Trump Has Not Expanded His Base

Even so it's going to be close. How that can be just blows my mind. Democrats were complacent in 2016. Somehow sure Americans were not dumb enough to elect such a horrible man. Hopefully they will never underestimate our collective stupidity again.
Biden has centered his election on winning Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Three states ignored by Hillary
I thought everyone loved Biden.
It's pretty sad when someone has to beg for votes.

Trump is begging an obscene amount of the time. He had his hand out in Georgia the other day....
CNN and ABC have Trump in a dead heat...Biden is toast.

How do you like your toast?
More lies. He broke all kinds of Records. Even took strict DemNazi counties like Mahoning County in Ohio.

Even so it's going to be close. How that can be just blows my mind. Democrats were complacent in 2016. Somehow sure Americans were not dumb enough to elect such a horrible man. Hopefully they will never underestimate our collective stupidity again.
Biden has centered his election on winning Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Three states ignored by Hillary
I thought everyone loved Biden.
It's pretty sad when someone has to beg for votes.

Trump is begging an obscene amount of the time. He had his hand out in Georgia the other day....
CNN and ABC have Trump in a dead heat...Biden is toast.

How do you like your toast?
We'll find out after the law suits are filed.
In fairness, he expanded his vote a bit amongst nonwhites.
One big difference between 2016 and 2020 is that there are far fewer undecided voters. And thus far, they’re all moving towards Biden.

In the final RCP average of polls in 2016, Trump was at 43.6%. Today, Trump is at - ready for this - 43.6%! That’s pretty remarkable.

In 2016, Hillary was at 46.8%. Today, Biden is at 51.4%, a +4.5% swing from 2016.

In 2016, both candidates captured some of the undecideds, so their vote totals were higher than their polls. And Trump captured about 60% of them.

Today, only about 4% of the electorate remains undecided, and that includes at the state level. So Trump is in trouble.

so FN what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
.....we are not like the crybaby NAZI bastard Dems---we accept fair elections
.....what will make a difference is the college KIDS/18 year olds/yougster 20 somethings who don't know shit about the real world --who will vote for HARRIS, not the rich white man Biden .....
....they've lived off their parents and get their knowledge/''facts'' [ hahahah ] /HISTORY from social media
They are trying to pull 1933 when The Nazis stole countless elections and then took over The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany.

DemNazis same as Them Nazis.
Trump Tards will ignore all the numbers (including abysmal fund raising) and on election night when they lose they will blame illegal aliens voting, which they won' be able to prove, and Democrats cheating with mail in ballots, which they also won't be able to prove.

We'll just ignore you for now.

See you on November 3rd

You pissforbrains don't remember how he litterally eschewed fund raising in 2016.


How'd that work out for ya?

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