the fencing (built by Bush and Obama as you stated) that is being replaced, which is called "vehicle barrier fencing" (for reasons that should be obvious):
View attachment 379712
View attachment 379715

And here's where that pesky context issue comes in....this vehicle barrier fencing is not a human barrier. In case you're having trouble with that concept, here's a visual aid to assist you:

View attachment 379729

By contrast, here's the bollard wall that replaced those hundreds of miles of vehicle barrier fencing:

View attachment 379733

View attachment 379743

In case you're still having trouble understanding the difference, here's a few side by side comparisons of the bollard wall vs the vehicle barrier fencing:

View attachment 379745

View attachment 379734

View attachment 379735

View attachment 379747

Of course, I don't expect you to actually respond and acknowledge any of this, but who knows.
Ummm... This fence that you posted ...


... was put up under Obama, not Trump. :eusa_doh:

Who knows about the rest of the photos you posted?

Even if that particular section of bollard wall was in fact built prior to Trump, it is wholly irrelevant to the point of my post--which was that the sections of bollard wall built during the past 4 years (which is the same style as pictured) replaced sections of vehicle barrier fencing, not previously built bollard wall. The point remains, the fencing that was replaced was not not a human barrier. Thus, the new bollard wall construction is indeed new in the context of a human barrier device
I see you changed your post to this after you initially posted:

Where did you get that idea?

I take that to mean you finally did your homework and found out I was right, that photo is from November 18, 2016, while Obama was president...

How many of Trumpybears products, that were branded under the family name, were manufactured in China?
Yes, since 1992, the USA lost more than 90% of our garment manufacturing.

Democrats have done nothing to stop the list of jobs.

Democrats have wrote rules, regulations, laws, and trade deals that resulted in millions of manufacturing jobs disappearing.

I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing. When those regulations, taxes and minimum wage increases start costing business more than an investment in machines, those jobs are lost. In the last couple of years, even some fast food restaurants went to automation.

Biden and the Democrats have a solution to that problem though. They want a national minimum wage increase to $15.00 per hour and increased taxes on our job creators.
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I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing.

Aren't those the Job's President Obama said were not coming back?

Nope, he was referring to those jobs that did leave. The only way for jobs to come back from automation is if we consumers rejected the products. I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen with the idea of a Big Mac combo being made entirely by robots, although I'm sure they would be made a lot neater and like the pictures in their advertisements.
With zero help from the fake GOP
Bums and the Bolshevik, Stalinist Dems

He must win in 75 days or it will never be finished

300 done
I am not sure what the goal is

actually trump hasn't built anything!

other people have done all the actual building

we shouldn't give credit to trump for NOT actually building it.....

kinda like when the military takes out an important terrorist....

you can't say "Obama (or trump) killed that terrorist!"
because they didn't!

it was the military who did it
I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing.

Aren't those the Job's President Obama said were not coming back?

Nope, he was referring to those jobs that did leave. The only way for jobs to come back from automation is if we consumers rejected the products. I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen with the idea of a Big Mac combo being made entirely by robots, although I'm sure they would be made a lot neater and like the pictures in their advertisements.

Sure he was and he specifically said so too. Automation is what killed Detroit. But the machines make better cars than factory workers did.
I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing.

Aren't those the Job's President Obama said were not coming back?

Nope, he was referring to those jobs that did leave. The only way for jobs to come back from automation is if we consumers rejected the products. I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen with the idea of a Big Mac combo being made entirely by robots, although I'm sure they would be made a lot neater and like the pictures in their advertisements.

Sure he was and he specifically said so too. Automation is what killed Detroit. But the machines make better cars than factory workers did.

Automation will happen, but government should not be incenting companies to automate and relocate offshore to reduce employees even faster than the market would with excessive taxes and regulations
I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing.

Aren't those the Job's President Obama said were not coming back?

Nope, he was referring to those jobs that did leave. The only way for jobs to come back from automation is if we consumers rejected the products. I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen with the idea of a Big Mac combo being made entirely by robots, although I'm sure they would be made a lot neater and like the pictures in their advertisements.

Sure he was and he specifically said so too. Automation is what killed Detroit. But the machines make better cars than factory workers did.

Automation will happen, but government should not be incenting companies to automate and relocate offshore to reduce employees even faster than the market would with excessive taxes and regulations

The Free Trade agreements did just that and were supported by both parties. Companies relocated factories to produce goods cheaper so they could be shipped back for sale in the American market, tariff free,for bigger profits.
I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing.

Aren't those the Job's President Obama said were not coming back?

