Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

When Snow White Hillary labelled all of them as deplorables, she was once again being too nice to the filthy contards

Dumber than a snail would be more appropriate

trump is the lamest con ever produced and you all fell for it hook line and sinker.

The republican party is now totally exposed as standing for nothing

Nothing at all

Bravo lemmings
LOL he is a CONVICTED LIAR....twice now! This is funny. I don't care though Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't give a shit.

A convicted felon sure.

But how do you know he’s lying?

LOL he is a CONVICTED LIAR....twice now! This is funny. I don't care though Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't give a shit.

A convicted felon sure.

But how do you know he’s lying?

Because he is a convicted LIAR...that's what he is convicted of. Only TDS stricken morons and Deep state clowns would believe him because they hate President Trump so badly.
I wouldn’t worry about it Trumpies.

After all, y’all have a majority in the Senate right?

And I’m sure, when faced with incontrovertible and corroborated proof of Trumps criminal conduct, those republicans senators will vote to keep a criminal in office...... setting the precedent that a President of the United States....... is above the law.

After all, he can stand on 5th Ave. and shoot someone and not suffer the consequences.


Because he’s above the law and y’all could give a shit.



I’m sure the majority of Americans will give the pussy grabber a pass.


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The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed? Are we living in a twilight zone or what! ROFL this is hilarious.
You think Cohen May have documentation or taped anything?
I don't care if he does or doesn't. ANYTHING can be made up.
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed?

How do you know he’s lying?

His testimony has been corroborated by more witnesses.
LOL he is a CONVICTED LIAR....twice now! This is funny. I don't care though Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't give a shit.
Cohen made up audio tapes of Trump?
Because he is a convicted LIAR...

Who told the truth when faced with this lies.... for which he was convicted of.

But go on.

Who told ANOTHER set of lies to cover up his first set of lies which is why the witch hunt gang is asking for a SUBSTANTIAL sentence...I hope he becomes a big negro's bitch in prison LMAO
Trumps lies layered on top of lies are crumbling down on him
LOL he is a CONVICTED LIAR....twice now! This is funny. I don't care though Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't give a shit.

A convicted felon sure.

But how do you know he’s lying?

Because he is a convicted LIAR...that's what he is convicted of. Only TDS stricken morons and Deep state clowns would believe him because they hate President Trump so badly.

Hey Odium.

You think Trump lied on Muellers questionnaire about his contacts, business or otherwise, with the Russians before or during the campaign?

I think in the end Trump will end up like Al Capone

They won’t be able to get anything to stick to him but he will be brought down by millions in tax fraud

Wonder why he wouldn’t release his taxes?
Nearing the Worst Case Scenario

December 7, 2018 at 9:31 pm EST By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

Garrett Graff: “We are deep into the worst case scenarios. But as new sentencing memos for Trump associates Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen make all too clear, the only remaining question is how bad does the actual worst case scenario get?”

“The potential innocent explanations for Donald Trump’s behavior over the last two years have been steadily stripped away, piece by piece. Special counsel Robert Mueller and investigative reporters have uncovered and assembled a picture of a presidential campaign and transition seemingly infected by unprecedented deceit and criminality, and in regular—almost obsequious—contact with America’s leading foreign adversary.”
Let me put it another way for you Trumpies :)

What are the chances Trump.... DIDN’T LIE in that SCO questionnaire Mueller sent him.

Y’all see where this is going don’t you?

Sure you do.


The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

The NDAs Trump entered into were legal, and not campaign contributions, but FEC fines aren't unusual. Maobam and Sander were both fined by the FEC for trying to hide donors.

Let me put it another way for you Trumpies :)

What are the chances Trump.... DIDN’T LIE in that SCO questionnaire Mueller sent him.

Y’all see where this is going don’t you?

Sure you do.


After Trump the above pic is what takes over... Get ready America.
A bunch of Trumps lawyers went running over to the Special Councils office yesterday to have a confab with Mr. Mueller.

About a week after his handing in that questionnaire.

And one day before today’s filings.

I can’t imagine what for.

Well I can... but.

The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed? Are we living in a twilight zone or what! ROFL this is hilarious.
You think Cohen May have documentation or taped anything?
I don't care if he does or doesn't. ANYTHING can be made up.
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed?

How do you know he’s lying?

His testimony has been corroborated by more witnesses.
LOL he is a CONVICTED LIAR....twice now! This is funny. I don't care though Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't give a shit.
Cohen made up audio tapes of Trump?
Deep state clown Mueller can....he has the former heads of the "intelligence" communities on his side along who knows how many holdovers from the Obama regime.
I kind of wish the deep state tries to to remove President Trump from office..I have been aching for a civil war of cleansing in this country...I have BEEN ready for 15 years so lets get it on.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed? Are we living in a twilight zone or what! ROFL this is hilarious.
You think Cohen May have documentation or taped anything?
I don't care if he does or doesn't. ANYTHING can be made up.
LOL...a CONVICTED liar is now being believed?

How do you know he’s lying?

His testimony has been corroborated by more witnesses.
LOL he is a CONVICTED LIAR....twice now! This is funny. I don't care though Trump could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't give a shit.
Cohen made up audio tapes of Trump?
Deep state clown Mueller can....he has the former heads of the "intelligence" communities on his side along who knows how many holdovers from the Obama regime.

Well you’re just talking out Rush Limbaughs ass now.

But go on.



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