Nope, he was referring to those jobs that did leave. The only way for jobs to come back from automation is if we consumers rejected the products. I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen with the idea of a Big Mac combo being made entirely by robots, although I'm sure they would be made a lot neater and like the pictures in their advertisements.

Sure he was and he specifically said so too. Automation is what killed Detroit. But the machines make better cars than factory workers did.

Automation will happen, but government should not be incenting companies to automate and relocate offshore to reduce employees even faster than the market would with excessive taxes and regulations

The Free Trade agreements did just that and were supported by both parties. Companies relocated factories to produce goods cheaper so they could be shipped back for sale in the American market, tariff free,for bigger profits.

That doesn't address what I said. I said offshoring will happen. You just repeated that. My point was government should not artificially push companies to automate and offshore with excessive taxes and regulations. That still applies
I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing.

Aren't those the Job's President Obama said were not coming back?

Nope, he was referring to those jobs that did leave. The only way for jobs to come back from automation is if we consumers rejected the products. I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen with the idea of a Big Mac combo being made entirely by robots, although I'm sure they would be made a lot neater and like the pictures in their advertisements.

Sure he was and he specifically said so too. Automation is what killed Detroit. But the machines make better cars than factory workers did.

It's much more than that. Machines don't go on strike. Machines don't take vacations or holidays off. Machines don't ask for raises or need expensive medical coverage. An employer doesn't have to match Medicare and SS contributions because a machine doesn't pay for those programs. An employer doesn't have to pay Workman's Compensation insurance, which is their most expensive employee benefit.

I won't be here in 40 years, but I don't think I'd want to be. What happens when blue-collar labor is almost extinct? What are all those people who don't have the ability to be higher educated going to do? We are on the verge of having reliable autonomous vehicles. That will put every cab driver and Uber driver out of business. They even have autonomous tractor-trailers on the road today. Yes, a licensed driver still has to be present, but what happens when they so perfected that those drivers aren't needed?
I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing. When those regulations, taxes and minimum wage increases start costing business more than an investment in machines, those jobs are lost. In the last couple of years, even some fast food restaurants went to automation.
You might add? You did add!
Automation is more of a culprit? Only in your wildest of dreams. Minimum wage? Taxes? Blah, blah, blah....... Fast food?

Get a grip on reality, bro! Those comments all had to do with jobs going overseas, back in the 1990's !!!!!!!

Automation? Garment jobs have not been lost to automation! Where in the hell do you get that idea. If you can not answer this simple question of the most basic of your premises, you are simply full of cow dung.
I might add that automation is more of a culprit than outsourcing. When those regulations, taxes and minimum wage increases start costing business more than an investment in machines, those jobs are lost. In the last couple of years, even some fast food restaurants went to automation.
You might add? You did add!
Automation is more of a culprit? Only in your wildest of dreams. Minimum wage? Taxes? Blah, blah, blah....... Fast food?

Get a grip on reality, bro! Those comments all had to do with jobs going overseas, back in the 1990's !!!!!!!

Automation? Garment jobs have not been lost to automation! Where in the hell do you get that idea. If you can not answer this simple question of the most basic of your premises, you are simply full of cow dung.

I said nothing of the garment industry. I was speaking of American jobs in general. In any case, this is dated; not to the 90's but still pretty dated. It's a column from Dr. Walter E Williams, my favorite economist. Here's what he wrote.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 1996 and 2006, about 15 million jobs were lost and 17 million created each year. That's an annual net creation of 2 million jobs. Roughly 3 percent of the jobs lost were a result of foreign competition. Most were lost because of technology, domestic competition and changes in consumer tastes.

There's great angst over the loss of manufacturing jobs. The number of U.S. manufacturing jobs has fallen, and it's mainly a result of technological innovation, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. Daniel W. Drezner, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, in "The Outsourcing Bogeyman" (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2004), notes that U.S. manufacturing employment between 1995 and 2002 fell by 11 percent. Globally, manufacturing job loss averaged 11 percent. China lost 15 percent of its manufacturing jobs, 4.5 million manufacturing jobs compared with the loss of 3.1 million in the U.S. Job loss is the trend among the top 10 manufacturing countries who produce 75 percent of the world's manufacturing output (the U.S., Japan, Germany, China, Britain, France, Italy, Korea, Canada and Mexico).

But guess what -- globally, manufacturing output rose by 30 percent during the same period. According to research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, U.S. manufacturing output increased by 100 percent between 1987 and today. Technological progress and innovation is the primary cause for the decrease in manufacturing jobs. Should we save manufacturing jobs by outlawing labor-saving equipment and technology?


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